
单词 对上
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Anselm〕Italian-born English prelate, philosopher, and theologian who founded Scholasticism and is best known for his ontological argument for the existence of God.圣安塞姆:意大利裔的英国主教,哲学家和神学家,他创立了学院哲学并以对上帝存在论的论证而闻名美国传统〔BELIEVE〕It was her faith in God that helped her survive the long years in prison. 是她对上帝的信仰帮助她熬过了漫长的牢狱生涯。朗文写作活用〔BELIEVE〕She never lost her belief in God. 她从未失去对上帝的信念。朗文写作活用〔Bonaventure〕Italian theologian and philosopher who taught that the goal of all the arts and sciences is the direct contemplation of God.圣波拿文都拿:意大利神学家和哲学家,他教导说一切艺术和科学的目标都是对上帝的直接反思美国传统〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕Many of the former administration's policies were reversed by the new president. 新上任的总统对上届政府的许多政策作了彻底的改变。朗文写作活用〔DINK〕A two-career couple with no children.顶客族:没有孩子的一对上班族的夫妇美国传统〔Elohim〕A name for God in the Hebrew Scriptures.埃洛希姆: 希伯来《旧约圣经》中对上帝的称呼之一美国传统〔RELIGION〕Nothing could shake his faith in God. 什么都无法动摇他对上帝的信仰。朗文写作活用〔TRUST/NOT TRUST〕My mother's total faith in God always amazed me. 我母亲对上帝坚定的信仰总是让我感到惊奇。朗文写作活用〔abiding〕My abiding memory of him is of his singing to a small private party.我始终记得他在一次小型私人派对上唱歌的样子。外研社新世纪〔adjure〕She adjured him by his belief in God to tell the truth.她命令他本着对上帝的信仰讲出真话。英汉大词典〔air kiss〕The party was full of celebrities air-kissing each other.派对上一帮公众人物不停互相飞吻。剑桥高阶〔apparent〕My parents were concerned at my apparent lack of enthusiasm for school.我看来对上学不感兴趣,使父母担心。牛津高阶〔appellant〕The Court of Appeal upheld the appellants' convictions.上诉法院维持了对上诉人的原判。柯林斯高阶〔athirst〕My soul is athirst for God.我的灵魂里充满对上帝的向往。外研社新世纪〔attention〕He likes telling jokes and being the centre of attention at parties.他喜欢讲笑话,成为派对上的焦点。剑桥高阶〔attrition〕Theology Repentance for sin motivated by fear of punishment rather than by love of God.【神学】 不彻底的忏悔:出于害怕被惩罚而对自己罪的懊悔,并非出于对上帝的爱美国传统〔aye〕Ay(e), ay(e), sir! 是,是,长官!(对上司的客气回答)。文馨英汉〔ball〕Everyone had a ball at the party.每个人在派对上都玩得很痛快。韦氏高阶〔before〕That's a crime before God and humanity.对上帝和人类来说,那都是犯罪的行为。21世纪英汉〔behave〕I hope Nicholas behaved himself at the party.我希望尼古拉斯在派对上规矩一点。朗文当代〔belief〕He says that he is given strength by his belief in God.他说对上帝的信仰赐予他力量。韦氏高阶〔belief〕His belief in God gave him hope during difficult times.他对上帝的信奉使他在困境中看到了希望。剑桥高阶〔belief〕The child's death shook her belief in God.孩子夭折动摇了她对上帝的信仰。牛津搭配〔blasphemy〕His writings were branded as obscene and a blasphemy against God.他的著作被定为淫秽作品,是对上帝的亵渎。牛津搭配〔blasé〕By this time, I was getting quite blasé about being on TV.现在我对上电视相当腻烦。麦克米伦高阶〔boon〕Reliable daycare is a boon to working parents.可信赖的日托对上班的父母来说非常有用。韦氏高阶〔bring〕Would you like me to bring anything to the party? 要我带点什么东西到派对上来吗?朗文当代〔cheer〕The colonel was rewarded with a resounding cheer from the men.人们对上校报以热烈的欢呼声。外研社新世纪〔comedy of manners〕A comedy satirizing the attitudes and behavior of a particular social group, often of fashionable society.风尚喜剧:用讽刺文抨击特殊社会群,常是针对上流社会美国传统〔commentary〕He kept up a running commentary on everyone who came in or went out.他不断地对上下场的每一名队员进行解说。牛津高阶〔cop off〕He copped off with one of the girls at the party.他在派对上与其中一个女孩搞到了一起。韦氏高阶〔crazy〕Everybody at the party was dancing and basically going crazy.派对上每个人都在手舞足蹈,基本上到了疯狂的地步。韦氏高阶〔delayed〕The protests are a delayed reaction to last week's announcement.这些抗议活动是对上周通告的滞后反应。剑桥高阶〔dislike〕He did not try to hide his dislike of his boss.他没有掩饰自己对上司的反感。牛津高阶〔disrespect〕Hicks accused Williams of disrespecting him at a record company party.希克斯指责威廉斯在唱片公司的派对上对他无礼。朗文当代〔doubt〕He expressed doubts about the existence of God.他对上帝的存在表示怀疑。英汉大词典〔draw〕The winning ticket will be drawn at the Christmas Party.获奖的票将在圣诞派对上抽取。朗文当代〔each〕Not every child enjoyed the party.并非每个孩子在派对上都玩得开心。朗文当代〔even out〕Relative rates of house price inflation have evened out across the country.房价相对上涨率已经在全国达到平衡。柯林斯高阶〔fondle〕She claims that her boss tried to fondle her at the office Christmas party.她称在办公室的圣诞派对上老板试图对她动手动脚。韦氏高阶〔go against〕It's no use going against the director's decision.反对上司的决定没用。21世纪英汉〔god〕Nothing could shake his belief in God .无论什么都无法动摇他对上帝的信仰。朗文当代〔got stoned〕They got stoned at the party.他们在派对上吸了毒,十分亢奋。韦氏高阶〔hold〕He admitted he did not hold to the traditional view of God.他承认自己不认同对上帝的传统看法。朗文当代〔hymn〕A song of praise or thanksgiving to God or a deity.赞美诗,赞歌:对上帝或神的赞美或感恩的歌美国传统〔impiety〕The Church accused him of impiety and had all his writings burned.教廷起诉他对上帝不敬,并将他的著作全部烧毁。剑桥高阶〔impressionistic〕The new play at the Youth Theatre is an impressionistic view of life in the 50s.在青年剧院上演的新戏是对上世纪50年代生活一种浮光掠影式的再现。剑桥高阶〔latch〕He latched onto Sandy at the party and wouldn't go away.在派对上他缠住桑迪不放。朗文当代〔match sth/sb up〕Can you match up these songs with the bands who sang them? 你能把这些歌曲和演唱它们的乐队都对上号吗?剑桥高阶〔meet〕Did you meet anyone interesting at the party? 你在派对上遇到过令你感兴趣的人吗?韦氏高阶〔miss〕I was sorry I missed you at Pat's party - I must have arrived after you left.很遗憾没有在帕特的派对上看到你——我准是在你离开后才到的。剑桥高阶〔monkey〕I didn't give a monkey's about going to university.我对上大学完全无所谓。外研社新世纪〔natural theology〕A theology holding that knowledge of God may be acquired by human reason alone without the aid of revealed knowledge.自然神学:不依赖知识的帮助而通过人类自己的准则获得对上帝的知识的神学美国传统〔negatively〕This will negatively affect the result over the first half of the year.这将对上半年的结果产生不利影响。外研社新世纪〔negatively〕This will negatively affect the result over the first half of the year.这将对上半年的结果产生不利影响。柯林斯高阶〔non-existence〕I was left with puzzlement as to the existence or non-existence of God.我对上帝存在与否还是困惑不解。柯林斯高阶〔nonbeliever〕One who does not believe or have faith, as in God or a philosophy.无信仰的人:不相信或无信仰的人,如对上帝或哲学美国传统〔overfamiliar〕She displayed an overfamiliar attitude toward her superiors.她对上司过于亲近美国传统〔over〕There was a little food left over from the party.派对上剩下了一点点食物。朗文当代〔party〕The couple met at a party.那对情侣是在一个派对上认识的。柯林斯高阶〔piety〕He had a profound piety which attached him to God.他对上帝的虔敬使他与上帝紧密相连。外研社新世纪〔piety〕Religious devotion and reverence to God.虔诚,虔敬:宗教中对上帝的爱和尊敬美国传统〔possible〕Everything is possible to God.对上帝来说,一切都是可能的。文馨英汉〔postscript〕As a postscript to that story I told you last week, it turned out that the woman was his sister-in-law.对上周我给你讲的那件事补充一句,那个女人原来是他妻子的妹妹。剑桥高阶〔prayer〕A reverent petition made to God, a god, or another object of worship.祷告:对上帝、神或另一个崇拜对象所作的虔诚祈求美国传统〔prayer〕The act of making a reverent petition to God, a god, or another object of worship.祷告行为:对上帝、神或另一个崇拜对象作出虔诚祈求的行为美国传统〔pray〕To utter or address a prayer or prayers to God, a god, or another object of worship.祈祷,祷告:对上帝、神或另一个崇拜对象所作的祷告美国传统〔presentable〕She was not exactly good-looking, but perfectly presentable.她并不是很漂亮,但是绝对上得了台面。牛津搭配〔religious〕Having or showing belief in and reverence for God or a deity.虔诚的:有或显示出对上帝或神灵的信仰或尊敬的美国传统〔religious〕These adjectives mean having or showing a belief in and veneration for God or a divine power, especially as it is reflected in the practice of religion.这些形容词都意味着有或显示出对上帝或神圣力量的信仰和尊敬,特别反映在宗教行为上。美国传统〔retaliation〕This action was undoubtedly in retaliation for last week's bomb attack.这个行动无疑是对上周炸弹袭击事件的报复。朗文当代〔roast〕Friends and family roasted him at his 40th birthday party.朋友和家人在他40岁的生日派对上调侃他。韦氏高阶〔set〕The party guests were setting up a steady din.派对上的来宾乱哄哄地吵闹起来。朗文当代〔sharpen up your act〕He really needs to sharpen up his act, or he'll never get to university.他确实需要改进自己的表现了,否则绝对上不了大学。剑桥高阶〔smarten〕I have to smarten myself up about talking to my superior.我得把我对上司的谈话谈得再高明些。21世纪英汉〔some〕Some of the people at the party had too much to drink.派对上有些人喝多了。韦氏高阶〔spray〕Rush hour commuters were sprayed with bullets by a gunman in a car.交通高峰时段,一辆车上的持枪歹徒对上下班的人们一通扫射。剑桥高阶〔surprise party〕He walked into a surprise party with seventy guests.他走到了一个七十人的惊喜派对上外研社新世纪〔swear〕I swear to God I was never at that place.我对上帝起誓我从未到过那个地方。麦克米伦高阶〔truckle to〕I hate to truckle to my superiors.我不喜欢对上司惟命是从。21世纪英汉〔truckle〕I am sick of having to truckle to my superiors.我不得不对上司唯命是从,这叫我心里实在难受。英汉大词典〔uninhibited〕She's very uninhibited and is always the life of the party.她非常狂放不羁,总是派对上的核心人物。韦氏高阶〔unkindly〕The weather was unkind to those pipers who played in the morning.坏天气对上午那些风笛吹奏者毫不容情。柯林斯高阶〔unkind〕The weather was unkind to those pipers who played in the morning.这天气对上午吹风笛的那些人来说不太好。外研社新世纪〔weight〕The tax structure was weighted heavily in favour of the upper classes.税收结构对上层阶级大为有利。英汉大词典〔whoredom〕Bible Unfaithfulness to God; idolatry.【圣经】 邪神崇拜:对上帝的不忠;偶像崇拜美国传统〔within living memory〕There is possibly less chance of another world war while the last one is within living memory.当人们对上一次世界大战还记忆犹新的时候,爆发新的世界大战的可能性会很小。剑桥高阶According to the Old Testament, Lucifer, in his pride, led the revolt of some of the angels against God, and was banished to Hell after their defeat. After this he was called Satan.据旧约全书,骄傲的明亮之星带领一些天使反对上帝,失败后被逐入地狱,从此便被称为撒旦。剑桥国际Alf Haigh, now transmogrified into Lord Haigh, will be an unusual addition to the House of Lords.阿尔夫·黑格,现在变成了黑格勋爵,将会是对上议院一个非同寻常的点缀。剑桥国际He spoke of his anger with God after the accident and the resulting faithlessness which he experienced.他谈到了意外事故后他对上帝的愤怒和因此失去信仰的经历。剑桥国际His description of abortion as “a terrible offence against God and humanity” produced an outraged response from the audience.他把流产描述成“对上帝和人类可怕的冒犯”,这引起了观众的义愤。剑桥国际Many people question the existence of God.许多人对上帝的存在表示怀疑。剑桥国际Several of Epstein's symbolic sculptures resulted in accusations of indecency and blasphemy.爱泼斯坦的几座象征主义雕塑被谴责为下流和对上帝的亵渎。剑桥国际She holds firm to her belief in God. 她对上帝的信仰坚定不移。译典通She won awards for her on-the-spot reporting during the last war.她对上一次的战争作了实地报道,为此而获了奖。剑桥国际Some people say that it is blasphemous to say that God might be a woman.有人说讲上帝可能是女的是对上帝的不敬。剑桥国际The assassination could do serious damage to the fragile peace agreement that was signed last month.那暗杀可能对上月签署的脆弱的和平协议造成严重损害。剑桥国际The host circulated at the party, talking to lots of people. 主人在派对上周旋,与许多人交谈。译典通They were drawn to the church not by piety but by curiosity. 他们被吸引到教会来不是因为对上帝的虔诚,而是由于好奇。译典通

