
单词 忘却
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HOPE〕Everett soon forgot all his hopes of fame and fortune. 埃弗里特很快就忘却了他对名利的一切期望。朗文写作活用〔REMIND/MAKE SB REMEMBER〕The town wanted to forget the war but the destroyed bridge was a painful reminder. 小镇上的人希望忘却战争,但那座被摧毁的桥却总会引起痛苦的回忆。朗文写作活用〔RISK〕The achievements of the 1917 Revolution are now in danger of being forgotten. 1917年革命的成就现在正面临着被忘却的危险。朗文写作活用〔admonish〕To remind of something forgotten or disregarded, as an obligation or a responsibility.提醒,敦促:使想到忘却的或忽视的事,如义务或责任美国传统〔alive〕The idea of marriage is still alive and kicking.结婚的想法始终不曾忘却麦克米伦高阶〔banish〕England must make a good start to banish the memory of their World Cup quarter-final defeat.英格兰队必须有一个好的开始, 以忘却世界杯四分之一决赛的失利。外研社新世纪〔blanket〕It seems as if the blanket of depression is in some way necessary to help them blot out the even greater pain of real life.似乎这种弥漫的抑郁情绪多少能帮助他们忘却一些现实生活中更大的痛苦。柯林斯高阶〔blank〕His name has been blanked out.他的名字已被忘却英汉大词典〔blank〕I don't remember anything about that period in my life—I must have blanked it out.我不记得我一生中那段时期的任何事情——我定是把它忘却了。21世纪英汉〔block out〕She doesn't remember a thing; she has blocked it all out.她什么也不记得了;她已经把所有的一切都忘却了。外研社新世纪〔brew up〕They have not yet got over the row that brewed up between them in the spring.他们仍未忘却那个春天他们之间发生的争吵。外研社新世纪〔buried〕She buried the insult.她忘却了耻辱。21世纪英汉〔erase〕He couldn't erase the image from his mind.他无法忘却那种印象。朗文当代〔erase〕She had tried to erase the memory of that day.她试图忘却那天的事情。朗文当代〔erase〕She tried to erase the memory of that evening.她试图忘却那天晚上的事。牛津高阶〔erase〕These feelings of bitterness were hard to erase.这些苦涩的感受很难忘却外研社新世纪〔exorcism〕Music remains a kind of exorcism for him.音乐仍可使他忘却痛苦的经历。麦克米伦高阶〔exorcize〕He confronted his childhood trauma and tried to exorcize the pain.他直面童年的创伤, 试图忘却伤痛。外研社新世纪〔fleeting〕For one fleeting moment , Paula allowed herself to forget her troubles.就在这一片刻,葆拉让自己暂时忘却了烦恼。朗文当代〔forgetful〕Causing one to be unable to remember.导致忘却美国传统〔forget〕The pain and misery are impossible to forget.这种痛苦和不幸令人难以忘却韦氏高阶〔forget〕To be unable to remember (something).忘记,忘却:无法记起(某物)美国传统〔haunt〕He would always be haunted by that scene in Well Park.他将永远无法忘却发生在威尔公园的那一幕。外研社新世纪〔lethe〕A condition of forgetfulness; oblivion.忘却、遗忘:忘却、遗忘的状态;遗忘美国传统〔lethe〕Lethe Greek Mythology The river of forgetfulness, one of the five rivers in Hades. Lethe 【希腊神话】 忘川:忘却之河,遗忘之河,是冥府中五条河流之一美国传统〔look〕The party needs to look to the future and forget its past problems.该政党应该着眼于未来,忘却过去存在的问题。麦克米伦高阶〔mightily〕She strove mightily to put Mike from her thoughts.她拼命想忘却迈克。柯林斯高阶〔obliterate〕Anne was eager to obliterate her error.安妮希望忘却她的错误。英汉大词典〔obliterate〕He tried to obliterate all thoughts of Mary from his mind.他尽力忘却对玛丽的一切思念。麦克米伦高阶〔obliterate〕Maybe she gets drunk to obliterate painful memories.也许她喝醉酒是为了忘却痛苦的往事。剑桥高阶〔obliterate〕Nothing could obliterate the memory of those tragic events.什么也不能让人忘却那些悲惨的事件。朗文当代〔oblivion〕He sought oblivion in a bottle of whisky.他试图用一瓶威士忌酒来忘却一切。剑桥高阶〔oblivion〕The technology is destined/headed for oblivion.这项技术注定要被忘却/正被渐渐遗忘。韦氏高阶〔oblivious〕Lacking all memory; forgetful.健忘的;忘却美国传统〔past〕He was forced to confront his forgotten past.他被迫面对自己已忘却的过去。牛津搭配〔prisoner〕We are all prisoners of our childhood and feel an obligation to it.我们都无法忘却自己的童年, 觉得仍然为它所缚。外研社新世纪〔put〕To put grief away is disloyal to the memory of the departed.忘却悲痛有悖于对亡者的怀念。英汉大词典〔rid herself of〕She went to the beach to relax and rid herself of all her worries.她去海滩放松一下,让自己忘却所有的烦恼。韦氏高阶〔rule〕The period of Fascist rule is one people try to forget.那段法西斯统治的历史时期是人们想要努力忘却的。剑桥高阶〔soon〕It revived memories he would as soon forget.这唤起了他那宁可忘却的记忆。英汉大词典〔start over〕The agreement allows old expectations to be forgotten and everyone can start afresh.协议使大家可以忘却原有的期望,每个人都能从头来过。剑桥高阶〔stick〕It was a moment that has stuck with me for years.那是我多年来不能忘却的时刻。麦克米伦高阶〔unlearn〕It took him a long time to unlearn what he learned in his childhood.经过很长时间他才忘却了儿童时代所学到的知识。21世纪英汉〔waken〕The dream wakened a forgotten memory.那梦唤起了一段忘却的记忆。牛津高阶〔wash ... away〕The story was washed away.故事被忘却了。21世纪英汉All the bad blood between them was forgotten when they had to unite against the enemy. 他们忘却了所有的恩怨,联合抗敌。译典通Anne was eager to obliterate her error. 安妮极想忘却她的错误。译典通He sought oblivion in a bottle of whisky.他用威士忌酒帮助忘却一切。剑桥国际I don't remember anything about that period in my life -- I must have blanked it out.我人生中那段时间的事我都不记得了----我一定是把它忘却了。剑桥国际I figured that if she really wanted to travel the world, it was better for her to do it and get it out of her system.我认为她要是真的想去周游世界,最好说做就做,满足这种愿望后忘却它。剑桥国际I wish an oblivious slumber could help me forget what happened today. 我真希望昏睡能使我忘却今天发生的事情。译典通The European Community helped France and Germany forget the old animosities between them.欧共体帮助法德两国忘却二者之间的宿仇。剑桥国际The agreement allows old expectations to be forgotten and everyone can start afresh.这协议允许人们忘却旧的期望,每个人都能重新开始。剑桥国际The period of foreign/Fascist rule is one people try to forget.外国/法西斯统治时期是人民想忘却的时期。剑桥国际There was a lot of/a great hoo-ha about the pictures that the paper published, but it was soon forgotten.报上刊登的照片引起了很大的轰动,但很快便被忘却了。剑桥国际They forgot old scores and became friends. 他们忘却旧仇,成了朋友。译典通Your kindness is not lost upon me. 你的好意我是不会忘却的。译典通

