
单词 早上好
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HELLO〕Good morning, class! To start with I have a couple of announcements. 同学们,早上好!首先,我有几件事情要宣布。朗文写作活用〔Mother Superior〕Good morning, Mother Superior.早上好,院长!韦氏高阶〔Mrs〕Good morning Mrs Adams.早上好,亚当斯太太。麦克米伦高阶〔RUDE〕What a rude man! He just ignored me when I said ‘Good morning’. 这人多没礼貌!我说“早上好”的时候,他理也不理我。朗文写作活用〔Reverend Mother〕Good morning, Reverend Mother.早上好!院长嬷嬷。韦氏高阶〔SMILE〕She smiled and said, ‘Good morning.’ 她笑着说:“早上好。”朗文写作活用〔WEATHER〕Morning, Bill. Nice weather, isn't it? 早上好,比尔,天气可真好,是吗?朗文写作活用〔brisk〕He nodded to me with a brisk ‘Morning, Sir'.他对我点了点头,快速地说了声“早上好,先生。”麦克米伦高阶〔cheery〕She walked in with a cheery "Good morning!" 她走进来,欢快地说:“早上好!”剑桥高阶〔chirpy〕She seemed quite chirpy this morning.她今天早上好像很开心。剑桥高阶〔chorus〕The class chorused “Good morning!” 全班同学齐声道:“早上好!”韦氏高阶〔cut sb dead〕I said "Good morning" but he just cut me dead.我说“早上好”,可是他压根儿不理睬我。剑桥高阶〔dead〕Good morning, Simone, and may I say I've never seen you looking lovelier?— Drop dead!早上好, 西蒙娜, 我觉得你比什么时候都漂亮!——滚开!外研社新世纪〔doctor〕Good morning, Doctor Smith/Doctor.早上好,史密斯大夫/大夫。剑桥高阶〔downcast〕I thought you were looking a little downcast this morning.我觉得你今天早上好像有点垂头丧气。剑桥高阶〔gentleman〕Good morning, gentlemen.先生们, 早上好外研社新世纪〔gentleman〕Good morning, ladies and gentlemen .早上好,女士们,先生们。朗文当代〔girl〕Good morning, girls! 姑娘们,早上好牛津高阶〔grace〕Good Morning, Your Grace.早上好,阁下。牛津高阶〔greeting〕I said 'Good morning!', but she didn't return the greeting.我说“早上好!”,她却没回应我的问候。牛津搭配〔herself〕She didn't seem quite herself this morning.她今天早上好像有点不太对劲。牛津高阶〔lieutenant〕Good morning, Lieutenant Smith.早上好,史密斯中尉。韦氏高阶〔ma〕Morning, ma!妈, 早上好外研社新世纪〔morning〕He didn't even say 'Good morning'.他甚至连“早上好”都没说。牛津搭配〔morning〕Morning, Sam. How are you today? 早上好,萨姆。你今天好吗?麦克米伦高阶〔morning〕Morning, Sue! How are you today? 苏,早上好!你今天好吗?剑桥高阶〔morrow〕Good morrow to you, my lord!主人, 早上好外研社新世纪〔morrow〕Good morrow to you, my lord.早上好,主人。柯林斯高阶〔mother〕Good morning, Mother.早上好,院长。剑桥高阶〔my sweet〕Good morning, my sweet.早上好,亲爱的。韦氏高阶〔niceness〕Good morning. Nice to meet you and thanks for being with us this weekend.早上好!见到你真高兴,感谢你和我们共度这个周末。柯林斯高阶〔papa〕Good morning, Papa! 早上好,爸爸!韦氏高阶〔papa〕Good morning. Papa! 早上好,爸爸!朗文当代〔recover〕Yesterday morning shares seemed to recover from Monday's collapse.周一股票下跌,昨天早上好像又回升了。朗文当代〔sahib〕Good morning, sahib! 早上好,老爷!朗文当代〔sir〕Good morning, sir. Can I help you? 早上好,先生。您要点什么?牛津高阶〔sister〕Good morning, Sister Mary.早上好,玛丽修女。朗文当代〔take the time〕She didn't even take the time to wish me good morning.她连问我一声早上好都没有。剑桥高阶〔time〕They can't even say 'good morning' or pass the time of day.他们甚至不会说“早上好”或打声招呼。柯林斯高阶Good afternoon, Mr Dawson.早上好,道森先生。剑桥国际Good morning, Colonel.上校,早上好剑桥国际Good morning, Doctor Smith/Doctor.早上好,史密斯医生/医生。剑桥国际Good morning, Inspector.早上好,巡官。剑桥国际Good morning, Mother.早上好,院长。剑桥国际I said “Good Morning” to Mr. Jones, but he just cut me dead.我对琼斯先生道了声“早上好”,他却装作不认识我似的,没理我。剑桥国际Mom told him to go to bed early so he could get up early the next morning. 妈妈叫他早点上床睡觉,第二天早上好早点起床。译典通She didn't even take the time to wish me good morning.她甚至不愿停下来向我说一声早上好剑桥国际They mumbled a hello, but I said a loud and cheery “Good morning!”.他们只是嘟囔了一声哈罗,我却响亮而快乐地说:“早上好!”剑桥国际

