
单词 网上购买
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔INCREASE〕Zena is one of a small but rapidly growing number of motorists choosing to buy a car over the Web. 泽娜是选择从网上购买汽车的一群汽车驾驶员中的一员,这群体虽小,却增长迅速。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕They are asking $40 for the new software, almost twice the sum it costs when bought via the Internet. 这种新软件他们开价40美元,几乎是网上购买价的两倍。朗文写作活用〔Russian roulette〕Buying medication off the Internet is a game of Russian roulette. 从互联网上购买药品风险极大。剑桥高阶〔ebay〕He buys rare baseball cards on eBay.他从易趣网上购买珍稀的棒球卡。牛津高阶〔ticketing〕Electronic ticketing allows customers to buy airline seats online.电子售票系统使顾客得以在网上购买飞机座位。剑桥高阶Customers feel more confident about buying goods and services on the Internet.顾客对在互联网上购买商品和服务更有信心。牛津商务Many people buy airline tickets online.许多人在网上购买飞机票。牛津商务People are buying groceries online.人们在网上购买食品杂货。牛津商务The 24-hour society may let people shop at midnight and buy shares on the Internet at dawn, but it could damage our health. 24 小时社会可让人们在子夜购物或在黎明时分在网上购买股票,但会危害健康。牛津商务

