
单词 tossing
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SLEEP〕Normally, she was a good sleeper, but that night she lay awake, tossing and turning. 通常她睡得很沉,可那天晚上她躺在床上翻来覆去,怎么也睡不着。朗文写作活用〔SLEEP〕She had slept badly, tossing and turning before falling into a fitful doze. 她睡得很不好,翻来覆去,后来好不容易时断时续地睡了一会。朗文写作活用〔awake〕She was lying awake, tossing and turning.她躺在那儿翻来覆去睡不着。韦氏高阶〔jactitation〕Pathology Extreme restlessness or tossing in bed, as can occur with some forms of acute disease.【病理学】 辗转不安:极度疲劳或睡眠不安,如能引发各种急性病症美国传统〔juggle〕To keep (two or more objects) in the air at one time by alternately tossing and catching them.用…玩杂耍,边抛边接:通过轮流抛接使(两个或两个以上物体)同时保持于空中美国传统〔old hand〕He was tossing pancakes like an old hand.他像老手一样抛着薄饼。外研社新世纪〔pigskin〕We started tossing the pigskin around.我们开始把橄榄球抛来抛去。朗文当代〔popple〕To move in a tossing, bubbling, or rippling manner, as choppy water.翻腾:以上下起伏、沸腾或荡漾的形式运动,就象波涛一样美国传统〔restless〕She spent a restless night (= she did not sleep well), tossing and turning.她在床上辗转反侧,一夜无眠。剑桥高阶〔tangle〕She had tangled up the sheets on the bed as she lay tossing and turning.她在床上翻来覆去,把被单弄得乱成一团。牛津高阶〔toss and turn〕She was tossing and turning all night.她整晚辗转反侧。韦氏高阶〔toss back〕He laughed, tossing back his head.他笑了, 把头向后一甩。外研社新世纪〔toss〕Branches were tossing in the wind.树枝随风摇曳。牛津高阶〔toss〕I couldn't sleep but kept tossing and turning in bed all night.我彻夜在床上辗转反侧不能成眠。牛津高阶〔toss〕I was tossing and turning all night.我整晚辗转反侧,无法入睡。剑桥高阶〔toss〕I've been tossing and turning all night.我一晚上辗转反侧, 无法入睡。外研社新世纪〔toss〕I've been tossing and turning all night.我一晚上辗转反侧。朗文当代〔toss〕She smiled at me, tossing her coat onto the chair.她冲我一笑,把外套扔在椅子上。麦克米伦高阶〔toss〕The act of tossing or the condition of being tossed.抛,颠簸:抛、掷、扔的行为或颠簸,摇动的状态美国传统〔toss〕The branches were tossing in the wind.树枝在风中摇曳。英汉大词典〔toss〕The crowd cheered, banging pots and tossing confetti into the air.人群欢呼起来,又是敲盆砸罐,又是往空中抛撒五彩纸屑。朗文当代〔toss〕The seas grew turbulent, tossing the small boat like a cork.海浪变得汹涌澎湃,把小船像漂浮的软木塞一样抛来甩去。柯林斯高阶〔toss〕The secret of tossing pancakes lies in a flick of the wrist.把薄煎饼抛起来翻面的秘密在于手腕的抖动。外研社新世纪〔toss〕They agreed to decide the matter by tossing a coin.他们同意掷硬币来决定此事。21世纪英汉〔toss〕They were tossing ideas back and forth.他们在反复交流观点和看法。外研社新世纪〔toss〕You feel as if you've been tossing and turning all night, and wake up feeling worn out.感觉就像整夜翻来覆去睡不着、醒来时浑身疲惫一样。柯林斯高阶〔vice〕The horse had no vices of shying and tossing.这匹马没有烈性子,从来不惊,也不颠人。英汉大词典At the Highland Games he proved to be a champion at tossing (=throwing) the caber.在高地运动会中,他是掷木比赛的冠军。剑桥国际I was tossing and turning all night.我整夜辗转反侧。剑桥国际She spent a restless night (= She did not sleep well), tossing and turning with worry.她度过了焦躁不安的一夜,因忧虑而辗转反侧。剑桥国际The fielders warmed up for the game by tossing the ball around the diamond.外场手们为比赛热身,在内野附近抛球。剑桥国际This horse has no vices of shying and tossing. 这匹马从来不惊,也不会把人从马背上摔下。译典通Waves were tossing the ship. 风浪使船颠簸个不停。译典通We each (= Every one of us) wanted the bedroom with the window, so we decided who'd get it by tossing a coin.我们每个人都想要有窗户的卧室,所以我们决定扔硬币来分配。剑桥国际

