
单词 起用
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Angora〕The fine, long hair of the Angora rabbit, sometimes blended with wool in fabrics.安哥拉兔毛:安哥拉长兔毛,有时和羊毛混在一起用于纺织美国传统〔SLOW〕Sunday mornings she gets up late and then has a leisurely breakfast with her family. 星期天早上她起得很晚,然后悠闲地和家人一起用早餐。朗文写作活用〔activate〕They had planted secret agents in many countries who could be activated whenever needed.他们在许多国家都安插了一旦需要就可起用的特务。英汉大词典〔among〕We can certainly lift this table among us.大家一起用力就肯定能把这张桌子抬起来。英汉大词典〔barrel〕As the best men had been picked, we had to scrape the barrel.由于第一流人才已被选走,我们只好起用仅剩的次等人才了。英汉大词典〔booster seat〕A car seat for small children that lifts the child by several inches, designed for use with an adult seat belt.辅助车座椅:供小孩坐的汽车座椅,可以升高几英寸,和成人座椅带一起用美国传统〔catch〕Stephen leapt up and caught the ball in one hand.斯蒂芬跳起用一只手接住了球。朗文当代〔fast track〕Woodward has fast-tracked a number of youngsters into the line-up since he became coach.伍德沃德担任教练后破格起用了一些年轻人出场。柯林斯高阶〔gather〕I gathered that they were not going to eat with us.我想他们不会跟我们一起用餐了。外研社新世纪〔ham〕They had some dreadful old ham in the main part.他们起用了一些极为蹩脚的老演员担纲主角。剑桥高阶〔heave〕They gave a great heave and rolled the boulder out of the way.他们一起用力将大石头推到路旁。剑桥高阶〔heave〕We all heaved on the rope.我们大家一起用力拉绳子。牛津高阶〔hypodermic needle〕A hollow needle used with a hypodermic syringe.皮下注射针:和皮下注射管一起用的一根空针美国传统〔launch〕He is very cautious about launching his new assistant.他在起用他的新助手时非常谨慎。英汉大词典〔lunch〕I will be lunching with a client.我要和一位客户一起用午餐。朗文当代〔mess with〕In this camp,private soldiers do not mess with officers。在这个军营里,士兵不和军官一起用餐。21世纪英汉〔messmate〕A person with whom one eats regularly, as in a military mess.共用餐者:如在军队集体食堂里经常与某人一起用膳的人美国传统〔mess〕In this camp, private soldiers do not mess with officers.在这个兵营里,士兵不和军官一起用膳。英汉大词典〔mess〕The sailors found the mess a congenial lot.水兵们发现一起用膳的人们志趣相投。英汉大词典〔official〕They dined in an official capacity with other European leaders.他们以官方身份和其他欧洲国家领导人一起用餐。朗文当代〔overhand〕Sewn with close, vertical stitches drawing two edges together, with each stitch passing over the seam formed by the edges.平式缝接的:把两个边拉在一起用垂直而细密的针脚缝接的,缝纫时每一针都经过两道边形成的缝口美国传统〔perambulate〕Mother with her toddler perambulated the infant in tow.母亲与蹒跚学步的孩子一起用童车推着婴儿走。21世纪英汉〔resurrect〕There are fears that he may be trying to resurrect the old secret police.人们担心他可能在试图重新起用昔日的秘密警察。外研社新世纪〔resurrect〕To bring back into practice, notice, or use.恢复实施、受注意或重新起用美国传统〔sit〕It was good to be sitting down eating dinner with my family.坐下来和家人一起用晚餐感觉真好。朗文当代〔start〕The station started him as a news announcer.电台起用他当新闻播音员。英汉大词典〔steel wool〕Fine fibers of steel matted or woven together to form an abrasive for cleaning, smoothing, or polishing.钢绒,钢棉:缠织在一起用作清洗、磨光擦亮的钢制细纤维美国传统〔tartly〕The blackberries were a bit too tart on their own, so we stewed them gently with some apples.光黑莓味道有点儿冲,所以我们将它和几个苹果一起用小火炖了炖。柯林斯高阶〔tête-à-tête〕We dined tête-à-tête.我们两人单独一起用餐。剑桥高阶〔weigh〕We have to weigh the cost of the new system against the benefits it will bring.我们必须权衡一下起用新系统所需的成本和它将带来的效益。21世纪英汉〔would〕We would meet often for lunch. 我们经常在一起用午餐。英汉大词典〔would〕Would you have dinner with me on Friday? 请你星期五和我一起用餐好吗?牛津高阶Half the fun of our Sunday jaunts to the mountains is lunch with Joe and his family.我们星期天去山中旅游一半的乐趣是与乔和他的家人一起用午餐。剑桥国际He claims to have once dined with the President of France.他声称曾和法国总统一起用过餐。剑桥国际He was passed over in favour of a younger man.他未获提升,起用的是一个比他年轻的人。牛津商务In this camp, private soldiers do not mess with officers. 在这个兵营里,士兵不和军官一起用餐。译典通Italian neo-realist cinema focussed on working-class subjects, using amateur actors and filming on location, rather than in the studio.意大利新现实主义电影集中表现工人阶级题材,起用业余演员,并在现场而不是在摄影棚里拍摄。剑桥国际Our customer support centre is now fully operational.我们的客户支援中心目前全面起用牛津商务The bank started her as a teller. 银行起用她当出纳员。译典通The court has permitted the resurrection of these laws, if they meet certain procedural requirements.法庭已同意重新起用这些法律,如果它们符合一定的程序要求的话。剑桥国际The film stars Kathleen Turner as the hard-boiled detective of Sarah Paretsky's novel.该影片起用凯瑟琳·特纳扮演莎拉·帕瑞斯基小说中不动感情的侦探。剑桥国际They decided to use a sports personality to help sell their products.他们决定起用体育明星来帮助推销产品。牛津商务

