“to develop”例句

单词 to develop
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CAN/CAN'T〕Teachers have the responsibility to develop students’ powers of critical thinking. 教师有责任培养学生缜密的思维能力。朗文写作活用〔INTERFERE〕The Internet should be allowed to develop without any interference from the government. 应该允许互联网在不受政府任何干预的情况下发展。朗文写作活用〔UNITE〕The two manufacturers, who were once bitter rivals, have now joined forces to develop a new sports car. 这两家制造商曾经是激烈的竞争对手,现合力在开发一款新跑车。朗文写作活用〔adaptive〕Societies need to develop highly adaptive behavioural rules for survival.社会需要制定出具有高度适应性的生存法则。外研社新世纪〔best〕It's not the best place to live if you wish to develop your knowledge and love of mountains.如果你想增长知识、培养登山爱好的话,这可不是最好的地方。柯林斯高阶〔collaborate〕A German company collaborated with a Swiss firm to develop the product.一家德国公司与一家瑞士小公司合作开发该产品。剑桥高阶〔collaborate〕Researchers are collaborating to develop the vaccine.研究人员在合作研发疫苗。朗文当代〔collaborate〕Researchers around the world are collaborating to develop a new vaccine.世界各地的研究人员正在合作培育一种新的疫苗。牛津高阶〔community〕One of the major goals is to develop a sense of community.主要目标之一是培养归属感。麦克米伦高阶〔contact〕It takes time to develop contacts.建立关系需要时间。牛津搭配〔critically〕We want all our students to develop into mature citizens who are able to think critically. 我们希望我们所有的学生能够成长为成熟的公民,具有批判性思考的能力。剑桥高阶〔develop〕A builder wants to develop a large piece of land along the river.开发商想开发建设河边的一大块土地。韦氏高阶〔develop〕A company applied to develop the land for housing.一家公司申请开发这片土地,建造住宅。麦克米伦高阶〔develop〕How long will it take to develop these pictures?冲印这些照片要花多长时间?21世纪英汉〔develop〕Large cracks began to develop in the wall.墙上开始出现了一些很大的裂缝。剑桥高阶〔develop〕She has been exercising regularly to develop her back muscles.她经常锻炼背部肌肉。韦氏高阶〔develop〕The council house is planning to develop the area to the east of the town centre.市政厅计划开发市中心以东的地区。21世纪英汉〔etiolate〕Botany To cause (a plant) to develop without chlorophyll by preventing exposure to sunlight.【植物学】 使黄化:用使(植物)不受阳光的办法,使其在无叶绿素的情况下生长美国传统〔evidence〕There is growing/mounting/increasing evidence that people whose diets are rich in vitamins are less likely to develop some types of cancer.越来越多的证据表明,饮食中富含维生素的人不那么容易患某些癌症。剑桥高阶〔export〕We are planning to develop our export market/trade.我们正计划拓展我们的出口市场/贸易。剑桥高阶〔faculty〕We try to develop the student's critical faculties.我们努力培养学生的批判能力。牛津搭配〔further〕They lacked the scientific personnel to develop the technical apparatus much further.他们缺少能够进一步研发这一技术装置的科研人员。柯林斯高阶〔inquiringly〕All this helps children to develop an inquiring attitude to learning.所有这些都有助于培养孩子好学爱问的态度。柯林斯高阶〔instinct〕In negotiating you have to develop an instinct for when to be tough and when to make a deal.在谈判中必须练就一种直觉,知道何时该强硬,何时该妥协。牛津搭配〔means〕Small businesses don't have the means to develop a sophisticated Internet presence.小企业通常没有财力投资建设复杂的因特网平台。麦克米伦高阶〔offset〕To develop, project, or be situated as an offset.开始发展:作为开始的阶段发展成、设计成或使处于开始阶段美国传统〔performance〕The course aims to develop the children's appreciation of music in performance.该课程旨在培养孩子们欣赏音乐演出的鉴赏力。牛津搭配〔posture〕These exercises help to develop good posture.这些锻炼有助于形成良好的体态。外研社新世纪〔programme〕We are all genetically programmed to develop certain illnesses.基因决定了我们都会患上某些疾病。柯林斯高阶〔prone〕People with fair skin who sunburn easily are very prone to develop skin cancer.皮肤白皙容易晒伤的人极易患皮肤癌。柯林斯高阶〔race relations〕In some communities there is a particular need to develop tolerance and improve race relations.某些社区亟需发扬宽容精神,改善种族关系。柯林斯高阶〔room〕Children need to have room to develop their natural creativity.儿童需要空间来发挥他们天生的创造力。朗文当代〔rust〕Botany To develop a disease caused by a rust fungus.【植物学】 由锈菌引起的病害美国传统〔soft〕Taking the soft option won't help your career to develop.图省事对你事业的发展没好处。朗文当代〔study〕The first part of the course is designed to develop students' study skills.该课程的第一部分旨在培养学生的学习技巧。牛津搭配〔such〕Large and important projects such as this one often take years to develop.类似这样的重大项目往往要耗费数年时间来建设。麦克米伦高阶〔system〕We'll have to develop a better filing system.我们必须设计出一套适当的归档方法。剑桥高阶〔totipotency〕The ability of a cell, such as an egg, to give rise to unlike cells and thus to develop into or generate a new organism or part.全能性:一细胞如卵细胞产生不相似细胞的能力,从而发育或生成一新的生物体或部分美国传统〔vision〕The company needs to develop a global vision.这家公司需要培养全球性的视野。牛津搭配All three companies have entered the race to develop a new system.三家公司都参加了开发新系统的竞争。剑桥国际He wants to develop the whole block and doesn't mind paying top dollar to get hold of the remaining properties.他想发展整个街区,不在乎出大钱买下其余的地产。剑桥国际I'm looking for a job which will enable me fully to develop (= make stronger) my skills/talents.我在找一项能够让我充分发展技能/才能的工作。剑桥国际Plans are already made to develop the wasteland. 开发这片未开垦地的规划已经制定。译典通The American and Japanese car companies have set up a joint venture to develop a new model of van for the American market.美日汽车公司已经建立一家合资企业为美国市场开发一种新型货车。剑桥国际The company is spending $650 million to develop new products/technology.公司投入6.5亿美元开发新产品/技术。剑桥国际The group was accused of introversion, turning their backs on society and its problems to develop their own interests.这个群体因为其内倾性受到指责,不关心社会与社会问题,只顾发展自己的兴趣。剑桥国际The report recommends government support to develop several housing options for people with AIDS, such as hospice care and rental subsidies.这份报告建议政府为艾滋病人支持发展几项居住选择,诸如临终医院护理和租房补助。剑桥国际The study showed that one in twelve women is likely to develop breast cancer.研究显示,每12位妇女中有一位有可能患上乳癌。剑桥国际We have signed a master franchise agreement with an international corporation to develop stores in 8 African countries.我们与一家国际公司签订了特许总经销协议,在八个非洲国家开设分店。牛津商务We need to develop a global marketing strategy.我们必须制订一项全球营销策略。牛津商务

