
单词 长处
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONFIDENT/NOT CONFIDENT〕Build confidence by assigning tasks which draw on an employee's areas of strength. 通过分派能发挥雇员长处的任务来建立信心。朗文写作活用〔GOOD AT〕Before choosing a career you should spend time identifying your personal strengths and weaknesses. 择业之前应该花点时间认识一下自身的长处和短处。朗文写作活用〔TALK〕In a job interview you should highlight your strengths and gloss over your weaknesses. 在求职面试时你要强调自己的长处,避免谈论自己的短处。朗文写作活用〔acquaint〕I want to acquaint myself with your strengths and weaknesses.我想知道你有哪些长处以及不足。柯林斯高阶〔adapt〕The good thing about children is that they adapt very easily to new environments.小孩的长处就是能够很容易地适应新环境。剑桥高阶〔bottom line〕The bottom line is that it did not get the best out of everybody.最关键的问题是这不能使每个人充分发挥自己的长处柯林斯高阶〔chin〕One of our great strengths is our ability to take it on the chin and come out fighting.我们的一大长处就是能承受困难,奋起拼搏。朗文当代〔crisis〕He doesn't seem to be very good at crisis management .他好像不大擅长处理危机。朗文当代〔curriculum vitae〕Applications with a full curriculum vitae and two references should reach the Principal by June 12th.申请书连同完整个人简历和两份推荐信必须在 6 月 12 日以前送达校长处牛津高阶〔debauch〕To lead away from excellence or virtue.舍弃长处或优点美国传统〔do down〕Stop doing yourself down: you've got a lot to offer! 别再妄自菲薄了,你的长处多着呢!韦氏高阶〔explant〕To remove (living tissue) from the natural site of growth and place in a medium for culture.外植:把(活组织)从原生长处移植入一种基质中培养美国传统〔genius〕She has a genius for sorting things out.她非常擅长处理问题。牛津搭配〔good〕A good, valuable, or useful part or aspect.长处,优点:好的、有价值的、有用的部分或方面美国传统〔language〕His strength is that he addresses his readers in plain language.他的长处在于用平实的语言去跟读者讲话。牛津搭配〔long suit〕The personal quality or talent that is one's strongest asset.长处:作为个人最强的长处的品质或天赋美国传统〔lousy〕There can be no argument about how lousy he is at public relations.毫无争议的是, 他非常不擅长处理公共关系。外研社新世纪〔mimicry〕One of his few strengths was his skill at mimicry.他为数不多的长处之一是模仿能力强。外研社新世纪〔minimisation〕The boy plays up his strong points and minimizes his weaknesses.这男孩夸大自己的长处,极力缩小自己的缺点。21世纪英汉〔minimize〕She plays up her strong points and minimizes her weaknesses.她夸大自己的长处,极力缩小自己的缺点。英汉大词典〔nidus〕Pathology A central point or focus of bacterial growth in a living organism.【病理学】 滋生的地方,生长处:在活的有机物中细菌滋长的中心点或聚集地美国传统〔people skills〕She has very good people skills and is able to manage a team.她很擅长处理人际关系,能够胜任管理一个团队。柯林斯高阶〔point〕He's boring, but I suppose he has his good points.他很乏味,但我认为他也有长处剑桥高阶〔sensitivity〕She is not known for her sensitivity in dealing with complaints.她并不擅长处理投诉。牛津搭配〔simplicity〕The advantage of the idea was its simplicity.这个主意的长处是简单明了。英汉大词典〔strength〕An attribute or a quality of particular worth or utility; an asset.长处,优点:特殊价值或用途的特点或品质;长处美国传统〔strength〕Be aware of your own strengths and weaknesses .要清楚你自己的长处和短处。朗文当代〔strength〕Her main strength is her critical thinking ability.她的最大长处在于她具有批判性的思维能力。朗文当代〔strength〕His greatest strengths are his determination and resilience.他最大的长处是他的决断力和适应力。剑桥高阶〔strength〕I am aware of my strengths and weaknesses in myself.我知道自己的长处和弱点。英汉大词典〔strength〕Ron's main strength is his ability to motivate players.罗恩的主要长处是他具有激发队员们斗志的能力。麦克米伦高阶〔strength〕That is the book's strength, but also its weakness.那是这本书的长处, 也是它的弱点。外研社新世纪〔strength〕The ability to keep calm is one of her many strengths.能够保持冷静是她的多项长处之一。牛津高阶〔strength〕The great strength of our plan lies in its simplicity.我们这个计划的最大长处在于它简单易行。朗文当代〔strength〕The team may not have the best players, but it plays to its strengths.这个队也许没有最优秀的选手,但他们善于发挥自己的长处牛津搭配〔strength〕The test is used to determine candidates' strengths and weaknesses.这项测试用来判定候选人的长处和弱点。麦克米伦高阶〔virtue〕He was extolling the virtues of the Internet.他赞扬了互联网的长处牛津高阶〔virtue〕One of the virtues of this job is the flexible hours.这份工作的长处之一就是弹性工作制。韦氏高阶〔virtue〕The restaurant is inexpensive, and it has the added virtue of being close to our house.这家餐馆不贵,它还有个长处就是离我们家近。韦氏高阶〔virtue〕The school had its drawbacks and it had its virtues.这所学校有其短处,也有其长处英汉大词典〔worth〕This job has robbed me of all worth.这工作埋没了我的长处英汉大词典Each member of the team should have a task that plays to their strengths.小组的每一位成员应该承担一项能够发挥自己长处的任务。牛津商务Giving presentations is not my strong point (= I am not very good at it).做演示不是我的长处牛津商务He has some good points.他有一些长处牛津商务He's boring, but I suppose he has his good points.他很乏味,但我认为他也有长处剑桥国际Her return of serve was the strongest part of her tennis game.她对发球的回击是她在网球比赛中最大长处剑桥国际I got an angry letter from my bank manager (= the person in charge of a bank) the other day.前几天我从银行行长处收到一封气愤的信。剑桥国际I think her kindness is one of her strong points (= one of her good qualities).我想她的和气是她的长处之一。剑桥国际One of her great merits as a communicator and teacher is the way she shares her own enthusiasm for the subject.作为一位教师和与他人的沟通者,她的长处之一在于能将自己对学科的热情与他人分享。剑桥国际She's well aware of her strengths and weaknesses as an artist.她很清楚自己作为一个艺术家的长处与不足。剑桥国际Success seems to have little reference to merit. 成功与长处似无多少关联。译典通The car has its drawbacks and it has its virtues. 这汽车有其短处,也有其长处译典通The good thing about her as a boss is that she treats us all as equals.作为老板,她的长处是视我们大家为同等的人。剑桥国际The new PCs will be strong on graphics.这款新的个人电脑擅长处理图形。牛津商务The plan has both strengths and weaknesses.这一计划既有长处也有不足。牛津商务You must judge each candidate on their own merits, without any preconceived notions about what they are like.你应该从每个候选人自己的长处来作出判断,不应该对他们存有先入为主的成见。剑桥国际

