
单词 法庭命令
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔KILL〕The court ordered the owner of the rottweilers to have the dogs destroyed. 法庭命令这几头罗威纳犬的主人把它们人道毁灭。朗文写作活用〔citation〕The court issued a contempt citation against city council members who refused to comply with a court order.法庭对拒不遵守法庭命令的的市议会成员们发出了藐视法庭的传票。剑桥高阶〔contumacious〕The court has the power to apply sanctions for contumacious conduct.法庭有权对违抗法庭命令的行为进行制裁。剑桥高阶〔court〕She tried to get a court order to prevent him from coming near her.她试图争取法庭命令以阻止他接近自己。牛津搭配〔examination〕The court ordered that the defendant undergo a psychiatric examination.法庭命令被告接受精神病检查。韦氏高阶〔gag order〕A court order forbidding public reporting or commentary, as by the news media, on a case currently before the court.禁声令:法庭命令禁止在开庭前利用新闻媒介公开报道或评论案件进展的法令美国传统〔injunction〕Law A court order prohibiting a party from a specific course of action.【法律】 禁止令,强制令:禁止一个党派参加某个活动的法庭命令美国传统〔marshal〕A U.S. federal officer of a judicial district who carries out court orders and discharges duties similar to those of a sheriff.联邦司法区执政官:美国司法区的联邦官员,负责实施法庭命令和征收税金,类似行政司法长官美国传统〔marshal〕A city law enforcement officer in the United States who carries out court orders.市司法官:美国市法律执行官员,负责实施法庭命令美国传统A copy of the court order must be attached to the form.这张表格上必须附有一份法庭命令牛津商务The court issued a contempt citation against city council members who refused to comply with a court order.法庭对那些拒绝遵守一项法庭命令的市议会成员发出藐视法庭的传票。剑桥国际

