
单词 那一年
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔advertising〕Companies dependent on advertising revenue had a miserable year.依赖广告收入的公司那一年境况糟糕。外研社新世纪〔bank〕Agassi might have won almost $2 million in prize money that year, but he probably banked another $10 million through endorsements.那一年阿加西赢得的奖金可能就有近两百万美元, 而且还很可能通过品牌代言额外赚了一千万。外研社新世纪〔before Christ〕In a specified year of the pre-Christian era.公元前:基督诞生之前的那一年美国传统〔cancer〕Jane was just 25 when she learned she had cancer.简得知自己罹癌那一年才25岁。柯林斯高阶〔chance〕It chanced that we both went to Paris that year.碰巧那一年我们都去了巴黎。朗文当代〔controller〕That was the year he became Controller of Radio 4.那一年他成为广播4台的负责人。剑桥高阶〔detection〕The detection rate for motor vehicle theft that year was just 11.7 per cent.那一年机动车盗窃案的侦破率仅为11.7%。柯林斯高阶〔devil〕That year was to my friend Bruce the devil, monetarily speaking.从经济上来说,那一年是我朋友布鲁斯极困难的一年。英汉大词典〔discovery〕In that year, two momentous discoveries were made.那一年,有两个重大发现。柯林斯高阶〔during〕Several important things happened during the year.那一年中发生了好几件重大事情。英汉大词典〔find〕The young actress was the theatrical find of the year.这位年轻女演员是那一年戏剧界涌现出来的新秀。英汉大词典〔hostility〕Hostilities broke out between the two provinces later that year.那一年晚些时候两省之间的战正爆发了。牛津搭配〔hostility〕Hostilities were resumed later that year.那一年晚些时候战火重燃。牛津搭配〔introduction〕That year, IBM announced the introduction of its first personal computer.那一年,国际商用机器公司宣布推出其第一款个人计算机。牛津搭配〔invaluable〕I was able to gain invaluable experience over that year.那一年下来, 我收获了非常宝贵的经验。外研社新世纪〔invaluable〕I was able to gain invaluable experience over that year.在那一年里我有幸获得了非常宝贵的经验。柯林斯高阶〔league〕Liverpool were top of the Football League that year.利物浦队是那一年的足球联赛冠军。剑桥高阶〔magic〕Our year in Italy was pure/sheer magic.我们在意大利的那一年真是太有趣了。牛津高阶〔martyrdom〕In that year, thousands of Christians suffered martyrdom for their faith.那一年,成千上万名基督徒为他们的信仰殉难。朗文当代〔on〕The business was doing well earlier on in the year.那一年更早些时候生意很好。外研社新世纪〔payroll〕That year British Aluminium added about 1,000 workers to its payroll.那一年英国铝公司新聘用了一千名左右的员工。外研社新世纪〔payroll〕That year British Petroleum added about 1000 workers to its UK payroll.那一年,英国石油公司在本国的员工总数又增加了约1000名。英汉大词典〔power〕Later that year, the generals seized power in a bloody coup.那一年晚些时候,将军们在一次血腥的政变中夺取了政权。麦克米伦高阶〔practically〕That was the year of the drought when the river practically dried up.那一年干旱,河流几乎都干涸了。麦克米伦高阶〔put〕It was the year the Americans put a man on the moon.那是美国人把人送上月球的那一年牛津高阶〔remember〕It happened, you (must) remember, in the year when he was born.这件事,你(当)记得,发生在他出生的那一年英汉大词典〔sombre〕The year ended on a sombre note.那一年在沉闷的气氛中结束了。牛津高阶〔soulmate〕Later that year she met Adam and she knew instantly that they were soulmates.那一年末,她遇到了亚当,立刻感到他们就是知音。剑桥高阶〔surplus〕Wheat was in surplus that year.那一年小麦过剩。牛津高阶〔turn〕In that year things took a turn for the better.那一年情况有所好转。英汉大词典〔up〕Senator Frank Church was coming up for re-election that year.那一年参议员弗兰克‧丘奇被提名竞选连任。朗文当代〔war〕It was the year Britain declared war on Germany.那是英国对德国宣战的那一年牛津高阶〔worry〕That year he had major health worries.那一年他健康“亮红灯”,令他大为担忧。牛津搭配〔year〕That year saw the explosion of the Internet.那一年因特网发展迅猛。牛津搭配Cycling shorts were the latest craze/(all) the craze that year.骑车短裤是那一年最新的时尚。剑桥国际The government had to cut its coat according to its cloth in order to lower taxes that year. 那一年政府为了减税只能量入为出。译典通

