
单词 货车司机
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bear〕A bear in the air! (货车司机民用波段无线电通话中用语)天上有巡警的直升机!英汉大词典〔classic〕That was classic! That van-driver signalled right, and then turned left.太可恶了!那个货车司机打右转的信号,可是却向左转弯了!剑桥高阶〔driver〕The driver of the van was killed in the accident.货车司机在事故中丧生。剑桥高阶〔left field〕Her parents were creative and left-field and wanted Polly to become a singer or a truck driver.波莉的父母想法新奇怪异,竟希望她做歌星或是货车司机柯林斯高阶〔legally〕A lorry driver can legally work eighty-two hours a week.从法律上讲,货车司机一星期可工作82小时。柯林斯高阶〔picket line〕The van drivers refused to cross the picket line (= to go past the pickets).货车司机拒绝穿越纠察线。剑桥高阶He took the law into his own hands and shot the van driver who had killed his child.他擅自开枪打死了那个撞死他儿子的货车司机剑桥国际The driver of the van was killed in the accident.事故中货车司机丧生了。剑桥国际The van drivers refused to cross the picket line (= to go past the pickets).货车司机拒绝开过纠察线。剑桥国际

