
单词 机设
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COMPLICATED〕I didn't realize programming the VCR would be so complicated. 我不知道给录像机设置定时录制会那么麻烦。朗文写作活用〔DIE〕The plane managed to crash-land on St. Lawrence Island with no loss of life. 这架飞机设法在圣劳伦斯岛上强行着陆,无人丧生。朗文写作活用〔DISASTER〕There was a fault in the engine design, which had disastrous consequences. 发动机设计上有个毛病,带来了灾难性的后果。朗文写作活用〔alarmed〕With all this computer equipment, you should really get your house alarmed.有这么多计算机设备,你确实应该给房子里装上报警器。麦克米伦高阶〔belief〕Thieves broke into the building in the mistaken belief that there was expensive computer equipment inside.窃贼闯进大楼,误以为楼里有昂贵的计算机设备。朗文当代〔break〕Thieves broke in and stole £10,000 worth of computer equipment.窃贼破门而入,盗走了价值 10,000 英镑的计算机设备。朗文当代〔cassette deck〕A tape deck designed for recording or playing audiocassettes.录音座:为卡式磁带录音机设计的录音或放音装置美国传统〔compact〕The drill has a compact design.这台钻机设计小巧。韦氏高阶〔cutting edge〕These models are at the cutting edge of computer design.这些模型处于计算机设计的前沿。麦克米伦高阶〔free〕We can probably free up £20,000 for new computer equipment.我们大概可以省下两万英镑来购买新的计算机设备。麦克米伦高阶〔get〕Thieves got away with computer equipment worth $30 000.盗贼偷走了价值 3 万元的计算机设备。牛津高阶〔installation〕The room contained the company's large computer installation.这个房间里装有这家公司的大型计算机设备。韦氏高阶〔installation〕The whole computer installation was nearly new.整套计算机设备几乎是全新的。朗文当代〔jack ... up〕The driver jacked up his car to change the flat tire.司机设法把汽车顶起以换掉爆破的轮胎。21世纪英汉〔lease〕We lease all our computer equipment.我们所有的计算机设备都是租来的。牛津高阶〔line printer〕A high-speed printing device, primarily used in data processing, that prints an entire line of type as a unit instead of printing each character individually.行式打印机:高速打印机设备,主要用于资料处理,作为一个单位一次打印整行字符,而不用一字一字地打印美国传统〔make〕Thieves broke into the school and made off with computer equipment worth £40,000.窃贼闯入学校,盗走了价值 4 万英镑的计算机设备。朗文当代〔mode〕When taking pictures indoors, put the camera in flash mode.在室内拍照时,把照相机设成闪光模式。韦氏高阶〔outdo〕Not to be outdone, other computer manufacturers are also donating machines to schools.为了不让对手超过自己,其他的计算机生产商也在向学校捐赠计算机设备。朗文当代〔payload〕The helicopter is designed to carry a payload of 2640 pounds.这种直升机设计的最大载荷为 2640 磅。朗文当代〔programme〕I've programmed the video to come on at ten.我已经把这台录像机设置在十点钟开机。朗文当代〔set〕Can you help me set the VCR? 你可以帮我把录像机设置好吗?麦克米伦高阶〔set〕Remember to set the video to record the film.别忘了把录像机设定好录下这部影片。朗文当代〔shout〕The driver managed to escape from the vehicle and shout a warning.那个司机设法从车上逃脱并高声警告。外研社新世纪〔shout〕The driver managed to escape from the vehicle and shout a warning.那名司机设法从车里逃了出来并大声警告别人。柯林斯高阶〔specially〕Patrick needs to use specially adapted computer equipment.帕特里克需要使用专门改装过的计算机设备。柯林斯高阶〔springboard〕The 20th-century rocket experimenters springboarded from the heritage of the 19th-century rocket motor design.20世纪的火箭试制者们是踏着19世纪火箭发动机设计的跳板向前跃进的。英汉大词典〔tamperproof〕The computer had been designed to be absolutely tamperproof.这台计算机设计得绝对不致因误用而出故障。英汉大词典〔thief〕Thieves broke into the offices and stole $150,000's worth of computer equipment.小偷破门进入办公室,偷走了价值 15 万美元的计算机设备。朗文当代〔vibrate〕The show's about to start - I'm going to put my phone on vibrate.演出快开始了——我会把手机设置到振动。剑桥高阶〔video〕Can you set the video to record the football match? 你能把录像机设定一下录下这场足球比赛吗?朗文当代〔video〕Did you remember to set the video for 'EastEnders'? 你记得把录像机设定好录制《伦敦东区人》了吗?牛津搭配〔way〕There is no reason why a gifted aircraft designer should also be a capable pilot. In the same way, a brilliant pilot can be a menace behind the wheel of a car.杰出的飞机设计师没有理由一定也是个出色的飞行员。同样,一个优秀的飞行员或许会是个糟糕的司机。柯林斯高阶He knew very little about the philosophy of aircraft designing. 他对飞机设计原理知之甚少。译典通I went to a very go-ahead school which had all the latest computer equipment.我去过一所配备了最新计算机设备的新颖学校。剑桥国际It is now possible to design books/cars by computer.现在用计算机设计书/汽车是可能的。剑桥国际She programmed the computer to calculate the rate of exchange in twelve currencies.她为计算机设计了一套计算12 种货币之间兑换率的程序。剑桥国际Some aircraft are designed to carry bulky freight or vehicles. 有些飞机设计得能运载体积大的货物或车辆。译典通Spending on computer equipment has decreased.计算机设备开支已下降。牛津商务They are the pacemakers in computer design.他们是计算机设计方面的标兵。剑桥国际You can add a rider to a home insurance policy to cover computer equipment.你可以在房屋险保单里增加投保计算机设备的附加险。牛津商务You need to protect your computer equipment from power surges.你需要保护自己的计算机设备,以免遭瞬间高电压损坏。牛津商务

