
单词 组里
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AFTER〕Within a short space of time, Gerry had managed to offend everyone in the group. 还没多久,格里就把组里的每个人都得罪了。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕A whole team was kept busy falsifying official government records. 小组里所有的人都忙于篡改政府的官方记录。朗文写作活用〔EFFICIENT/NOT EFFICIENT〕Rebecca was, without question, the most capable technician on the team. 毫无疑问,丽贝卡是这个组里最能干的技术员。朗文写作活用〔HATE〕According to Hollywood gossip, both the leading actors were detested by the rest of the cast. 好莱坞有传言说,两名主角都被剧组里的其他演员深恶痛绝。朗文写作活用〔NEAR〕Looking back I could see that the rest of the group were catching up with us. 我回头看到组里的其他人快要赶上我们了。朗文写作活用〔SENSIBLE〕No-one in the group seemed to have Charlie's good sense. 组里的人好像都缺少查利的理智。朗文写作活用〔STUPID/SILLY〕There was one member of the newsgroup who kept emailing me with moronic questions. 新闻组里有个人老是发电子邮件问我一些愚蠢的问题。朗文写作活用〔blend in〕Sarah liked the women in this group and felt she would blend in nicely.萨拉喜欢小组里的妇女, 觉得她会和她们很融洽。外研社新世纪〔bounce〕When you work in a team you can bounce your ideas off each other.如果你们在一个小组里工作,互相之间可以探讨意见。朗文当代〔difficulty〕The real difficulty is that no one in the group has a car.真正的问题是小组里没有一个人有汽车。麦克米伦高阶〔each〕Every student was given a prize (emphasizes that everyone in the group got a prize) .每一位学生都领了奖〔强调组里的每个人都得了奖〕。朗文当代〔experienced〕It's a team packed with experienced and mature professionals.那个小组里都是些有经验的成熟专业人士。柯林斯高阶〔forward〕The rest of the group were together in a forward part of the train.组里其他人都在火车的前部。外研社新世纪〔giggle〕Soon the whole group had the giggles .很快,组里所有的人都咯咯笑了起来。朗文当代〔gravitate towards/to sth/sb〕Susie always gravitates towards the older children in her playgroup.苏茜在幼儿游戏组里总是爱跟比她大的孩子玩。剑桥高阶〔half〕The group was about half and half, complete beginners and people with some experience.这个小组里有的完全是新手,有的有一些经验,差不多各占一半。朗文当代〔lie up〕The rest of the group lay up for the rest of the day and the following night.小组里的其他人当天剩余时间及第二天晚上都在那里闲着无事。外研社新世纪〔open〕Everyone in the group was very friendly and open.组里的每个人都很友善而坦率。麦克米伦高阶〔party〕There were several students in our party.我们小组里有几位学生。朗文当代〔play sth out〕In the psychotherapy group, patients were free to play out their fantasies.在心理治疗小组里,病人可以尽情地沉浸于自己的幻想中。剑桥高阶〔proportion〕A small proportion of people in the group was left-handed.这个组里小部分人是左撇子。韦氏高阶〔qualify〕In “red books”, the adjective “red” qualifies the noun “books”.在“红色的书”这一词组里,形容词“红色的”修饰名词“书”。英汉大词典〔separate〕He separated from the rest of the group.他与小组里的其他人有些疏远。外研社新世纪〔share〕Would you like to share your experience with the rest of the group? 你愿意把你的经验与组里其他人分享吗?牛津高阶〔share〕Would you like to share your feelings with the group? 你愿意把自己的感受与组里的其他人分享吗?朗文当代〔shoulder〕The rest of the group shouldered their bags and set off.组里其余的人背着包出发了。外研社新世纪〔superior〕She felt socially superior to the rest of the group.她感觉自己的社会地位比组里其他人高。牛津搭配〔trio〕He plays in a jazz trio.他在一个爵士乐三重奏小组里演奏。韦氏高阶〔undefeated〕The two London clubs are the only undefeated teams in the division.伦敦那两家俱乐部是小组里仅有的不败球队。外研社新世纪He was heavily criticized for suggesting that some of the team did not work hard enough.他因暗示组里某些成员工作不力而遭狠狠批评。剑桥国际I am the most junior member of the design team.我是设计小组里资历最浅的。牛津商务In the psychotherapy group, patients were free to play their fantasies out.在心理治疗小组里,病人可以自由宣泄自己的幻想。剑桥国际She made a decorative addition to the group.她在这个组里只起装点门面的作用。剑桥国际She's not fit for the amount of responsibility she has within the group.她不宜承担那个小组里她所承担的那份责任。剑桥国际This group is the least likely of the four to win.四个组里面这个组获胜的希望最小。剑桥国际While personal attention is important, do not be overly impressed by tiny classes--a year in a group of five or fewer can be stultifying.尽管个人关注很重要,但用不着过分看重小班----在一个五人或不到五人的小组里学一年可能收效甚微。剑桥国际

