
单词 筹划
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔As far as I know〕We're planning a party for George. As you know, he'll be leaving the company next month.我们在为乔治筹划一个派对。你知道,他下个月就要离开公司了。韦氏高阶〔CELEBRATE〕A retrospective film festival is being planned in celebration of the actor's 86th birthday. 正在筹划电影回顾展以庆祝那位演员86岁生日。朗文写作活用〔CELEBRATE〕The hospital is planning a huge celebration of its 50th anniversary. 那家医院正在筹划盛大的建院50周年庆祝活动。朗文写作活用〔PLAN〕Plans are now afoot for an important exhibition of Canaletto in England. 卡纳莱托的一次重要画展正在英格兰筹划中。朗文写作活用〔PLAN〕The programme is only in the planning stages, and is not likely to be broadcast until next year. 这个节目仅处于筹划阶段,明年才可能播出。朗文写作活用〔ahead〕The party was planned weeks ahead.聚会提前几个星期就已筹划好了。牛津高阶〔assiduity〕He plans everything with unfailing assiduity.每一件事他无不以一丝不苟的态度去筹划英汉大词典〔bailout〕The administration assembled the $50 billion emergency bailout package to ease a financial crisis in Mexico.管理部门筹划了总值达500亿美元的一揽子紧急经济援助计划,以缓解墨西哥的金融危机。剑桥高阶〔basics〕It's best to stick to basics when planning such a large party.筹划这么大型的聚会最好着眼于基本的东西。牛津搭配〔brew〕The children are brewing a pleasant surprise for their father's birthday.孩子们在暗中筹划,准备在父亲生日那天送他一件意想不到的好礼物。英汉大词典〔busily〕They are busily planning next year's event.他们正忙着筹划明年的活动。韦氏高阶〔business〕Arranging a trip abroad is a time-consuming business.筹划一趟出国旅行是件很费时的事。剑桥高阶〔calculating〕Coldly scheming or conniving.有打算的:冷静筹划的或秘密勾结的美国传统〔camarilla〕A group of confidential, often scheming advisers; a cabal.参谋团:一群秘密的、常有所筹划的顾问者;秘密结社美国传统〔campaign〕She was asked to help plan Labour's election campaign.她受邀帮助工党筹划选举活动。外研社新世纪〔chance〕We took a chance on the weather and planned to have the party outside.我们怀着天气可能会好的侥幸心理筹划到户外聚会。牛津高阶〔chance〕We'll plan everything very carefully and leave nothing to chance.我们将非常周密地筹划一切,决不留任何纰漏。牛津高阶〔classic〕The battle was a classic example/case of poor planning.这场战役堪称筹划不周的典型实例。韦氏高阶〔conspire〕To plan together secretly to commit an illegal or wrongful act or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action.搞阴谋:一起秘密筹划以进行非法或错误的行动或通过非法行动实现合法目标美国传统〔contrive〕They would have to contrive a meeting.他们将不得不筹划一次会议。麦克米伦高阶〔cook〕That plan has been cooking for a week.那个计划已经筹划了一个星期了。21世纪英汉〔county〕Over 50 events are planned throughout the county.全县共筹划了50多次活动。柯林斯高阶〔damn〕Damn! I had no idea you were planning a party for me! 该死!我不知道你在为我筹划派对!韦氏高阶〔detail〕Everyone must approve the basic plan before the final details are drawn up.基本方案必须得到所有人同意才能着手筹划最后的细节。牛津搭配〔disaster〕My carefully planned party had been a complete disaster.我精心筹划的聚会彻底搞砸了。麦克米伦高阶〔dramatic〕He was planning to make some kind of dramatic entrance.他正在筹划, 以求一亮相便能吸引眼球。外研社新世纪〔drawing board〕It's just one of sev eral projects on the drawing board.这只是正在筹划的几个项目中的一个。牛津高阶〔efficient〕We need someone really efficient who can organize the office and make it run smoothly.我们需要的人必须要高效干练,善于组织筹划,能使这个办事处顺畅运作。剑桥高阶〔excited〕They're both getting excited planning the wedding.他们两人兴奋地筹划起婚礼来。麦克米伦高阶〔forgather〕Members of the organization are planning to forgather in the city for their annual meeting.这个组织的成员正在筹划在市内举行的年度聚会。韦氏高阶〔found〕We are planning a dinner to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the company.我们正筹划一个晚宴,庆祝公司成立50周年。剑桥高阶〔gambit〕He sees the proposal as more of a diplomatic gambit than a serious defense proposal.在他看来,与其说这是一项精心筹划的国防动议,倒不如说是外交上的一着妙棋。柯林斯高阶〔get ... up〕The church is getting up a sale to collect money for the homeless children.教堂正在筹划一次义卖,为无家可归的孩子筹款。21世纪英汉〔hand〕Plans are in hand to perform 'Oz' next semester.下学期演出《绿野仙踪》的事宜目前正在筹划中。朗文当代〔happen〕Sometimes fun activities just happen spontaneously; at other times they take careful planning.有时候好玩的活动自然就来了,有时候却需要精心筹划牛津搭配〔hatch〕He hatched a plan with Matt to sell things on the Internet.他与马特筹划要在因特网上卖东西。麦克米伦高阶〔hit〕She hits forty this year and we're planning a big party.她今年就40岁了,所以我们正在筹划一个大型的聚会。麦克米伦高阶〔involve〕It would be difficult not to involve the child's father in the arrangements.不让孩子的父亲参与筹划会很困难。剑桥高阶〔lavish〕He staged the most lavish productions of Mozart.他筹划了一场空前盛大的莫扎特作品演奏会。外研社新世纪〔let〕They were planning something, but they wouldn't let me in on it.他们在筹划什么事,但他们不愿让我知道。麦克米伦高阶〔link〕Organizers of the project hope that international links will be forged.这个项目的筹划者希望能建立起国际间的联系。朗文当代〔map sth out〕His future is all mapped out ahead of him.他的未来全部都事先筹划好了。剑桥高阶〔mastermind〕The finance minister will continue to mastermind Poland's economic reform.财政部长将继续筹划波兰的经济改革。外研社新世纪〔mystery〕It is an elaborate ceremony, shrouded in mystery.仪式是精心筹划的,笼罩着一层神秘的色彩。柯林斯高阶〔nephew〕I am planning a 25th birthday party for my nephew.我在为侄子筹划他25岁的生日聚会。柯林斯高阶〔observer〕According to one military observer, this change comes after years of planning.据一位军事观察员说,这次变革是多年筹划的结果。韦氏高阶〔organized〕They ran a well-organized political campaign.他们实施了一场精心筹划的政治运动。韦氏高阶〔plan for〕We must plan for the future.我们必须要筹划未来。外研社新世纪〔plan out〕I have started planning out what I shall be doing next week.我已经开始筹划下周要做的事。外研社新世纪〔plan out〕I've got it all planned out.我全都筹划好了。外研社新世纪〔planning〕Careful planning made the party a success.精心的筹划使得聚会很成功。韦氏高阶〔planning〕The festival was four years in the planning.这个艺术节已经筹划 4 年了。牛津搭配〔plan〕I had been planning a trip to Cambridge.我一直在筹划去剑桥的旅行。外研社新世纪〔plan〕I've been planning how I'm going to spend the day.我一直在筹划怎样度过这一天。牛津高阶〔plan〕It would be difficult for schools to plan for the future.学校很难筹划未来。柯林斯高阶〔plan〕The students are planning a protest.学生们正在筹划一次抗议活动。韦氏高阶〔plan〕They had been planning their trip to Africa for months.他们几个月来一直在筹划他们的非洲之行。麦克米伦高阶〔plan〕We are busy planning the party.我们正忙着筹划聚会。韦氏高阶〔plot〕The girls had been plotting Antonia's party in great excitement.女孩子们已经在暗地里兴高采烈地筹划安东尼娅的聚会了。麦克米伦高阶〔preparation〕Other volumes on animal behaviour are in preparation.其他几卷有关动物行为的书正在筹划中。麦克米伦高阶〔prepare for〕We're preparing for our skiing holiday.我们正在筹划去滑雪度假。外研社新世纪〔prepare〕We're preparing a special reception for him when he returns.我们正筹划着在他回来时举办一个特殊的欢迎会。麦克米伦高阶〔prominence〕He had risen to prominence in his wife's organization.他在妻子的筹划下跻身于显赫地位。外研社新世纪〔reading〕The society often arranges poetry readings and musical evenings.该社团经常筹划诗歌朗诵会和音乐晚会。剑桥高阶〔scotch〕They have scotched rumours that they are planning a special London show.他们辟谣说并没有在筹划伦敦专场秀。柯林斯高阶〔sit-down〕The group arranged a sit-down with city officials.这个团体筹划了一次与市政官员的协调会。韦氏高阶〔stage〕The event was very carefully staged.这一活动经过了仔细筹划牛津搭配〔stage〕They were going to stage a large-scale money collecting.他们筹划举办一个大型募捐活动。21世纪英汉〔stick〕They persistently stuck him with fund collection.他们坚持把筹划基金的工作交给他做。21世纪英汉〔strategize〕To plan a strategy for (a business or financial venture, for example).筹划:为(如某一商务业务或金融投机)谋划策略美国传统〔tie-up〕Cambridge University Press arranged a tie-up with the German publisher Klett.剑桥大学出版社筹划了与德国克勒特出版社的一次合作。剑桥高阶〔what〕The letter showed clearly what they were planning.这封信很清楚地说明了他们是在筹划什么。剑桥高阶〔workshop〕The Jamaica Festival is planning a series of workshops and business seminars.牙买加节正在筹划一系列研习班和商务研讨会。柯林斯高阶〔work〕Several large investments in natural resources are in the works.在自然资源方面的几项大笔投资正在筹划之中。英汉大词典His job is to liaise with other similar organizations and to plan a joint campaign.他的任务是与其它类似的组织建立联系然后筹划一个联合行动。剑桥国际Huge projects designed to aid (=help) poorer countries can sometimes do more harm than good.为援助贫穷国家而筹划的庞大项目有时所带来的害处要多于益处。剑桥国际Organizing a conference requires a lot of careful planning.组织会议需要精心筹划牛津商务She asked about the journey he had planned. 她问起他所筹划的旅行。译典通She's so disorganized--I wish she'd get her act together.她如此杂乱无章----我希望她能有条理地筹划一下。剑桥国际Something's afoot--the managers keep having secret meetings.有些事正在筹划之中----经理们不断地召开秘密会议。剑桥国际The launch of a new product requires careful thought and planning.新产品的推出需要细心筹划牛津商务We must not rush into anything without careful planning. 任何事情没有经过仔细筹划就不可贸然从事。译典通With some wily forward planning, we should be able to meet our financial targets.作一些明智的先期筹划,我们应该能够达到我们的财政目标。剑桥国际

