
单词 度量
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔R-value〕A measure of the capacity of a material, such as insulation, to impede heat flow, with increasing values indicating a greater capacity.R值:度量材料(如绝缘体)的拉热流能力的单位,R值越大,说明拉热流能力越强美国传统〔Secchi depth〕A measure of the cloudiness or turbidity of surface water.塞其深度:用以测量水表浑浊程度的度量单位美国传统〔absolute〕Relating to measurements or units of measurement derived from fundamental units of length, mass, and time.绝对零度标定的:度量度量单位的,从长度、质量或时间的基本单位而得出美国传统〔area〕Abbr. AThe extent of a planar region or of the surface of a solid measured in square units.缩写 A面积:以平方单位度量的平面区域或固体表面的大小美国传统〔as-maintained〕Currents and voltages are almost always measured in terms of as-maintained units.电流和电压几乎总是用标准度量衡单位测量的。英汉大词典〔astronomical distance〕The distance from one celestial body to another, measured in light-years, parsecs, or astronomical units.天文距离:从一天体到另一天体的距离,以光年,秒差距和天文单位来度量美国传统〔board measure〕Measurement in board feet.板尺度量美国传统〔chlorinity〕A measure of the amount of chlorine or other halides in water, especially seawater.水中氯度:一种测量水里,特别是海水中氯或其它卤化物含量的度量单位美国传统〔clock〕Any of various devices that indicate measurement, such as a speedometer or a taximeter.秒表,计程器:一种显示度量的仪器,例如秒表或计程器美国传统〔coefficient〕A numerical measure of a physical or chemical property that is constant for a system under specified conditions such as the coefficient of friction.系数,率:物理或化学性质的数值度量,在规定条件下对于一个系统来说它是常量,例如摩擦系数美国传统〔comparator〕Any of various instruments for comparing a measured property of an object, such as its shape, color, or brightness, with a standard.精密度测量器:一种仪器,用于比较物体的可度量性质,例如按标准度量它的形状、颜色或亮度美国传统〔dial〕A graduated surface or face on which a measurement, such as speed, is indicated by a moving needle or pointer.标度盘:有刻度的表面或面,在上面由活动的指针或指示器表示度量衡,比如温度美国传统〔differential〕The product of the derivative of a function containing one variable multiplied by the increment of the independent variable.微分:用独立变量乘以含有一个度量的函数,然后对其求导所得的结果美国传统〔directness〕We cannot measure pain directly. It can only be estimated.我们无法直接度量出疼痛的程度,而只能是作出估计。柯林斯高阶〔em〕The width of a square or nearly square piece of type, used as a unit of measure for matter set in that size of type.全身:一个长方形或近似方形的字形的宽度,用来度量以此宽度为单位的长度美国传统〔geometry〕The mathematics of the properties, measurement, and relationships of points, lines, angles, surfaces, and solids.几何学:研究点、线、角度、面和立体实物的性质、度量和关系的数学美国传统〔imperial〕Of or belonging to the British Imperial System of weights and measures.度量衡英制的:度量衡英制的或属于度量衡英制的美国传统〔incommensurable〕Mathematics Having no common measure or number of which all the given lengths or measures are integral multiples.【数学】 不可通约的,无共同尺度的:没有一个公约数或一个数值能使所有给出的长度或度量成为其整数倍数美国传统〔latitude〕Astronomy The angular distance of a celestial body north or south of the ecliptic.【天文学】 黄纬:黄道以南或以北天体的用角度量的距离美国传统〔mean-spirited〕Having or characterized by a malicious or petty spirit.小气的,度量狭窄的:具有卑鄙的、小气的心绪的或以其为特征的美国传统〔measurement〕The act of measuring or the process of being measured.量,测量,度量:测量过程或行为美国传统〔measure〕Dimensions, quantity, or capacity as ascertained by comparison with a standard.度量:用标准比较确定的尺寸、数量、容量美国传统〔measure〕The act of measuring.测量,度量美国传统〔measure〕The dictionary includes a table of weights and measures.这本词典附有度量衡表。韦氏高阶〔metrical〕Of or relating to measurement.度量的,测量的美国传统〔metrication〕Conversion to the metric system of weights and measures; metrification.公制化:测量重量和度量时采用公制;改为公制美国传统〔metric〕A standard of measurement.度量:衡量标准美国传统〔metrology〕A system of measurement.度量衡制美国传统〔metrology〕The science that deals with measurement.度量衡学:研究度量衡的科学美国传统〔module〕A standard or unit of measurement.模:度量标准或单位美国传统〔period〕A metrical unit of quantitative verse consisting of two or more cola.定量测量单位:包括两个或两个以上音行的定量韵律的度量单位美国传统〔permeance〕A measure of the ability of a magnetic circuit to conduct magnetic flux; the reciprocal of reluctance.磁导:磁路传导磁通量能力的度量;磁阻的倒数美国传统〔quartern〕One fourth of something, especially of some weights and measures.四分之一:某物的四分之一,尤指某些重量单位及度量单位的美国传统〔question〕Babylonian sages who questioned the stars in their efforts to measure time 为度量时间而研究星星的巴比伦哲人英汉大词典〔reference〕Tables of measures and weights are referenced at the end of the book.书末附有度量衡表以供参考。21世纪英汉〔reluctance〕Physics A measure of the opposition to magnetic flux, analogous to electric resistance.【物理学】 磁阻:对磁流动的阻碍的度量,同电流的阻抗类似美国传统〔rem〕A unit for measuring absorbed doses of radiation, equivalent to one roentgen of x-rays or gamma rays.雷姆:度量被吸收的辐射数量单位,相当于一伦琴的X光射线或伽码射线美国传统〔renal clearance〕The volume of plasma completely cleared of a specific compound per unit time and measured as a test of kidney function.肾清除率:每一单位时间内完全清除了某一特定的化合物的血浆的数量,作为测试肾脏功能的度量美国传统〔roll〕A quantity, as of cloth or wallpaper, rolled into a cylinder and often considered as a unit of measure.一卷:一卷布或一卷墙纸等被卷成圆筒状且通常被当作度量单位的数量美国传统〔shallow〕Measuring little from bottom to top or surface; lacking physical depth.浅的:从底部向顶部或表面度量很少的;缺少实质深度的美国传统〔standard〕An object that under specified conditions defines, represents, or records the magnitude of a unit.度量衡标准:在特定条件下,指定、代表或者记录一个单位大小的物体美国传统〔thickness〕The dimension between two surfaces of an object, usually the dimension of smallest measure.厚度:常指物体两面之间最小的那一度量美国传统〔unequally〕The Egyptians probably measured their day in twenty-four hours of unequal length.埃及人很有可能用不同长度的24小时来度量日子。柯林斯高阶〔unequal〕Not the same in any measurable aspect, such as extent or quantity.不相等的:在任何度量方面都不相同,例如范围或数量美国传统〔unit pricing〕The pricing of goods on the basis of cost per unit of measure.单价:以每单位度量的成本为基础的商品定价美国传统〔weight〕A measure of the heaviness of an object.重量:一个物体的重量的度量美国传统Accurate measurement is very important in science.准确度量在科学研究中十分重要。牛津商务Any type of data that could not be directly measured was rejected.任何无法直接进行度量的数据都被弃用了。牛津商务He always measured in metres instead of yards to reinforce his credentials as a keen European.他总用米而不用码来度量,来进一步证明他是个热切的欧洲人。剑桥国际The consumer price index is a key measure of inflation at the retail level.消费品物价指数是零售层面上通货膨胀的重要度量标准。牛津商务

