“roman catholic”例句

单词 roman catholic
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Catholicism〕The faith, doctrine, system, and practice of a Catholic church, especially the Roman Catholic Church.天主教的信条:天主教堂,尤指罗马天主教堂的信条、教义、体系和惯例美国传统〔Immaculate Conception〕Roman Catholic Church The doctrine that the Virgin Mary was conceived free from all stain of original sin.【罗马天主教】 圣灵怀胎说:认为圣母玛利亚没有沾染原罪而受孕的教义美国传统〔Latin Church〕The Roman Catholic Church.拉丁教堂美国传统〔Latinize〕To cause to follow or resemble the Roman Catholic Church in dogma or practices.使罗马天主教化:导致…在教义或实践上遵循或类似罗马天主教美国传统〔Office of the Dead〕An office traditionally sung or said before a burial mass in the Roman Catholic Church, now obligatory only on All Souls' Day.亡者祷文:罗马天主教传统上于葬礼弥撒前唱念祈祷的仪式,现在成为万灵节专属仪式美国传统〔Opus Dei〕A Roman Catholic organization composed of both clergy and lay members and dedicated to fostering Christian principles at all levels of society.主业会:罗马天主教组织,由神职人员和俗家成员组成,致力于在社会的所有层面培养基督教原则美国传统〔Pontifical Mass〕A celebration of the Eucharist performed by a bishop in all Roman Catholic churches, many Anglican churches, and some Lutheran churches.(主教)大礼弥撒:在所有的罗马天主教堂、许多英国国教教堂及一些路德教堂中,由一主教所举行的圣餐仪式美国传统〔Roman Catholic〕A member of the Roman Catholic Church.天主教教徒:罗马天主教的成员美国传统〔Roman Catholic〕Abbr. RCOf, relating to, or being the Roman Catholic Church.缩写 RC天主教的:属于、有关或是天主教的美国传统〔Roman Catholic〕He's a Roman Catholic.他是个天主教徒。外研社新世纪〔Roman〕Abbr. Rom.Of or relating to the Roman Catholic Church.缩写 Rom.罗马天主教会的:属于或有关罗马天主教会的美国传统〔Romish〕Of or relating to the Roman Catholic Church.属于或有关罗马天主教的美国传统〔bishop〕Roman Catholic bishops 罗马天主教主教韦氏高阶〔black mass〕A travesty of the Roman Catholic Mass, ascribed to reputed worshipers of Satanism.黑弥撒:罗马天主教弥撒的一种滑稽模仿,武断地确认对撒旦主义的崇拜美国传统〔blessed〕Blessed Roman Catholic Church Used as a title before the name of one who has been beatified. Blessed 【罗马天主教】 在天国享福的:用在已经升天的人名前的一种称谓美国传统〔canonization〕Joan of Arc was canonized by the Roman Catholic Church in 1920.圣女贞德于1920年被罗马天主教会封为圣徒。21世纪英汉〔canon〕The calendar of saints accepted by the Roman Catholic Church.为罗马天主教会所公认的圣徒名单美国传统〔catholic〕Of or involving the Roman Catholic Church.罗马天主教教堂的:罗马天主教教堂的或涉及罗马天主教教堂的美国传统〔cleanse〕Roman Catholics go to confession to be cleansed of their sins.罗马天主教徒用忏悔来涤除自己的罪恶。剑桥高阶〔collegiality〕Roman Catholic Church The doctrine that bishops collectively share collegiate power.【罗马天主教】 分权原则:主教们集体分享教权的原则美国传统〔collegial〕Roman Catholic Church Characterized by the equal sharing of power among the bishops.【罗马天主教】 分权的:具有主教间平等分权的特性美国传统〔compendium〕The Roman Catholic Church has issued a compendium of its teachings.天主教会已经颁布了其教义纲要。柯林斯高阶〔concordat〕Roman Catholic Church An agreement between the pope and a government for the regulation of church affairs.【罗马天主教】 政教协约:罗马教皇与政府间关于管理宗教事务的约定美国传统〔deacon〕A cleric ranking just below a priest in the Anglican, Eastern Orthodox, and Roman Catholic churches.执事:英国圣公会、东正教和罗马天主教的教堂中仅次于牧师级别的神职人员美国传统〔dirge〕Roman Catholic Church The Office for the Dead.【罗马天主教】 教规为死者每日七次的祈祷美国传统〔doctor〕Roman Catholic Church An eminent theologian.【罗马天主教】 神学家:显赫的神学者美国传统〔father〕A priest or clergyman in the Roman Catholic or Anglican churches.神父:罗马天主教或盎格鲁教的牧师或神父美国传统〔heretic〕A person who holds controversial opinions, especially one who publicly dissents from the officially accepted dogma of the Roman Catholic Church.信奉邪说的人:持有有争议观点的人,尤指公开反对官方承认的罗马天主教教义的人美国传统〔index〕Index Roman Catholic Church A list formerly published by Church authority, restricting or forbidding the reading of certain books. Index 【罗马天主教】 禁书录:以前由教会权威公布的清单,规定限制或禁止阅读的某些书籍美国传统〔inquisition〕Inquisition A tribunal formerly held in the Roman Catholic Church and directed at the suppression of heresy. Inquisition 宗教法庭:曾设于罗马天主教堂的法庭,目的是对异教进行压制美国传统〔interdict〕Roman Catholic Church An ecclesiastical censure that excludes a person or district from participation in most sacraments and from Christian burial.【罗马天主教】 禁止令:一项基督教禁令,将某人或某地区排除在大部分圣礼之外,并不准其以基督教形式安葬美国传统〔nihil obstat〕Roman Catholic Church An attestation by a church censor that a book contains nothing damaging to faith or morals.【罗马天主教】 印刷出版许可:由教堂检查官颁发的证件,证明某书不含有与信仰或道德相抵触的任何内容美国传统〔oblate〕Oblate Roman Catholic Church A member of one of various religious communities for men or women. Oblate 【罗马天主教】 修士,修女:各种男女宗教团体的成员美国传统〔papacy〕Papacy Roman Catholic Church The system of church government headed by the pope. Papacy 【罗马天主教】 教皇制度:以教皇为最高首脑的教会制度美国传统〔pardon〕Roman Catholic Church An indulgence.【罗马天主教】 免罪,免罪符美国传统〔persuasion〕He is of the Roman Catholic persuasion.他是天主教徒。英汉大词典〔popery〕The doctrines, practices, and rituals of the Roman Catholic Church.罗马天主教的教义、习俗及宗教仪式美国传统〔pope〕Often Pope Roman Catholic Church The bishop of Rome and head of the Roman Catholic Church on earth. 常作 Pope 【罗马天主教】 教皇,罗马主教:罗马主教及世界上所有罗马天主教教堂的领导者美国传统〔priest〕He was ordained as a Roman Catholic priest.他被任命为罗马天主教神父。韦氏高阶〔prose〕Roman Catholic Church A hymn of irregular meter sung after the gradual.【罗马天主教】 (天主教)圣歌:弥撒开阶歌后唱的圣歌美国传统〔purge〕Roman Catholics go to confession to purge their souls/themselves (from/of sin).罗马天主教徒前去忏悔以净化灵魂/涤罪。剑桥高阶〔père〕Père Roman Catholic Church Used as a title for certain priests. Père 【罗马天主教】 神父:用作某种牧师的称谓美国传统〔seat〕The Vatican is the seat of the Roman Catholic Church.梵蒂冈是罗马天主教会的圣座所在地。韦氏高阶〔sequence〕Roman Catholic Church A hymn sung between the gradual and the Gospel.【罗马天主教】 继叙经:在赞美诗和福音之间唱的圣歌美国传统〔sodality〕A society or an association, especially a devotional or charitable society for the laity in the Roman Catholic Church.天主教慈善团体:一个社团或协会,尤其是罗马天主教会中对俗人奉献或施善的团体美国传统〔stability〕Roman Catholic Church A vow committing a Benedictine monk to one monastery for life.【罗马天主教】 天主教僧侣许身寺院的誓约美国传统Roman Catholics go to confession to purge themselves/purge their souls (from/of sin).罗马天主教徒前去忏悔以涤罪/涤清灵魂上的罪。剑桥国际He was baptized a Roman Catholic. 他受洗成为天主教教徒。译典通Our guest is the Roman Catholic Bishop of London.我们的客人是伦敦的天主教主教。剑桥国际The Pope is the supreme leader of the Roman Catholic Church. 教皇是罗马天主教的最高领袖。译典通

