
单词 鱿鱼
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FINISH〕He was fired and the board would give him no more time to wind up his affairs. 他被炒了鱿鱼,董事会不会再给他时间把事情结束掉。朗文写作活用〔FOOD〕Squid is a delicacy in this part of Italy. 在意大利的这个地区,鱿鱼是一种美食。朗文写作活用〔IGNORE〕Stan has fired me before. I usually take no notice and turn up for work again the next day. 斯坦以前也炒过我鱿鱼。我一般是不予理睬,第二天照常去上班。朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕He was sacked for being drunk in the office. 他因为在办公室里喝醉酒被炒鱿鱼了。朗文写作活用〔anger〕He was angered to learn that he had been fired.得知被炒鱿鱼,他很生气。韦氏高阶〔away〕If you take my work away I can't be happy anymore.如果你炒我鱿鱼,我就再也高兴不起来了。柯林斯高阶〔back〕She was the one who had fired him from his first job back in South Africa.她就是以前在南非的时候炒他鱿鱼、使他失去第一份工作的人。朗文当代〔be next door to sth〕If you're asked to resign from your job, it's next door to being fired.如果你被要求主动离职,这就和被炒鱿鱼没什么两样了。剑桥高阶〔better〕I want him sacked, the sooner the better.我真希望他被炒鱿鱼, 越快越好。外研社新世纪〔bitter〕She is very bitter about the way she was sacked.就这样被炒了鱿鱼, 她感到愤愤不平。外研社新世纪〔boot〕He was useless, and soon got the boot.他毫无用处,很快就被炒了鱿鱼麦克米伦高阶〔boot〕The chairman denied that he had been given the boot .主席否认他是被炒鱿鱼的。朗文当代〔decapod〕A cephalopod mollusk, such as a squid or cuttlefish, having ten armlike tentacles.十腕亚目动物:如鱿鱼,乌贼,有十只象胳膊一样的触角美国传统〔dibranchiate〕A member of the order Dibranchiata, a classification formerly used for the two-gilled cephalopods, which include the octopuses, cuttlefish, and squids.二鳃目:二鳃目的一员(一种正式使用于二鳃的头足纲动物的分类),包括章鱼、乌贼和鱿鱼美国传统〔feed〕The seals feed mainly on fish and squid.海豹主要以鱼和鱿鱼为食。牛津搭配〔how〕Be careful how you talk; you could get fired.当心你说话的方式,你可能会因此被炒鱿鱼韦氏高阶〔ink sac〕An ink-containing organ located near the rectum in most cephalopods, including the octopus, squid, and cuttlefish.墨囊:大多数头足动物,包括章鱼、鱿鱼和金枪鱼直肠附近的器官,用于装墨汁美国传统〔mess up〕If I messed up, I would probably be fired.要是我搞砸了,很可能会被炒鱿鱼柯林斯高阶〔neglect〕He was dismissed for neglecting his work.他因玩忽职守而被炒了鱿鱼21世纪英汉〔past〕They'll probably sack me but, to be honest, I'm past caring.他们也许会炒我鱿鱼, 但说老实话, 我不在乎。外研社新世纪〔quit〕He figured he would quit before Johnson fired him.他估计自己会在约翰逊炒他鱿鱼之前先辞职。柯林斯高阶〔round〕There is a rumour making the rounds that he has been fired.到处风传着他已被炒了鱿鱼麦克米伦高阶〔rumor〕You can't fire him solely based on rumor.你不能仅根据传闻就炒他鱿鱼韦氏高阶〔rumour〕Among the other employees, rumour has it that he was fired from his last job.员工中传言说,他上一份工作是被炒了鱿鱼的。牛津搭配〔sack〕Her work was so poor that she was given the sack.她工作干得很差,被炒了鱿鱼牛津高阶〔sever〕He was severed for his quarrel with his boss.他因与老板争吵而被炒了鱿鱼21世纪英汉〔shape up〕If he doesn't shape up, he's going to be fired.他如果不好好表现,就会被炒鱿鱼韦氏高阶〔shelf〕He was shelfed by his boss.他被老板炒了鱿鱼21世纪英汉〔squid〕Add the prawns and squid and cook for 2 minutes.放入对虾和鱿鱼,烹炒 2 分钟。柯林斯高阶〔squid〕Add the prawns and squid and cook for 2 minutes.放进大虾和鱿鱼, 烧两分钟。外研社新世纪In the past ten years, Japanese people have gone overboard for squid, consuming half a million tonnes annually.在过去的十年中,日本人对鱿鱼过于偏爱,每年要吃掉五十万吨。剑桥国际Recantation was not enough to appease the company and she was sacked a few days later.公开认错不足以让公司平息,几天后她便被炒了鱿鱼剑桥国际

