
单词 滑膛枪
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔engage〕The mob did not venture to engage against musketry and cannon with their knives.那群暴徒不敢以刀剑来对抗滑膛枪和火炮。英汉大词典〔musketeer〕A soldier armed with a musket.火枪手:以滑膛枪为武器的士兵美国传统〔pellet〕Soldiers have scattered the protesters with tear gas and shotgun pellets.士兵们已经用催泪弹和滑膛枪弹丸驱散了抗议者。外研社新世纪〔shotgun〕The robbers used a sawn-off shotgun in the raid.抢劫犯在袭击中使用了枪管锯短的滑膛枪剑桥高阶〔smoothbore〕A firearm having no rifling.滑膛枪:没有膛线的火器美国传统〔trap gun〕A shotgun designed for trapshooting.多向式飞靶射击枪:用于多向飞靶射击的滑膛枪美国传统〔wad〕A disk, as of felt or paper, used to keep the powder and shot in place in a shotgun cartridge.弹塞:皮革或纸制的圆盘片,用于滑膛枪弹药筒中保持火药和枪弹的位置美国传统Martial law was imposed the same evening, and light infantry units with automatic weapons and shotguns were everywhere the next day.当晚即实行戒严,第二天到处都是拿着自动式武器和滑膛枪的轻剑桥国际

