
单词 地区性的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔exploit〕They exploited local crises to make worldwide gains.他们利用地区性的危机来谋取世界范围的好处。英汉大词典〔intentional community〕A small, localized, often rural community of persons or families pursuing common interests or concentrating on certain basic values.共益社区:由追求共同利益或笃守某种基本价值观的个人或家庭组成的小型的,地区性的,通常在乡村的社区美国传统〔non-standard〕Non-standard dialects of English are regional dialects.英语中不规范的方言都是地区性的方言。朗文当代〔rev up〕Now he plans to rev up publicity with a regional media campaign.现在他准备通过开展地区性的媒体活动加大宣传力度。柯林斯高阶〔territorial〕He has territorial rights to drill for oil in this county.他拥有在本县地区性的钻探石油权。英汉大词典The aim is to transfer power/control/responsibility to self-governing regional councils.目的是把权力/控制权/责任转给自治的地区性的政务会。剑桥国际There is endemic racism / poverty / violence in many of the country's cities.这个国家的许多城市存在地区性的民族主义/贫困/暴力。剑桥国际

