
单词 碎片
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BREAK〕The bottle rolled off the table and smashed to pieces on the floor. 瓶子从桌上滚落,在地板上摔成碎片朗文写作活用〔OPEN〕The receipt had been folded and unfolded so many times that it was almost in pieces. 那张收条反复地折起打开,打开又折起,都快成碎片了。朗文写作活用〔PIECE〕He was piecing together torn fragments of a letter. 他在把撕成碎片的信拼到一起。朗文写作活用〔PIECE〕The jumper was very cheap - it'll probably fall to bits the first time I wear it. 那件套头毛衣便宜极了一我第一次穿就有可能会裂成碎片朗文写作活用〔PIECE〕The old wreck had been smashed to pieces on the island's rocks. 那艘失事的旧船在该岛的岩石上撞成了碎片朗文写作活用〔PIECE〕The vase lay in pieces on the floor. 花瓶摔成了碎片散落一地。朗文写作活用〔RECOGNIZE〕The explosion left nothing but small, unrecognizable pieces of the aircraft scattered over the field. 飞机爆炸后只有小块的、无法辨认的碎片散落在田野上。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕Rivers carry debris out to the sea, and it then settles on the bottom. 河流把碎片带到海里,然后这些碎片就沉积到海底。朗文写作活用〔acellular vaccine〕A vaccine composed of only those fragments of bacterial cells that are best suited to stimulating a strong immune response.非细胞疫苗:由细菌细胞碎片构成的疫苗,非常适合刺激强免疫力反应美国传统〔amid〕Some of the wreckage caused by the explosion fell amid the crowd of spectators.爆炸产生的碎片落在围观人群当中。21世纪英汉〔bits and pieces〕There were broken bits and pieces of glass all over the floor.地板上到处都是玻璃碎片韦氏高阶〔bit〕My briefcase eventually fell to bits.我的公文包最后变成了碎片牛津搭配〔bit〕Put all the broken bits back together.把所有碎片重新拼在一起。韦氏高阶〔bit〕The glass smashed into little bits.玻璃杯摔成了小碎片剑桥高阶〔bit〕The vase hit the floor and was smashed to bits.花瓶掉到地板上,摔成了碎片麦克米伦高阶〔blast〕The jumbo jet was blasted out of the sky.那架巨型喷气式飞机在空中被炸成碎片牛津高阶〔blast〕The plane was blasted out of the sky by a terrorist bomb.飞机在空中被恐怖分子放置的炸弹炸成了碎片朗文当代〔brash〕A mass or pile of rubble, refuse, or fragments, as of stone, brush, or ice.岩石或冰块等的碎片:如石头、刷子或冰块的碎片、废弃物或碎石堆小块美国传统〔break〕To become separated into pieces or fragments.分裂成碎片美国传统〔bury〕The splinter buried itself in my thumb.尖碎片扎进了我的拇指。韦氏高阶〔cluster bomb〕A projectile that, when dropped from an aircraft or fired through the air, releases explosive fragments over a wide area.榴霰弹:一种抛射物,当从飞机上抛出或在空中爆炸时,会在很大区域内释放爆炸性碎片美国传统〔come〕Bits and pieces of things he'd read and heard were coming together, and he began to understand.他把读到和听到的零碎片段综合起来,便逐渐明白了。牛津高阶〔cosmid〕A hybrid vector that has been spliced with plasmid DNA for cloning large genes or gene fragments.黏粒,装配型质粒:为合成的遗传媒介,结合克隆大基因或大基因碎片的质粒脱氧核糖核酸载体美国传统〔creep〕Geology The slow movement of rock debris and soil down a weathered slope.【地质学】 蠕动:岩石碎片和土壤沿着受风雨侵蚀的滑坡向下缓慢移动美国传统〔cullet〕Scraps of broken or waste glass gathered for remelting, especially with new material.废碎玻璃:聚集起来被用作熔制破碎的或废弃的玻璃碎片,尤指与新材料一起熔制美国传统〔debris〕She was hit on the head by flying debris.她给飞出的碎片击中了头部。牛津搭配〔debris〕The general emerged from the debris and shook glass splinters from his lapel.将军从瓦砾中现身出来,抖落衣领上的玻璃碎片文馨英汉〔debris〕The scattered remains of something broken or destroyed; rubble or wreckage.残骸:破裂或被毁坏的东西剩下的碎片;碎石或残余物美国传统〔debris〕The tank exploded, scattering debris all over the field.坦克爆炸了,整个原野上都散落着碎片残骸。牛津搭配〔deliberation〕With slow deliberation, he tore the letter into pieces.他从容不迫地把信撕成碎片牛津搭配〔destroy〕He physically destroyed the computer by smashing it to pieces.他把电脑砸成了碎片牛津搭配〔dilaceraded〕She dilacerated the paper into pieces.她把那张纸撕成碎片21世纪英汉〔exhibit〕Five large pieces of the wall are currently on exhibition in London.那堵墙的5块大碎片眼下正在伦敦展出。柯林斯高阶〔flaming〕The plane scattered flaming fragments over a large area.飞机燃烧的碎片散落到大片区域里。外研社新世纪〔fly apart〕The gun flew apart when I fired it, and wounded my hand.我射击时,枪爆炸成碎片,伤了我的手。21世纪英汉〔fractal〕The way that the trunk of a tree divides into smaller and smaller branches and twigs is an approximate fractal pattern.树干逐渐分成小树枝、嫩枝的方式类似一个不规则碎片形。剑桥高阶〔fragmentation〕The issue of fragmentation within the physical education profession is still unresolved.体育教育中的碎片化问题还未解决。外研社新世纪〔fragment〕A small part broken off or detached.碎片:被打碎或拆开的小部分美国传统〔fragment〕The shattered vase lay in fragments on the floor.打碎的花瓶在地上成了一堆碎片牛津高阶〔fragment〕The vase hit the wall and shattered into fragments.花瓶撞到墙上摔成了碎片麦克米伦高阶〔fritter〕To break, tear, or cut into bits; shred.弄碎:分或切成小片;弄成碎片美国传统〔glass〕The floor was littered with fragments of broken glass.地板上满是玻璃碎片牛津搭配〔glue〕Glue the pieces firmly together.把碎片牢牢地粘在一起。牛津搭配〔gravel〕An unconsolidated mixture of rock fragments or pebbles.砾石:岩石碎片或卵石的松散的混合物美国传统〔hurtle〕The explosion sent pieces of metal and glass hurtling through the air.爆炸导致金属和玻璃碎片在空中乱飞。剑桥高阶〔join〕I don't think you'll be able to see the join when I've glued the pieces together.我想等我把这些碎片粘好后,你就看不出接缝了。麦克米伦高阶〔kasha〕Buckwheat groats.麦糊,麦糜:荞麦的去壳谷物碎片美国传统〔mushroom cloud〕A cloud of smoke and debris shaped like a mushroom, especially one created by the detonation of a nuclear bomb.蕈状云:由烟尘与碎片所形成的蕈状云,尤指由核弹爆炸所造成的美国传统〔ort〕A small scrap or leaving of food after a meal is completed. Often used in the plural.片:一小块碎片或吃完饭后所剩的食物。经常用作复数形式美国传统〔pattern〕The distribution and spread, around a targeted region, of spent shrapnel, bomb fragments, or shot from a shotgun.炮弹的散布范围:榴霰弹片、炮弹碎片或短枪射击在靶区的分布和散布面美国传统〔pelite〕Sedimentary rock composed of fine fragments, as of clay or mud.泥质岩,黏土岩:如粘土或湿泥等由细碎片构成的沉积岩石美国传统〔piece sth together〕The ancient skull has been pieced together from fragments.这个古人类头骨是由头骨碎片拼合起来的。剑桥高阶〔piece〕The teapot fell and was broken to pieces.茶壶掉下,摔成了碎片英汉大词典〔piece〕The vase lay on the floor in pieces (= broken into small parts).花瓶碎片散落一地。剑桥高阶〔process〕Removing the splinters from the wound was a long and painful process.清理伤口中的碎片是一件费时又痛苦的事。牛津搭配〔rend〕They rent the cloth to shreds.他们把这块布料撕成了碎片韦氏高阶〔ribbon〕The banner was ribboned by the wind.那横幅被风撕裂成了条条碎片英汉大词典〔rip〕Her skirt was ripped to shreds.把某物撕成碎片麦克米伦高阶〔rip〕I ripped up all the letters she'd sent me.我把她寄给我的所有信件都撕成了碎片麦克米伦高阶〔rive〕Some great cataclysm had riven it.某次大的灾变使其裂成了碎片外研社新世纪〔send〕The explosion sent shrapnel flying through the sides of cars on the crowded highway.爆炸后飞溅出的炸弹碎片洞穿了拥堵在公路上的车辆车身。柯林斯高阶〔shatter〕The broken vase lay in shatters.花瓶被打破,成了一堆碎片英汉大词典〔shatter〕The glass shattered into a thousand tiny pieces.玻璃碎成无数块细小的碎片剑桥高阶〔shaving〕A thin slice or sliver, as of wood or metal, that is shaved off.削片:被削下的一薄片或碎片,如木头或金属的美国传统〔shred〕Cursing, he took the paper from her hand and tore it to shreds.他一边咒骂着一边把她手中的文件夺过来, 撕成碎片外研社新世纪〔shred〕His face was bruised and his jacket was in shreds.他的脸被打伤,上衣被扯成了碎片麦克米伦高阶〔shred〕The clothes were ripped to shreds and covered in blood.衣服被撕成了碎片,上面满是血迹。朗文当代〔shred〕To cut or tear into shreds.切或撕成碎片美国传统〔sliver〕Not a sliver of glass remains where the windows were.窗户上连一点儿玻璃碎片都没有留下。柯林斯高阶〔sliver〕The stone slivered the glass.石块把玻璃砸成碎片英汉大词典〔smash〕The glass smashed into tiny pieces.玻璃杯摔成了小碎片外研社新世纪〔smithereens〕The fragile dish broke into smithereens.易碎的盘子摔成了碎片美国传统〔splinter〕A jagged splinter of glass jutted up from the broken lamp.一块锯齿状玻璃碎片从破碎的灯上支出来。外研社新世纪〔splint〕A thin piece split off from a larger piece; a splinter.薄木条:从较大木条上剥离的较薄的木条;碎片美国传统〔spray〕The bullet slammed into the ceiling, spraying them with bits of plaster.子弹猛地射进了天花板, 掉落的石膏碎片散了他们一身。外研社新世纪〔spray〕The bullet slammed into the ceiling, spraying them with bits of plaster.子弹砰地射进了天花板,掉落的石膏碎片落了他们一身。柯林斯高阶〔stick〕We used glue to stick the broken pieces together.我们用胶水把碎片粘到一起。牛津高阶〔tear〕I watched him assemble the photograph he had torn to pieces.我看着他将自己撕成碎片的照片拼起来。外研社新世纪〔tear〕Mary tore the letter to pieces without reading it.玛丽看都没看就把那封信撕成了碎片麦克米伦高阶〔tear〕The dog tore the pillow to pieces/shreds.狗把枕头撕成了碎片韦氏高阶〔tear〕The hyenas fought among themselves, tearing the impala to pieces.鬣狗们你抢我夺, 将黑斑羚撕成了碎片外研社新世纪〔tinkle〕A fresh cascade of splintered glass tinkled to the floor.又有一堆刚裂开的玻璃碎片叮叮当当地落到地板上。外研社新世纪〔together〕He'd tried to glue the broken pieces together.他曾试图把那些碎片粘在一起。朗文当代〔trimming〕He cut a circle out of a piece of paper and threw away the trimmings.他在一张纸上剪下一个圆圈,然后把多余的碎片扔掉了。英汉大词典〔wash〕Pieces of the wreckage were washed ashore.沉船残骸的碎片被冲到了岸上。牛津高阶〔wisp〕A thin or faint streak or fragment, as of smoke or clouds.一缕:薄或微弱的条纹或碎片,如烟、云等美国传统〔wreckage〕Pieces of wreckage have been found up to three miles away.直到 3 英里远的地方都还能找到残骸碎片牛津搭配A wolf tore the lamb piecemeal. 一只狼把小羊撕成碎片译典通An old masonry wall collapsed, sending a large amount of debris crashing down onto the courtyard.一垛老式的砖墙轰然倒塌,许多碎片随之掉落到了院子里。剑桥国际Angrily she ripped the letter up. 她盛怒之下把信撕成碎片译典通His car had been blown to pieces.他的车被炸成了碎片剑桥国际I dropped the vase and it broke into pieces.我把花瓶掉落了摔成了碎片剑桥国际I saw her ripping the note into little pieces.我看到她将笔记撕成碎片剑桥国际She ripped up his letters and burned the pieces.她撕毁了他的信,并烧掉了碎片剑桥国际The bowl fell and fragmented into bits. 碗掉下,摔成碎片译典通The display case contained organic remains found in the tomb -- seeds, dried fruit, and small pieces of leather and bone.展示箱里有在坟墓里找到的有机物残余----种子、干枯的水果、小块的皮革碎片和骨头。剑桥国际The glass broke and splintered. 玻璃破了,裂成碎片译典通The sea smashed the boat to bits against the rocks.海浪将小船卷撞礁石,撞成了碎片剑桥国际The soldier suffered brain damage from shrapnel splinters.这个士兵因炮弹碎片而使脑部受了伤。剑桥国际Their clothes are so sloppily made--they fall to bits after you've worn them a couple of months.他们的衣服制作得很马虎----穿了几个月后就成了碎片了。剑桥国际

