
单词 用于工业
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔apply〕Scientific discoveries are often applied to industrial production methods.科学新发现常应用于工业生产方法。英汉大词典〔bort〕Poorly crystallized diamonds used for industrial cutting and abrasion.下等金刚石,工业用钻石:结晶很差的金刚石,用于工业切割和研磨美国传统〔commercial〕Of, relating to, or being goods, often unrefined, produced and distributed in large quantities for use by industry.大量生产的:属于、有关或是商品的,常为未精制的、大量生产的和分配的,用于工业美国传统〔corn syrup〕A syrup prepared from cornstarch, used in industry and in numerous food products as a sweetener.玉米糖浆:用玉米淀粉制成的糖浆,用于工业上和多种食物制品中用来增加甜味美国传统〔cornstarch〕Starch prepared from corn grains, used industrially and as a thickener in cooking.玉米淀粉:用玉米粒制成的淀粉,用于工业上和烹调时的增稠剂美国传统〔cyanoacrylate〕An adhesive substance with an acrylate base that is used in industry and medicine.氰基丙烯酸盐粘合剂:用于工业和医药的含有氰基丙烯酸盐的粘性物质美国传统〔industry〕This type of software is widely used in industry.这种软件广泛应用于工业朗文当代〔scrim〕A durable, loosely woven cotton or linen fabric used for curtains or upholstery lining or in industry.稀松的平纹棉(或麻)织物:一种耐用的稀松的棉或麻织物,用于做窗帘或室内装饰带或者用于工业美国传统〔vapor〕The vaporized form of a substance for use in industrial, military, or medical processes.烟雾,蒸汽:用于工业、军事或医药进程的物质的蒸汽化形式美国传统The new invention would have wide application in industry.这项新发明会广泛应用于工业牛津商务

