
单词 正在进行
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONTINUE〕The police refused to comment on the on-going investigation. 警方拒绝评论正在进行的调查。朗文写作活用〔CONTINUE〕We have a major on-going research programme into North Sea pollution. 对于北海的污染问题,我们有一个大型研究项目正在进行朗文写作活用〔CRITICIZE〕Current reforms in the legal system may be open to criticism if they appear to be undemocratic. 正在进行的司法制度改革如果显得不民主,也许会受到批评。朗文写作活用〔DISHONEST〕A major investigation is underway to root out graft there, he said. 他说为了把那里的受贿行为连根拔除,一项重要的调查正在进行朗文写作活用〔INTERESTED〕We stopped the car, riveted by the sight of a village wedding in progress. 我们停下车,被正在进行的乡村婚礼场面深深吸引。朗文写作活用〔NOW〕Coca-Cola's current advertising campaign 可口可乐公司目前正在进行的广告活动朗文写作活用〔RACE〕Studies are under way to find out why men of some races are more prone to some forms of cancer than others. 对为何有些种族的男性比其他种族的更容易患某些类型的癌症,目前正在进行研究。朗文写作活用〔SELL〕One of the Beatles’ guitars is being auctioned for charity. 披头士乐队的一把吉他正在进行慈善拍卖。朗文写作活用〔TEST〕The national railroad is doing a few trial runs to test new equipment. 全国铁路正在进行几次试车以测试新设备。朗文写作活用〔afoot〕There's a project afoot to improve the roads.一项修路工程正在进行中。英汉大词典〔appraisal〕We are holding staff appraisal interviews.我们正在进行员工考评面谈。牛津搭配〔apropos〕Your remark is undoubtedly apropos to what we are discussing.你的话对我们正在进行的讨论无疑是切题的。英汉大词典〔basic training〕Our son is in basic training.我们的儿子正在进行基本训练。韦氏高阶〔campaign〕Local communities are campaigning against the dumping of toxic waste.当地社区正在进行反对倾倒有毒垃圾的运动。牛津搭配〔card game〕At the far end of the room there is a card game going on.在房间的那一端正在进行一场扑克牌比赛。外研社新世纪〔clean up〕After years of neglect and decline, the city was cleaning itself up.在多年的疏于管理和经济衰退过后, 这座城市正在进行自我整顿。外研社新世纪〔conduct〕We are conducting a survey to find out what our customers think of their local bus service.我们正在进行一项调查,了解顾客对当地公交服务系统的看法。剑桥高阶〔conversion〕The company is undergoing a conversion to a new computer system.公司正在进行计算机系统的更新。韦氏高阶〔debate〕An intense debate is going on within the Israeli government.以色列政府内部正在进行激烈的辩论。柯林斯高阶〔diploma〕My son's doing a diploma in social studies.我的儿子正在进行社会研究方面的学位后研究。麦克米伦高阶〔discussion〕Preliminary discussions between the two leaders are now underway.双方领导人的预备会谈目前正在进行之中。麦克米伦高阶〔establish〕An autopsy was being done to establish the cause of death.正在进行尸检以确定死亡原因。柯林斯高阶〔excavation〕Further excavations at the site are now being carried out.对此处更进一步的发掘正在进行中。牛津搭配〔exercise〕The sub was on a classified exercise.潜水艇正在进行一次秘密演习。英汉大词典〔expansion〕The museum is undergoing a major expansion.这座博物馆正在进行大面积的扩建。牛津搭配〔experimentation〕The astronauts are conducting a series of experiments to learn more about how the body adapts to weightlessness.那些宇航员正在进行一系列实验,以更多地了解身体如何适应失重状态。柯林斯高阶〔fence-mending〕The UN Secretary General is on a fence-mending mission.联合国秘书长正在进行斡旋访问。剑桥高阶〔fragment〕The property is being fragmented into subdivisions.这笔财产正在进行分割。韦氏高阶〔ghettoize〕Parts of the city that had been ghettoized are now being restored.这座城市曾经的部分贫民区现正在进行修复。韦氏高阶〔hush-hush〕Apparently there's a very hush-hush project under way up north.貌似这里往北的地方有个非常机密的项目正在进行柯林斯高阶〔in progress〕Several projects are now in progress.现在几个项目正在进行中。韦氏高阶〔internal〕Broadman's face looked as though some vast internal struggle was going on.布罗德曼的脸看起来似乎在他内心正在进行着激烈的思想斗争。麦克米伦高阶〔investigation〕The ongoing investigation has led to numerous intelligence leads.正在进行的调查已牵出了多条情报线索。牛津搭配〔job〕We're interviewing for the job in the Sales Department.我们正在进行销售部的招聘面试。牛津搭配〔location〕We're shooting on location.我们正在进行外景拍摄。外研社新世纪〔maneuver〕The army is on maneuvers.部队正在进行军事演习。韦氏高阶〔manoeuvre〕Large-scale military manoeuvres are being carried out near the border.边境附近正在进行大规模的军事演习。朗文当代〔movement〕There's a movement afoot to rename the town.有一场正在进行的为小镇改名的活动。韦氏高阶〔offshore〕An oil company is drilling offshore.一家石油公司正在进行海上钻探。韦氏高阶〔on〕The deal/game is on.交易/比赛正在进行韦氏高阶〔on〕The war was on then.那时战争正在进行文馨英汉〔parade〕Morning parade was in progress on the parade ground.阅兵场正在进行早间检阅。柯林斯高阶〔perfective aspect〕An aspect of verbs that expresses a completed action as distinct from a continuing or not necessarily completed action.完成体:动词的一种表达完成的动作,区别于正在进行的或不必完成的动作美国传统〔point for〕Our football team is pointing for the World Cup Games.我们的足球队正在进行紧张的训练,迎接世界杯足球赛。21世纪英汉〔poll〕We're carrying out/conducting a poll to find out what people think about abortion.我们正在进行一项民意调查,了解人们对堕胎的看法。剑桥高阶〔practice〕John's at baseball practice.约翰正在进行棒球训练。朗文当代〔probe〕A criminal probe of the bank was under way.对这家银行的刑事调查正在进行中。外研社新世纪〔progress〕There was a tennis match in progress.当时正在进行一场网球比赛。牛津搭配〔project〕My class is doing a project on medieval towns.我们班正在进行一项关于中世纪城镇的研究。牛津搭配〔public service〕Sportsmen are performing a public service by bringing the joys of major-league baseball to their communities.运动员正在进行一项公益活动, 将他们打大联盟棒球比赛的快乐带到了社区。外研社新世纪〔public service〕Sportsmen are performing a public service by bringing the joys of major-league baseball to their communities.运动员们正在进行一项公益活动,将打大联盟棒球比赛的快乐带到了社区。柯林斯高阶〔quiet〕A quiet revolution was underway.一场无声的革命正在进行韦氏高阶〔rage〕The argument rages on (= continues strongly).正在进行激烈的争论。剑桥高阶〔reconstruction〕The bombed city is now undergoing extensive reconstruction.这座曾遭到轰炸的城市现正在进行大规模的重建。牛津搭配〔recover〕Legal action is being taken to try to recover the money.正在进行诉讼以收回那笔钱。柯林斯高阶〔remedial〕He is already walking normally and doing remedial exercises.他已经可以正常行走了, 而且正在进行康复训练。外研社新世纪〔reorganization〕David was worried about major reorganisations taking place at work.戴维对工作上正在进行的重大重组很是忧虑。柯林斯高阶〔reorganize〕The company is reorganizing as a corporation.公司正在进行股份有限公司重组。韦氏高阶〔rescuer〕A major air-sea rescue is under way.一场大规模的海空营救行动正在进行柯林斯高阶〔restoration〕The building is undergoing restoration.大楼正在进行翻修。韦氏高阶〔shake-up〕The company is undergoing a radical shake-up.公司正在进行彻底改组。剑桥高阶〔site〕The site is being cleared for development.这块地正在进行清理以用于开发。牛津搭配〔spring-clean〕The rooms inside were undergoing a spring-cleaning.里面的房间正在进行大扫除。柯林斯高阶〔stump〕The presidential candidates are on the stump today.总统候选人今天正在进行竞选演说。外研社新世纪〔thoroughly〕We are making a thorough investigation.我们正在进行彻底调查。柯林斯高阶〔thorough〕We are making a thorough investigation.我们正在进行彻底调查。外研社新世纪〔toughen〕Talks are under way to toughen trade restrictions.加强贸易限制的会谈正在进行中。柯林斯高阶〔training〕She's in training for the Olympics.她正在进行训练,以备战奥运会。韦氏高阶〔trial〕The drug is now undergoing clinical trials.这种药正在进行临床试验。麦克米伦高阶〔trial〕The new drug is undergoing clinical trials.这种新药正在进行临床试验。牛津高阶〔underway〕Preparations for the trial are underway.审判的筹备工作正在进行英汉大词典〔underway〕Rescue efforts are underway to find the lost climbers.寻找失踪登山者的营救行动正在进行中。麦克米伦高阶〔upgrade〕Medical facilities are being reorganized and upgraded.医疗设施正在进行重组和升级。外研社新世纪〔wake〕A funeral wake was in progress.正在进行葬礼守灵。外研社新世纪〔ward off〕Mass burials are now under way in an effort to ward off an outbreak of cholera.为防止霍乱爆发正在进行大规模掩埋。柯林斯高阶〔way〕A full-scale security operation is now under way.一项全面的安全行动正在进行中…柯林斯高阶〔zero-sum game〕They believe they're playing a zero-sum game, where both must compete for the same paltry resources.他们认为他们之间正在进行一场零和较量, 双方都必须争夺同样少得可怜的资源。外研社新世纪A grand reception is in progress. 大型招待会正在进行译典通Be careful, there's a real ding-dong (of a fight) going on outside.小心点,外头正在进行一番动真格的打斗。剑桥国际Environmental groups are campaigning against sealing (= the hunting and killing of seals) in the North Sea.环保组织正在进行一场反对在北海捕猎海豹的运动。剑桥国际I think there's something funny going on next door.我认为隔壁房间里正在进行什么见不得人的勾当。剑桥国际I'm on a salt- free diet (= I am not allowed to eat any salt).我正在进行无盐食疗。剑桥国际Negotiations are taking place aimed at ending the 10-year-old feud between the two countries.正在进行的协商旨在结束两国之间长达十年的不和。剑桥国际Preparations (= Preparation) for the opening ceremony are well under way.开幕式的准备工作正在进行之中。剑桥国际Repair work is in progress on the south-bound lane of the motorway and will continue until June.高速公路往南车道的修理工作正在进行中,将持续至6月。剑桥国际She likes to dedicate herself 100% to the job in hand.她喜欢竭尽全力完成正在进行的工作。牛津商务She's carrying out a comparative study of health in inner cities and rural areas.她对市中心区和乡村地区的健康问题正在进行比较研究。剑桥国际So much scientific research is being performed that it's virtually impossible to keep up ( with all the new developments).那么多科学研究正在进行,要跟上所有新的发展实际上不可能的。剑桥国际Some new research is being done on the effects that sex and violence on television might have on viewers.针对电视上性和暴力对观众的影响,一项新的研究正在进行中。剑桥国际Talks are being held about who should have sovereignty over (= govern) the island.关于这个岛主权问题的会谈正在进行剑桥国际The birds were performing a mating ritual.鸟儿们正在进行一场交配仪式。剑桥国际The museum is putting on a Hockney retrospective/a retrospective of Hockney's work.博物馆正在进行霍克尼的作品回顾展。剑桥国际The plant is undergoing essential maintenance.工厂正在进行基础保养。牛津商务The research is now in progress, but the going (= starting and continuing with it) has been slower than anticipated owing to a reduction in government funding.研究正在进行,但由于政府资金的削减,进度比预期的要慢。剑桥国际There is a radical restructuring of the company going on.该公司正在进行彻底重组。剑桥国际There's an archaeological dig going on at the site of a 4000-year-old settlement.在有4000年历史的居民点上正在进行考古挖掘。剑桥国际They are engaged in a holding operation, designed to keep the company afloat (= with enough money to survive).他们正在进行一项旨在维持公司生存的拦截行动。牛津商务Track repairs are being carried out in the area so expect delays to both inbound and outbound trains.这地区的铁轨正在进行修理,因此准备好出发或返回的火车都有可能误点。剑桥国际We are conducting a study of how people use our products.我们正在进行关于人们如何使用我们产品的研究。牛津商务We're having/holding a collection (=getting money from people who want to give it) for charity/Tom's retirement present.我们正在进行慈善募捐/为汤姆买退休礼物而筹款。剑桥国际

