
单词 壳内
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔coarctate〕Enclosed in an oval, horny case. Used of an insect pupa.壳内的:封闭在椭圆形角质壳内的。用于一虫蛹美国传统〔coarctation〕The state of being enclosed in an oval, horny case. Used of an insect pupa.封闭状态:封闭在椭圆形角质壳内的状态。用于一虫蛹美国传统〔fan〕The fans rotate inside the housing creating an air flow that generates thrust.风机在外壳内转动, 造成一股产生推力的气流。外研社新世纪〔housing〕The part of a bowsprit that is inside the hull.船首斜桅部分:位于船壳内部的船首斜桅部分美国传统〔inside〕The shell is smooth on the inside.贝壳内壁光滑。牛津高阶〔lobster thermidor〕A dish consisting of cooked lobster meat mixed with a cream sauce, put into a lobster shell, sprinkled with cheese, and browned.蘑菇龙虾:以龙虾制成的一道菜,即把龙虾肉和奶油酱混在一起塞进龙虾壳内,撒上奶酪,并烘焦美国传统〔magma〕Geology The molten rock material under the earth's crust, from which igneous rock is formed by cooling.【地质学】 岩浆:地球外壳内部的熔融岩石物质,冷却后形成火成岩美国传统〔mazaedium〕A fruiting body of some lichens in which the spores lie freely in a powdery mass that is enclosed in a peridium.(地衣孢子的)粉状物:一些地衣的子实体在它内部孢子自由分布于一个被包于子壳内的粉状团美国传统

