
单词 无形的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bodiless〕Having no body, form, or substance; incorporeal.无躯体的,无形的:无躯体的,无形的,无实体的;脱离肉体的美国传统〔essence〕Something that exists, especially a spiritual or incorporeal entity.精神:存在的某物,尤指精神的或无形的存在美国传统〔ethereal〕Characterized by lightness and insubstantiality; intangible.轻飘的,虚空的;无形的美国传统〔formless〕A dark formless danger terrified her.一种无形的危险使她恐惧。麦克米伦高阶〔glass ceiling〕In her current role she broke through the glass ceiling as the first woman to reach senior management level in the company.她冲破了职场上那道无形的障碍升至现在的职位,成为公司里第一个升至高级管理层的女性。柯林斯高阶〔glass ceiling〕Various reasons are given for the apparent glass ceiling women hit in many professions.显然,在很多行业中女性的升迁都受到无形的限制,对此人们给出了不同的解释。剑桥高阶〔imaginary〕The two groups were separated by an imaginary line down the middle of the room.房屋中间似乎有一道无形的界线,将这两群人隔开了。韦氏高阶〔immaterial〕Having no material body or form.非物质的,无形的美国传统〔incorporeal〕Law Intangible, as a right or patent.【法律】 无形的,如权力或专利美国传统〔incorporeal〕Plato demonstrated the incorporeal nature of the soul.柏拉图阐明灵魂是无形的朗文当代〔intangible〕The scent of flowers is an intangible quality.花香是无形的品质。牛津同义词〔intangible〕There are intangible benefits beyond a rise in the share price.除了股票价格上涨之外, 还有一些无形的利益。外研社新世纪〔intangible〕Women workers place more importance on intangibles such as a sense of achievement.女性员工更看重无形的东西, 例如成就感。外研社新世纪〔intangible〕Women workers place more importance on intangibles such as a sense of achievement.女性工人更看重诸如成就感这样的无形的东西。柯林斯高阶〔intelligence〕She felt as if she had suddenly become a disembodied intelligence that was totally alone.她感到自己好像突然变成了一个无形的智慧体, 孑然一身。外研社新世纪〔invisibility〕Her father's face had suddenly tightened as though he was being strangled by invisible hands.她父亲的脸突然僵硬了,仿佛是被无形的双手扼住了脖子。柯林斯高阶〔invisibility〕Parents fear they might overstep these invisible boundaries.父母担心他们可能会逾越这些无形的界限。柯林斯高阶〔invisible〕Parents fear they might overstep these invisible boundaries.父母们害怕他们会无意间跨过这些无形的界限。外研社新世纪〔invisible〕She feels as if her success is being blocked by an invisible barrier.她感觉好像有一个无形的障碍挡住了她通往成功的路。韦氏高阶〔invisible〕There's an invisible barrier that keeps women out of top jobs.女性想进入职场的高层有着无形的障碍。朗文当代〔proportion〕Cézanne managed to proportion and place his forms so that they tapped an underlying, invisible order.塞尚得以均衡各种形状, 塑造了一种内在的、无形的秩序。外研社新世纪〔shapeless〕Lacking a definite shape.无形的:缺乏确定形状的美国传统〔silent〕High blood pressure is a silent killer.高血压是无形的杀手。麦克米伦高阶〔tenuous〕People thought heat must be, an invisible, tenuous fluid that flowed from hotter to colder places.人们原以为热量是一种无形的、稀薄的液体, 从较热处流向凉一些的地方。外研社新世纪〔unseen〕I can now accept that there are unseen forces at work.现在我相信有无形的力量在起作用。外研社新世纪〔void〕Before Einstein, space was regarded as a formless void.在爱因斯坦之前,太空被认为是无形的虚空之地。剑桥高阶A variety of reasons was given for the apparent glass ceiling women hit in many professions.对于许多行业中对女性的职位明显地存在无形的限制,有着各种各样的解释。剑桥国际Everything is changing—some of the change is intangible, some very physical.一切都在改变 ── 某些改变是无形的,某些改变却很具体。牛津商务God is still as invisible to the eyes of the most developed here as the ether of space is to yours. 就像您的眼睛看不见苍穹的空间一样,在我们这里最成熟的人的眼中上帝还是无形的译典通My work involves developing intangible success factors such as trust, commitment and competitive advantage.我的工作包括开发无形的成功因素,如信任、承诺和竞争优势。牛津商务The body is material but the soul is immaterial. 身体是有形的,心灵则是无形的译典通

