“ramp up”例句

单词 ramp up
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ramp ... up〕The foreign trade is ramping up.外贸正处于上升中。21世纪英汉〔ramp sth up〕Announcement of the merger is expected to ramp up share prices over the next few days.预计公司合并的消息发布后,接下来的几天里股票价格会上扬。剑桥高阶〔ramp sth up〕Mitsubishi has ramped up the speed of its new micro-controllers.三菱公司已经提高了其新生产的微控制器的运行速度。剑桥高阶〔ramp sth up〕The company announced plans to ramp up production to 10,000 units per month.这家公司宣布了每月生产1万件的增产计划。剑桥高阶〔ramp sth up〕To stay competitive, they'll have to ramp up product development as well as cut prices.为保持竞争力,他们除了降价以外,还将不得不加大产品开发的力度。剑桥高阶〔ramp up〕The company has been ramping up production.公司已在加速生产。韦氏高阶〔ramp up〕Work started slowly, but now we're ramping up to full speed.工作开始时进度缓慢,但现在我们正在全速推进。韦氏高阶〔ramp〕Producers can quickly ramp up production.生产商能够很快地提高产量。朗文当代〔ramp〕To ramp up a share price during a takeover bid is unacceptable.在别人出价收购期间抬高股价是不可取的。朗文当代Internet sales have been ramping up over the past year.互联网销售额在过去的一年中一直在增加。牛津商务The manufacturer has ramped up production of this popular new model.制造商已经增加了这款热销新品的生产。牛津商务

