“raw material”例句

单词 raw material
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HOLIDAY/VACATION〕The country relies on tourism and the sale of raw materials for hard currency. 这个国家依赖旅游业和原材料的销售赚取硬通货。朗文写作活用〔NATURAL〕Japan depends on the outside world for virtually all of its raw materials, including oil. 日本几乎所有的原材料,包括石油,都依赖外国提供。朗文写作活用〔PROVIDE/SUPPLY〕The steel industry depends on a regular supply of raw materials. 钢铁工业依赖原材料的定期补给。朗文写作活用〔by-product〕The raw material for the tyre is a by-product of petrol refining.制造轮胎的原材料是提炼汽油时产生的一种副产品。柯林斯高阶〔consumer〕China will remain a large and sustainable consumer of raw materials.中国仍将是原材料消费大国。外研社新世纪〔disaster〕Disaster struck in the late 1970s when the cost of raw materials rocketed.20世纪70年代后期原材料价格飙升时, 灾难降临了。外研社新世纪〔end product〕Every stage of production from obtaining raw materials to recycling end products is monitored for its environmental effects.生产的每一个步骤,从原材料的购进到最终产品的回收利用,都要进行环境影响监控。剑桥高阶〔escalate〕The cost of raw materials has escalated sharply.原料的成本急剧上涨。牛津搭配〔exploitable〕Exploitable raw materials were in short supply.可开发利用的原材料供应不足。柯林斯高阶〔exploitable〕Exploitable raw materials were in short supply.可开发利用的原材料供应不足。外研社新世纪〔feedstock〕Raw material required for an industrial process.给料:工业运转所需的原材料美国传统〔ferroalloy〕Any of various alloys of iron and one or more other elements, such as manganese or silicon, used as a raw material in the production of steel.铁合金:例如锰或硅等铁和一种或几种其它元素构成的不同合金,用作生产钢的原料美国传统〔fodder〕Raw material, as for artistic creation.原料,用于艺术创作美国传统〔govern〕Prices of goods are governed by the cost of the raw materials, as well as by the cost of production and distribution.商品的价格不但取决于生产和运销成本,而且取决于原材料的价格。剑桥高阶〔hoist〕The price of raw materials has been hoisted by 15%.原材料的价格上涨了15%。21世纪英汉〔import〕The country has to import most of its raw materials.这个国家大多数原料均依赖进口。牛津高阶〔insulate〕Until recently the country's economy has been insulated from recession by its reserves of raw materials.该国由于原材料储备充足,直到最近其经济也没有受到衰退的影响。剑桥高阶〔malleable〕Europe saw its colonies as a source of raw material and a malleable workforce.欧洲曾把它的殖民地看作是原材料和驯服劳动力的来源地。剑桥高阶〔nourish〕The country has abundant raw materials to nourish and develop her industries.这国家有丰富的原料来扶植并发展她的工业。英汉大词典〔prefer〕Industries still tend to prefer virgin raw materials to recycled ones.工业界仍然倾向于使用天然原材料,而非再生材料。牛津搭配〔price support〕Maintenance of prices, as of a raw material or commodity, at a certain level usually through public subsidy or government intervention.价格补贴:经常是利用公用补助金或政府干预的方式将初级原料或产品等的价格维持在一定的水平之上美国传统〔producer goods〕Goods, such as raw materials and tools, used to make consumer goods.生产用品:用于制造消费用品的产品,如原料和工具美国传统〔raw material〕These data are the raw material for the analysis.这些数据是供分析的原始材料美国传统〔raw material〕We have had problems with the supply of raw materials to the factory.我们在工厂的原料供应方面遇到过问题。牛津高阶〔raw material〕Wheat and rye are the raw materials for a flour mill.小麦和黑麦是面粉厂的原料。韦氏高阶〔raw〕The cost of our raw materials has risen significantly.我们的原材料价格涨了很多。朗文当代〔raw〕We import raw materials and energy and export mainly industrial products.我们进口原材料和能源,主要出口工业产品。柯林斯高阶〔reforge〕These raw materials were reforged into a new film of plastic.这些原料被重新制作成一种新的塑料薄膜。21世纪英汉〔rely〕The industry relies on the price of raw materials remaining low.这一产业靠的是原料便宜,不涨价。牛津高阶〔repose〕Under the soil there repose vastly greater quantities of raw materials.地下蕴藏着大量更多的原料。英汉大词典〔rest〕Only 55 per cent of the raw material is canned. The rest is thrown away.只有55%的原材料被罐装储存。其余的都被扔掉了。柯林斯高阶〔ship〕Raw materials and labour come by ship, rail or road.原料和工人经水上、铁路和公路运送而来。牛津高阶〔storehouse〕The sea is the world's greatest storehouse of raw materials.海洋是世界上最大的原料宝库。英汉大词典〔supply〕We cannot guarantee adequate supplies of raw materials.我们不能保证提供充足的原料。牛津高阶〔walk〕A shortage of raw materials slowed production to a walk.原料短缺极大降低了生产速度。韦氏高阶Raw materials, land, labour and capital are used to produce finished goods.原材料、土地、劳动力和资本是用来生产制成品的。牛津商务All the raw materials are imported. 所有原料都是进口的。译典通Exporters can now claim duty drawback on locally purchased raw materials.出口商现在可对当地采购的原材料申请退税。牛津商务Higher prices of raw materials have added to the manufacturer's cost price.原材料价格上涨增加了制造商的成本价。牛津商务Most of our raw materials are single-sourced.我们大多数原材料都来自於单一货源。牛津商务Oil is an important raw material which can be processed into many different products, including plastics.石油是一种重要的原材料,可以加工成包括塑料在内的许多不同产品。剑桥国际On the assumption that the increased production targets can be reached, I've ordered extra raw materials.由于断定增加生产的目标能够达到,我订购了更多的原料。剑桥国际Our chief expenditure is on raw materials.我们的主要开支是在原料上。剑桥国际Prices of goods are governed by the cost of the raw materials, as well as by the cost of production and distribution.商品的价格受生产和流通成本影响,同时也受原材料成本影响。剑桥国际Production has come to a halt owing to the lack of raw materials. 由于缺少原料,生产已陷入停顿。译典通The raw materials such as coal and iron are processed in local factories.像煤和铁这样的原材料在当地工厂加工。剑桥国际The French and German inputs will be in the form of raw materials and expertise.法国和德国将以原料和专有技术的形式来投资。剑桥国际The selling price barely covered (the cost of) the raw materials.销售价仅仅够原材料代价。剑桥国际This moving belt feeds the machine with raw material. 这条传送带供给机器所需之原料。译典通Wood and stone are the only raw materials on the island. 木材和石头是这个岛上仅有的原材料。译典通

