
单词 我已经习惯了
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔OFFEND〕I didn't take his rebuff too personally, since I was used to his habit of being rude to his juniors. 他的拒绝我不大在意,因为我已经习惯了他对下属总是很无礼。朗文写作活用〔WORK〕Over the years, I'd gotten used to all the perks of working at a posh downtown Miami law firm. 这些年来,我已经习惯了在迈阿密市中心一家高级律师事务所工作的种种好处。朗文写作活用〔accustomed〕I was accustomed to being the only child at a table full of adults.我已经习惯了作为唯一一个小不点坐在一桌大人中间。柯林斯高阶〔get bent out of shape〕I'm not getting bent out of shape because people don't respect my opinion. I'm used to that.我并不因为人们不尊重我的意见而沮丧。我已经习惯了剑桥高阶〔used to〕Don't worry, I'm used to it.别担心, 我已经习惯了外研社新世纪

