
单词 疏通
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SWITCH ON OR OFF〕We had to stop the pump and unblock it. 我们只能把水泵关掉进行疏通朗文写作活用〔approach〕The judge had been approached by someone who had urged a favourable ruling for the company.有人曾试图疏通法官,要求作出有利于公司方面的裁决。英汉大词典〔blockage〕He had surgery to open up blockages in his arteries.他做了动脉疏通手术。韦氏高阶〔bypass〕To avoid (an obstacle) by using an alternative channel, passage, or route.疏通:用替代的通道、管道或路线来避免(阻塞)美国传统〔clean〕This pipe wants cleaning.这条管道需要疏通一下。21世纪英汉〔clear〕It was several hours before the road was cleared after the accident.事故过去几小时后这条道路才被疏通牛津高阶〔clear〕She cleared the blocked drainpipe.她疏通了堵塞的排水管。牛津同义词〔congested〕He promised to clear Britain's congested roads.他承诺要疏通英国拥堵的道路。外研社新世纪〔drain〕We had to call in a plumber to unblock the drain.我们只得叫个管子工来疏通下水道。牛津高阶〔fat〕Actors lobby for fatter parts.演员们疏通关系争取成功机会更大的角色。外研社新世纪〔fixer〕John Wakeham seems certain to become the fixer the Prime Minister will need at election time.约翰•韦克厄姆似乎必定要成为首相竞选时需要的疏通者。外研社新世纪〔flush out〕That won't flush out all the sewage, but it should unclog some stinking drains.那样做虽不能将污物全部冲掉, 但应该能疏通一些散发恶臭的排水管。外研社新世纪〔flush〕That won't flush out all the sewage, but it should unclog some stinking drains.那样做虽不能将污物全部冲掉,但应该能疏通一些散发恶臭的排水管。柯林斯高阶〔herself〕She managed to unblock the sink by herself.她自己设法疏通了水槽。外研社新世纪〔river〕They're dredging the river to make it safer for larger boats.他们正在疏通河道,以确保大船能更安全地通过。牛津搭配〔sink〕I bought a sink plunger to clear the blocked kitchen sink.我买了一个拔子来疏通堵塞的厨房洗碗槽。牛津搭配〔smooth over〕She smoothed over the objections to his candidacy.她疏通了别人对他候选资格的反对意见。韦氏高阶〔supper〕They would have to 'sing for their supper' during the exhausting official round of duties.他们不得不在那些耗人精力的官方手续的办理过程中进行疏通外研社新世纪〔supper〕They would have to 'sing for their supper' during the exhausting official round of duties.他们不得不在那些耗人精力的官方手续的办理过程中进行疏通柯林斯高阶〔unblock〕A procedure was done to unblock his arteries.他做了一次疏通动脉的手术。韦氏高阶〔unblock〕Can you unblock the sink? 你能疏通洗涤槽吗?麦克米伦高阶〔unblock〕He's having an operation to unblock two of his arteries.他正在接受手术,疏通两条动脉。剑桥高阶〔unclog〕He assumed the role of plumber and unclogged the pipe.他做了一回管子工, 把管子疏通了。外研社新世纪〔unclog〕He had a procedure done to unclog his arteries.他做了动脉血管疏通手术。韦氏高阶〔unclog〕He unclogged the drain/sink/toilet.他疏通了下水道/厨房水槽/坐便器。韦氏高阶〔unplug〕The video shows you how to unplug a bath drain full of hair.这段视频向你展示如何疏通一个完全被头发堵塞的浴缸下水道。剑桥高阶She withheld her rent until the landlord agreed to have her drains unblocked.她拒付房租,直到房东同意为她疏通排水管。剑桥国际This device is just the thing (= exactly what is needed) for clearing blocked drains.这件器具正是疏通管道所需要的。剑桥国际You use a plunger by putting the rubber piece over the opening of a blocked pipe, and moving the stick up and down, which produces pressure and suction alternately, dislodging whatever is blocking the pipe.将手压皮碗泵的皮碗放在被堵塞的管道的口上,上下拉动手柄,这样就会交替产生压力和吸力,疏通管道任何被阻塞的地方。剑桥国际

