
单词 当差
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADMIT〕Monica admitted playing rather badly in her last match. 莫妮卡承认在上次比赛中她打得相当差劲。朗文写作活用〔DISAPPROVE〕He had a very low opinion of insurance salesmen. 他对保险推销员评价相当差朗文写作活用〔bellhop〕A person employed by a hotel to assist guests, as by carrying luggage and doing errands.旅馆服务员:被旅馆雇佣为客人服务的人,如搬运行李和当差美国传统〔come〕He came off quite badly in the exchange of insults.在对骂中他表现得相当差劲。麦克米伦高阶〔glorified〕His title is Assistant to the Director, but he's really just a glorified errand boy.他美其名曰是主任助理,但实际上只是一个小当差的。韦氏高阶〔good〕His hearing is still good but his eyesight is pretty poor/bad.他听力仍然很好,但视力相当差韦氏高阶〔poor〕Last year's exam results were fairly poor.去年的考试成绩相当差剑桥高阶〔ragged〕The team was rather ragged in the first half of the game.这支球队上半场踢得相当差劲。剑桥高阶If you look at the way the furniture has been put together, it's fairly shoddy.你看看这些家具被组装起来的方式,做工相当差剑桥国际They've had plenty of time to prepare, so the arrangements should be well in hand (=almost ready).他们花了很多时间准备,因此安排应当差不多好了。剑桥国际

