
单词 平等对待
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔basis〕They want all groups to be treated on an equal basis.他们想要所有群体都受到平等对待外研社新世纪〔equally〕We try to treat every member of staff equally.我们尽可能平等对待每一位工作人员。牛津高阶〔equal〕It's time we were treated as equals.是我们得到平等对待的时候了。麦克米伦高阶〔impudence〕Dominican liked to treat the Count as an equal, an impudence the Count tolerated because it amused him.多米尼加人喜欢平等对待伯爵;这一放肆行为得到伯爵的容忍, 因为这令伯爵很愉快。外研社新世纪〔sexual orientation〕Everyone will be treated equally, regardless of sexual orientation.不论性倾向如何,每个人都会被平等对待剑桥高阶〔treat〕Try to treat everyone as an equal.尽量平等对待每个人。韦氏高阶It's a real condemnation of (=reason for criticizing) the church that they don't accept women as equals.教会不平等对待妇女理应受到谴责。剑桥国际Small employers need support to comply with disability legislation (= that states that people with a disability must not be treated less fairly than others).小雇主需要资助以遵守残疾法规(必须平等对待残疾人)。牛津商务The union is demanding equal treatment for agency and permanent staff.工会要求平等对待代理职员和正式员工。牛津商务These regulations do not discriminate a large company from a small one.这些条例平等对待大小不同的公司。牛津商务

