
单词 显示屏
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔USELESS〕I looked at the departures screen, but that was no help because it was out of order. 我看了看出发班次显示屏,但是没有用,因为它坏了。朗文写作活用〔board〕The train station has an electronic board showing all departure times.火车站有一个显示所有列车出发时间的电子显示屏麦克米伦高阶〔caboodle〕I think it's time to replace the whole caboodle: computer, printer, and monitor.我认为计算机、打印机和显示屏全部都得更换了。朗文当代〔deeply〕A crowd three deep seemed paralysed by the images on these monitors.里里外外三层的人群看到显示屏上的画面似乎全都惊呆了。柯林斯高阶〔default〕On this screen, 256 colours is the default.这个显示屏的系统设定值是 256 色。牛津高阶〔display〕The computer comes with a high-resolution color display.这台电脑配置了高分辨率的彩色显示屏韦氏高阶〔display〕The display showed an error message.显示屏显示了一条错误提示。韦氏高阶〔display〕The numbers appeared on the display.数字出现在了显示屏上。外研社新世纪〔glue〕Her eyes were glued firmly to the computer screen. () 她两眼紧盯着电脑显示屏牛津搭配〔monitor〕She was staring at her computer monitor.她注视着计算机显示屏朗文当代〔panel〕The last number you called is listed on the phone's display panel.你最后拨的电话号码列在电话显示屏上。韦氏高阶〔radarscope〕The oscilloscope viewing screen of a radar receiver.雷达显示器:雷达接收器的示波器显示屏美国传统〔radar〕The aircraft suddenly went off the radar.飞机突然从雷达显示屏上消失了。牛津搭配〔readout〕He checked the readout on the screen.他查看了显示屏上的信息。韦氏高阶〔readout〕The calculator has a digital readout.这个计算器有一个数字显示屏韦氏高阶〔rest〕He looked away from the computer screen to rest his eyes.他把视线从电脑显示屏上移开,让眼睛休息一下。剑桥高阶〔wrap〕The text wraps around if it is too long to fit the screen.如果文本太长,在显示屏放不下的话,会自动换行。牛津高阶Colour LCD screens are ideal for portable battery-operated equipment such as laptop computers and camcorders.彩色液晶显示屏幕对于便携式电池供电设备,如袖珍电脑和摄像放像机特别理想。剑桥国际Move the cursor to the top of the screen with the mouse and click onto the grey box.用鼠标器把光标移到显示屏顶部,然后单击灰框。剑桥国际My computer has a colour monitor (= it shows things in different colours).我的电脑配有一台彩色显示屏剑桥国际

