
单词 花冠
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bachelor's button〕Any of several plants, that have buttonlike flowers or flower heads.千日红:一种有着钮扣般花朵或花冠的植物美国传统〔bilabiate〕Having two lips, as the corollas of the snapdragon.二唇的:二唇的,如金鱼草的花冠美国传统〔chaplet〕A wreath or garland for the head.花环:头上戴的花冠或花环美国传统〔corolla〕The petals of a flower considered as a group or unit.花冠:被认为是一组或一个部分的花瓣美国传统〔crest〕An elevated, irregularly toothed ridge on the stigmas of certain flowers.花冠:某些花的柱头上的突起的、非规则齿状的脊状突起美国传统〔crown〕The winning athlete was given a crown of laurel leaves.那位获胜运动员被授予一顶月桂叶花冠英汉大词典〔crown〕To put a crown or garland on the head of.加冕:在…的头上戴上王冠或花冠美国传统〔epipetalous〕Borne on or attached to the petals or corolla, as the stamens of the petunia.花冠上生长的:长于或附着于花瓣或花冠上的,如矮牵牛属植物的花蕊美国传统〔eye〕The often differently colored center of the corolla of some flowers.花心:一些花的通常颜色各异的花冠的中心美国传统〔faucal〕Relating to the throat of a corolla with fused petals.花喉的:与合瓣花冠的喉有联系的美国传统〔funnelform〕Shaped like a funnel, as the corolla of a petunia or a morning glory.漏斗状的:如矮牵牛花或圆叶牵牛的花冠等形状如漏斗的美国传统〔gamopetalous〕Having or characterizing a corolla with partially or wholly fused petals.合瓣的:带有部分或全部融合的花瓣的花冠的,或以此为特性的美国传统〔garland〕A representation of such a wreath or festoon, used as an architectural ornament or a heraldic device.花冠,华饰:此种花环或花圈的象征,用来作为建筑上的装饰品或纹章的小饰物美国传统〔garland〕A wreath or festoon, especially one of plaited flowers or leaves, worn on the body or draped as a decoration.花环:一种花冠或花圈,尤其是一种由花或树叶编成的,戴在身上或挂着的装饰品美国传统〔haku〕A crown made of fresh flowers.一种由新鲜花朵制成的花冠美国传统〔helmet〕Botany The hood-shaped sepal or corolla of some flowers.【植物学】 盔状花冠(或花萼):某些花朵盔状的花萼或花冠美国传统〔hoop skirt〕A long full skirt belled out with a series of connected circular supports.圈环裙:呈花冠状突出的多褶皱的长裙,内有一系列相互连接的环状支撑物美国传统〔included〕Botany Not protruding beyond a surrounding part, as stamens that do not project from a corolla.【植物学】 内藏的:不伸出花冠之外的,如不伸出花冠的雄性花蕊美国传统〔labiate〕Having or characterizing flowers with the corolla divided into two liplike parts, as in the snapdragon.唇形花冠的:具有分裂为两个唇形的部分的唇形花冠,如金鱼草属美国传统〔labium〕Botany One of the liplike divisions of a labiate corolla.【植物学】 下唇:唇形花冠的唇状分裂物中的一个美国传统〔lei〕A garland of flowers, especially one worn around the neck.花环,花冠:用鲜花制成的花环,尤指戴在脖子上的花环美国传统〔ligule〕A straplike structure, such as the corolla of a ray flower or a membranous or hairy appendage between the sheaf and blade of a grass leaf.舌叶:带状结构,如伞形头状花序的花冠,或草叶的叶束与叶片之间的膜状或茸毛状附着物美国传统〔lip〕Botany One of the two divisions of bilabiate corolla or calyx, as in the snapdragon, or the modified upper petal of an orchid flower.【植物学】 唇瓣:双唇花冠或花萼两部分之一,如金鱼草或兰花的装饰性上部花瓣美国传统〔lop off〕Somebody lopped the heads off our tulips.有人剪掉了我们郁金香的花冠外研社新世纪〔lop off〕Somebody lopped the heads off our tulips.有人剪掉了我们郁金香的花冠柯林斯高阶〔palate〕Botany The projecting part on the lower lip of a bilabiate corolla that closes the throat, as in a snapdragon.【植物学】 似颚的突出部位:从下唇瓣基部伸入一假面状花冠窄口的突出体美国传统〔papilionaceous〕Having a bilaterally symmetrical corolla somewhat resembling a butterfly, characteristic of most plants of the pea family.有蝶形花冠的,蝶形的:有蝴蝶似的左右对称花冠的,是大部分豆科植物所具有的特点美国传统〔perianth〕The outer envelope of a flower, consisting of either the calyx or the corolla, or both.花被:花的外层包被,包括花萼或花冠或两者兼具美国传统〔personate〕Having two lips, with the throat closed by a prominent palate. Used of a corolla, such as that of the snapdragon.假面状的:有两片唇状物,其入口处被一突出的萼包裹着的。用于形容花冠,如金鱼草的花冠美国传统〔petal〕A unit of a corolla, usually showy and colored.花瓣:花冠的基本部分,通常绚丽多彩的美国传统〔polypetalous〕Having separate petals, as on the corolla of a rose or carnation.离瓣的:具有分离花瓣的,如玫瑰或康乃馨花冠上的花瓣美国传统〔ray〕A ray flower or the corolla of a ray flower.舌状花:舌状花或这种花的花冠美国传统〔ringent〕Having gaping liplike parts, as the corolla of some flowers or the shells of certain bivalves.张口的;(花冠)开口状的:有张得宽而深的唇状部分的,如一些花的花冠或某些双壳贝类动物的壳美国传统〔salverform〕Of, relating to, or being a gamopetalous corolla having a slender tube and an abruptly expanded limb, as in phlox.高脚碟状的:合瓣花冠的或与其有关的,具有细长管状部分和完全展开的枝干,如福禄考美国传统〔sinus〕Botany A recess or an indentation between lobes of a leaf or corolla.【植物学】 湾缺:叶的裂片和花冠间的凹进处或缺口美国传统〔spur〕Botany A tubular or saclike extension of the corolla or calyx of a flower, as in a columbine or larkspur.【植物学】 花距:花冠或花萼的管状或囊液状延伸,如耧斗菜或飞燕草美国传统〔standard〕A shrub or small tree that through grafting or training has a single stem of limited height with a crown of leaves and flowers at its apex.茎干挺直的植物:经嫁接或培育而生成的灌木或小树,有一定高度的单茎干,在茎的顶部有叶子和花朵组成的花冠美国传统〔starwort〕Any of various plants having star-shaped flowers or flower heads, as the aster or the stitchwort.繁缕:任一种开星形花或花冠的植物,如紫菀或繁缕美国传统〔tepal〕A division of the perianth of a flower having a virtually indistinguishable calyx and corolla, as in tulips and lilies.(瓣状)被片:有难以分辨的花萼和花冠的花(如郁金香和百合)的花被的一部分美国传统〔throat〕Botany The opening of a tubular corolla or calyx where the tube joins the limb.【植物学】 管颈:管状花冠或花萼的展开处或管和茎的相连处美国传统〔tube〕Botany The lower, cylindrical part of a gamopetalous corolla or a gamosepalous calyx.【植物学】 管状部分:合瓣花冠或合瓣萼的下部管状部分美国传统〔tubuliflorous〕Having flowers or florets with tubular corollas.有带管状花冠的或小花的美国传统〔tussie-mussie〕A small bouquet of flowers; a nosegay.花束:一种小花束,花冠美国传统〔twine〕They twined his brow with a laurel wreath.他们把一个月桂花冠戴在他的额头上。英汉大词典〔wreath〕A ring or circlet of flowers, boughs, or leaves worn on the head, placed on a memorial, or hung as a decoration.花冠,花圈,花环:用鲜花、树枝或树叶缠绕而成的环或圈,戴于头上、放于纪念碑前或挂起来作装饰物美国传统〔wreath〕Olive wreaths were awarded to the Olympic victors.橄榄花冠被授予奥运奖牌获得者。牛津搭配〔wreath〕She wore a wreath of roses around her head.她头上戴了个玫瑰花冠牛津搭配She wore a garland of white roses on her head for her wedding.她在举行婚礼时头戴一顶白玫瑰花结成的花冠剑桥国际

