
单词 脚本
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACTOR/ACTRESS〕She knew she wanted the part as soon as she read the movie script. 她一看电影脚本就想演这个角色。朗文写作活用〔DIFFICULT〕I was faced with the daunting task of learning the whole script in 24 hours. 我面临着一项艰巨的任务,就是要在24小时内把整部脚本记熟。朗文写作活用〔GOOD AT〕The show has talented actors, but the writing is poor. 这个节目的演员很有天分,但是脚本写得很差。朗文写作活用〔Java〕Java script Java脚本麦克米伦高阶〔RELAX/RELAXED〕Right now, I feel more at home writing for the stage rather than film. 现在我觉得写舞台剧比起写电影脚本更得心应手。朗文写作活用〔ad-lib〕I never use a script; I just ad-lib the whole programme.我从来都不用脚本,整个节目我都是想到哪里说到哪里。朗文当代〔ad-lib〕She abandoned her script and began ad-libbing.她抛开脚本即兴表演起来。牛津高阶〔amalgam〕The film script is an amalgam of all three books.这个电影脚本由三本书合成的。牛津高阶〔amusingly〕The script must be amusingly written.脚本必须写得非常有趣味。外研社新世纪〔clumsily〕The film is so clumsily written it's amazing anyone thought it was actually worth filming.这个电影脚本写得太拙劣了, 竟然还有人认为它值得拍成电影, 真是匪夷所思。外研社新世纪〔collaborate〕She directed the film and collaborated with Goldman on the script.她执导这部电影,并与戈德曼合编了电影脚本麦克米伦高阶〔dramatizable〕He dramatized the biography of the basketball star.他把那位篮球明星的自传改编成电影脚本21世纪英汉〔eye-opener〕Writing these scripts has been quite an eye-opener to me. It proves that one can do anything if the need is urgent.写这些脚本真是让我大开眼界。这证明了在紧急情况下一个人什么都能够做。外研社新世纪〔libretto〕He was the author of one or two opera librettos.他是一两部歌剧的脚本作者。外研社新世纪〔on spec〕She wrote the script on spec.她冒险写下了脚本韦氏高阶〔playbook〕A book containing the scripts of dramatic plays.剧本:包容戏剧脚本的书美国传统〔prominence〕Tina Fey came to/rose to/gained prominence as a writer and comedian on "Saturday Night Live".蒂娜·菲是作为《星期六晚直播》的脚本作者和喜剧演员成名的。剑桥高阶〔read〕She spent the morning reading over her script.她上午把自己的脚本通读了一遍。牛津搭配〔script〕The bug was caused by an error in the script.这个故障是由脚本程序出错造成的。牛津高阶〔smack〕She smacked the script on the floor.她把脚本啪的一声扔到了地板上。21世纪英汉〔stage〕The script didn't stage well.该脚本还不适合上演。21世纪英汉〔treatment〕I never do a screen treatment of any of my book no matter what they offer me.我从不把自己的任何一本作品改编成电影脚本,不论他们出我多少钱。英汉大词典In the original scenario, he died in the last scene, but in the actual film he survived.在最初的电影脚本中,他在最后一场死去,但在拍好的电影中他却活了下来。剑桥国际Javascript rollover buttons Java 脚本图像翻转按钮牛津商务The film looks set for disaster, with a witless script, bad direction and poor acting.这部影片看来肯定要彻底失败,它的脚本糟糕,导演差劲,表演拙劣。剑桥国际The film's 29 minutes were edited down from 5 hours of footage.这部29分钟的电影是由原先5小时的脚本剪辑来的。剑桥国际The producer disliked the script and demanded a rewrite.制片人不喜欢这个脚本,要求重写。剑桥国际The scene, which opens up the possibility of a sequel, was written into the script at the request of the film studio.应电影制片厂的要求,这个使续集成为可能的情节被写入了脚本剑桥国际The two playwrights worked in close collaboration (with each other) on the script.这两个剧作家在写这个脚本时密切合作。剑桥国际Two writers collaborated on the script for the film.两个作家合写了这部电影的脚本剑桥国际

