
单词 有保护
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PROTECT〕At the time, the law gave women very little protection from violent husbands. 当时,法律对于遭受丈夫暴力的女性几乎没有保护朗文写作活用〔black frost〕A dry freeze without the protective formation of hoarfrost that results in the internal freezing and death of vegetation.黑霜:一种干冷结冰,没有形成具有保护作用的白霜,引起内部结冰和蔬菜死亡美国传统〔blend〕Many animals can blend with their surroundings, owing to their protective colouring.由于具有保护色,许多动物能和环境融成一体。英汉大词典〔cruelty〕Britain had laws against cruelty to animals but none to protect children.英国有禁止虐待动物的法律,但却没有保护儿童的法律。柯林斯高阶〔for〕Car park owners should be legally responsible for protecting vehicles.停车场场主有保护停放车辆的法律责任。柯林斯高阶〔free trade〕Trade between nations without protective customs tariffs.自由贸易:没有保护性关税的国家之间的贸易美国传统〔hardwired〕Mothers are hardwired to protect their children.母亲有保护自己孩子的天性。韦氏高阶〔jumper〕A loose, protective garment worn over other clothes.工作茄克:穿在其它衣服外面的宽松且有保护性的外套美国传统〔mail〕The protective covering of certain animals, as the shell of a turtle.甲壳:某些动物身上有保护作用的覆盖物,例如乌龟的壳美国传统〔mask〕To cover with a decorative or protective mask.带上:用带有装饰性图案的或具有保护功能的面具覆盖美国传统〔palisade cell〕One of the columnar cells of palisade parenchyma.栅栏细胞:带有保护性薄壁组织的柱状细胞中的一个美国传统〔preservative〕Tending to preserve or capable of preserving.有保护能力的:倾向于保护或保存的,有保护或保存能力的美国传统〔procryptic〕Having a pattern or coloration adapted for natural camouflage.原隐色的,具有保护色的:有天然伪装的图案或颜色的美国传统〔safeguard〕The company was blamed for failing to safeguard workers against dangerous chemicals.那家公司被指责没有保护工人免受危险化学品的伤害。麦克米伦高阶〔safeguard〕The new law has safeguards to protect the rights of citizens.新法律有保护公民权利的保障措施。韦氏高阶〔secret service〕The Secret Service has a responsibility to protect the President from harm.特勤局有保护总统不受伤害的责任。剑桥高阶〔slip through the net〕There are laws to protect the mentally ill, but now and then someone does slip through the net.虽然有保护精神病患者的法律,可是时不时会有人没有被照顾到。剑桥高阶〔top secret〕Mr Levin was charged with failing to protect top secret documents.莱文先生被指控没有保护好绝密文件。麦克米伦高阶Dyes and stains offer no surface protection for the wood, which requires a final coat of (clear) varnish.染料和色剂对木头表面没有保护作用,最后还需要涂上一层清漆。剑桥国际Nearly all commercial websites now have a privacy policy.几乎所有的商业网站目前均有保护隐私权的政策。牛津商务Some of the seats still have the protective plastic wrappings on them.有一些座位上仍有保护性的塑料包皮。剑桥国际The avenue of mature trees has a preservation order on it.这个林荫大道享有保护法规。剑桥国际The colleges all have well-kept verdant lawns.那些大学都有保护良好的绿草坪。剑桥国际

