
单词 靠左
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔STOP〕Could you stop just here on the left? 你就在这里靠左边停下来好吗?朗文写作活用〔USED TO/ACCUSTOMED TO〕Driving on the left-hand side of the road was unfamiliar and a little frightening. 不习惯靠左行驶,有点害怕。朗文写作活用〔colonial〕I sat on the Colonial bench that was just to the left of the office doorway.我坐在带有殖民地时期风格的长凳上,就在办公室出门靠左的地方。柯林斯高阶〔down〕The bus stop is a bit further down on the left-hand side.公共汽车站就在再往下走一点靠左边的地方。朗文当代〔feed〕He scored off/on a feed from the left wing.他靠左翼供球而得分。韦氏高阶〔hard〕He drove hard left.他尽可能靠左行驶。外研社新世纪〔keep to〕Keep to the left.请靠左走。外研社新世纪〔keep〕Keep left along the wall.沿着墙靠左边走。牛津高阶〔keep〕Traffic in Britain keeps (to the) left.在英国,车辆是靠左走的。 英汉大词典〔left-justify〕The data in the cells should be left-justified.单元格里的数据应当靠左对齐。外研社新世纪〔left-justify〕The data in the cells should be left-justified.单元格里的数据应该靠左对齐。柯林斯高阶〔left〕By the left, quick march! 靠左急行军!英汉大词典〔left〕In Britain cars drive on the left.在英国车辆靠左行驶。外研社新世纪〔left〕In Japan you have to drive on the left.在日本,你必须靠左行驶。文馨英汉〔left〕Keep left.靠左通行。文馨英汉〔left〕Keep to the left.靠左边行走。文馨英汉〔on〕Our house is the first on the left after the post office.我们家是邮局过后靠左第一家。剑桥高阶〔read〕The sign reads "Keep Left." 告示写著「靠左。」文馨英汉〔side〕Cars drive on the left side of the road in England.在英国,汽车是靠左行驶的。英汉大词典〔side〕In Britain, cars drive on the left side of the road.在英国,汽车靠左侧行驶。剑桥高阶〔side〕They drive on the left-hand side of the road in Japan.在日本驾车靠左行。牛津高阶〔through traffic〕Through traffic, keep left.过境车辆,请靠左剑桥高阶〔where〕It's one of the few countries where people drive on the left.这是为数不多的几个靠左行驶的国家之一。牛津高阶〔yd〕The entrance is on the left 200 yds further on up the road.入口在公路前方200码处靠左的地方。柯林斯高阶If you want the toilet, it's the second door on the left.如果你要上卫生间,靠左第二扇门。剑桥国际In Britain, cars drive on the left side of the road.在英国,汽车在路上靠左行驶。剑桥国际Our house is the first on the left after the post office.我们的房子是过邮局后靠左第一幢。剑桥国际You'll need a car with left-hand/right-hand drive (= in which the driver sits in the seat on the left/right).你需要一辆靠左/右驾驶的车。剑桥国际

