
单词 牢不可破
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALMOST〕Carbon fibre tennis racquets are virtually unbreakable. 碳纤维网球拍几乎是牢不可破的。朗文写作活用〔STRONG〕There is little point putting an indestructible door in a frame that will rot in 10 years. 门框十年就会烂掉,装一扇牢不可破的门就没有多大意义了。朗文写作活用〔come between〕Our relationship is so strong; nothing can come between us.我们的关系牢不可破;什么事都不能离间我们。外研社新世纪〔culture〕In the field of drug development, the culture of secrecy is deep and strong.在药品开发领域,秘而不宣的习惯是根深蒂固、牢不可破的。朗文当代〔defence〕Their defence, so strong last season, has now conceded 12 goals in six games.他们的防守上个赛季牢不可破,但在本赛季的 6 场比赛里已经丢了 12 个球。柯林斯高阶〔indestructible〕Our friendship is indestructible.我们的友谊牢不可破文馨英汉〔indestructible〕This type of plastic is almost indestructible.这种塑料几乎牢不可破柯林斯高阶〔indestructible〕This type of plastic is almost indestructible.这类塑料几乎牢不可破外研社新世纪〔invulnerable〕We will not be satisfied until this city is safe and invulnerable to attack.只有这城市安全可靠、牢不可破时,我们才会满意。朗文当代〔ironclad〕The case for testing now is ironclad.正在接受检验的这一论据牢不可破柯林斯高阶〔ironclad〕The defence is not ironclad.这种防御并非牢不可破英汉大词典〔unbreakable〕An article or object that is not easily broken.牢不可破的:轻易打不破的物体或目标美国传统〔unbreakable〕The two of them had an unbreakable bond of friendship.他们两人的友谊牢不可破韦氏高阶Going through the tragedy together forged an indissoluble bond of friendship between them which would last until they died.他们共同经历了这场悲剧,从而锻造了彼此间牢不可破、至死不渝的友谊纽带。剑桥国际You can fit your house with burglar alarms and double locks but your home will never be impregnable against determined thieves.你可给你的房子安装防盗警报器和双重锁,但你的家对下决心要偷的人来说永远也不会是牢不可破的。剑桥国际

