
单词 德克
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Adak〕An island of western Alaska in the central Aleutian Islands. It was an important military base during World War II.艾德克岛:美国阿拉斯加西部的一岛屿,位于阿留申群岛中部。二战期间为重要的军事基地美国传统〔FRIGHTENED/FRIGHTENING〕Decker knew that the senior officer was wrong, but was too timid to tell him. 德克尔知道上级错了,可他过于胆怯,不敢告诉他。朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕The governing body decided to exclude Declan for two weeks. 主管机构决定将德克兰停课两周。朗文写作活用〔Liederkranz〕A trademark for a soft cheese resembling a mild Limburger.利德克兰兹牌乳酪:象林堡软干酪的一种软质奶酪的商标名美国传统〔NEXT TO〕Dirk went and stood by her side, his arm around her slender waist. 德克走过去站到她的身边,一手揽着她纤细的腰。朗文写作活用〔PROFIT〕Traidcraft is a non-profitmaking organization that buys goods from Indian workers at fair prices. “翠德克拉夫特”是一家非赢利机构,它以公平的价格购买印度工人的产品。朗文写作活用〔SIZE〕The extent of the Red Creek ranch is enormous. 雷德克里克牧场的面积非常大。朗文写作活用〔anticlimax〕Barry's speech followed Dirk Bogarde's appearance, and was an inevitable anticlimax.巴里紧随德克·博加德之后发表了演讲,不出所料,演讲顿时变得索然无味。柯林斯高阶〔as〕Jim Radcliffe became our idol, as it were, the man we all wanted to be.吉姆‧拉德克利夫可以说是我们的偶像,我们都想成为他那样的人。朗文当代〔break〕Radcliffe broke away 200 metres before the finish.拉德克利夫在终点前 200 米的位置甩开了其他对手。朗文当代〔collapse〕Governor Deukmejian called for an inquiry into the freeway's collapse.德克梅吉恩州长要求对高速公路塌陷事件进行调查。柯林斯高阶〔collapse〕Governor Deukmejian called for an inquiry into the freeway's collapse.德克梅吉恩州长要求对高速公路的垮塌进行调查。外研社新世纪〔county〕Texas is divided into 254 counties.德克萨斯州划分为254个县。剑桥高阶〔electric chair〕He is scheduled to die in the electric chair this week in Texas.他将于本周在德克萨斯州被送上电椅处死。麦克米伦高阶〔favour〕Radcliffe's books began to find favour with the reading public.拉德克利夫的书开始受到读者的青睐。朗文当代〔final〕The final whistle (=blown at the end of a game) was only seconds away when Redknapp equalised.雷德克纳普将比分扳平时离终场哨声吹响只有几秒钟时间。朗文当代〔flicker〕Dirk's eyes flickered towards the pistol.德克的眼睛瞟向那把手枪。外研社新世纪〔flicker〕Dirk's eyes flickered towards the pistol.德克的眼睛瞟向那把手枪。柯林斯高阶〔gnaw〕Dexter gnawed his pen thoughtfully.德克斯特若有所思地咬着钢笔。朗文当代〔grape〕By his speech and his unsteady gait, the Texan multimillionaire had obviously imbibed deeply of the grape.从讲话和蹒跚的步态可以明显看出, 这位德克萨斯富豪葡萄酒喝得太多了。外研社新世纪〔hospital〕She works at the John Radcliffe Hospital.她在约翰・拉德克利夫医院工作。牛津搭配〔kill off〕Colin Dexter's decision to kill off Inspector Morse科林•德克斯特在书中安排摩尔斯探长死掉的决定外研社新世纪〔life〕Viewers will remember the dashing hero, Dirk, risking life and limb to rescue Daphne from the dragons.观众不会忘记风度翩翩的男主角德克冒着生命危险把达芙妮从恶龙爪下救出的情形。柯林斯高阶〔manoeuvre〕Dexter tried every manoeuvre he could to overtake the truck.德克斯特千方百计想超过那辆卡车。麦克米伦高阶〔name〕The woman who was shot has been named as Mary Radcliff.被枪杀的女子名叫玛丽‧拉德克利夫。朗文当代〔occasion〕Dekker had risen to the occasion with an insight that surprised us all.德克尔以其出乎所有人意料的洞察力化解了此次危机。外研社新世纪〔oilman〕He was a millionaire Texas oilman.他是一名德克萨斯石油富商。外研社新世纪〔pass〕Nancy wasn't sure if Dirk was making a pass at her.南希不确定德克是不是在勾引她。柯林斯高阶〔pity〕Dirk took pity on me and let me stay at his house.德克同情我,让我住在他的房子里。麦克米伦高阶〔place〕De Klerk secured his place in history by releasing Mandela and starting the process of change.德克勒克释放了曼德拉,开启变革之路,从而名垂青史。麦克米伦高阶〔prize〕De Klerk shared the peace prize with Nelson Mandela in 1993.德克勒克与纳尔逊・曼德拉分享了 1993 年的诺贝尔和平奖。牛津搭配〔reject〕Dexter flatly rejected (=completely rejected) calls for his resignation.德克斯特对要他辞职的呼声置之不理。朗文当代〔shore〕As soon as they were safely back to shore, Dirk raced for the nearest phone.他们一安全抵岸,德克就飞快地奔向最近的电话。柯林斯高阶〔sink〕Dexter sank back into his seat.德克斯特又坐回到座位上。牛津搭配〔smile〕Dexter smiled to himself as he remembered the incident.德克斯特一想起那件事就暗自发笑。麦克米伦高阶〔sparing〕Dexter was deliberately sparing with his words.德克斯特故意不多说。麦克米伦高阶〔start〕Liverpool gave Jamie Redknapp his first start of the season against Fulham.利物浦队在对富勒姆队的比赛时让杰米·雷德克纳普在本赛季中第一次先发上场。麦克米伦高阶〔strange〕She felt there was something strange about Dexter's voice.她觉得德克斯特的声音有点奇怪。朗文当代〔street〕Radcliffe is streets ahead of her rivals.拉德克利夫比她的对手们强很多。麦克米伦高阶〔thin〕Dexter won by a thin margin(=a small number of votes).德克斯特以微弱优势获胜。麦克米伦高阶In Texas and Oklahoma, you can see many ranch-style buildings. 在德克萨斯和奥克拉荷马,你可以看见许多牧场式的建筑。译典通Nelson Mandela and President De Klerk were jointly awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1993.纳尔逊·曼德拉和德克勒克总统共同获得了1993年诺贝尔和平奖。剑桥国际She was first introduced to country music at one of those West Texas honky-tonks.她是在德克萨斯西部的一家低档夜总会中首次接触乡村音乐的。剑桥国际The annexation of the Republic of Texas by the United States took place in 1845. 德克萨斯共和国于一八四五年被并入美国版图。译典通

