“budget deficit”例句

单词 budget deficit
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DIFFICULT〕The governor will be hard pressed to find more money for schools while dealing with a $6 billion budget deficit. 面对60亿美元的预算赤字要解决,州长将很难再为学校找到更多的经费。朗文写作活用〔PLAN〕Texas faces a budget deficit of over $4 billion. 得克萨斯面临四十多亿美元的预算赤字。朗文写作活用〔accountable〕As director, she knew she would be held accountable for any budget deficit.作为主管,她知道她要对出现的任何预算赤字负责。麦克米伦高阶〔administration〕He urged the administration and Congress to come up with a credible package to reduce the budget deficit.他敦促政府和国会出台一整套切实可行的方案,以缩减预算赤字。柯林斯高阶〔administration〕He urged the administration to come up with a credible package to reduce the budget deficit.他敦促政府出台一整套令人信服的方案, 以缩减预算赤字。外研社新世纪〔assert〕Congress declared that it would reduce the budget deficit.国会宣布将要减少预算赤字。美国传统〔ballooning〕The country faces a ballooning budget deficit.该国面临着不断膨胀的预算赤字。外研社新世纪〔bite〕Rising budget deficit is beginning to bite.预算赤字的不断增加开始产生不良后果。英汉大词典〔budget〕The budget deficit has risen steadily.政府预算赤字持续增长。外研社新世纪〔budget〕The budget deficit needs to be reduced by some £12 billion.预算赤字麦克米伦高阶〔budget〕The annual budget deficit for 2008 could run as high as $12.8 billion.2008 年的年度预算赤字可能会高达 128 亿美元。牛津搭配〔deficit〕The government was forced to sell state-owned companies to fund the budget deficit.政府被迫出售国有企业以弥补预算赤字。牛津搭配〔deficit〕They're ready to cut the federal budget deficit for the next fiscal year.他们已准备好削减下一财年的联邦预算赤字。柯林斯高阶〔deficit〕They're ready to cut the federal budget deficit for the next fiscal year.他们准备在下一个财政年度削减联邦预算赤字。外研社新世纪〔deficit〕We will reduce the federal budget deficit.我们一定要减少联邦政府的预算赤字。韦氏高阶〔deficit〕You cannot cut a budget deficit simply by raising taxes.不能只通过增税来削减预算赤字。牛津搭配〔enter〕After discussing the budget deficit, they entered on the problem of raising taxes.讨论过预算赤字之后,他们开始考虑增税问题了美国传统〔monetarize〕This brought to an end the common practice of monetarizing the budget deficit.这就结束了将预算赤字货币化的惯例。英汉大词典〔overestimate〕The department consistently overestimated its budget deficits.这个部门一贯高估预算赤字。牛津搭配〔overriding〕Given the overriding need to cut the budget deficit, the administration will ask congress for only $15 million this summer.考虑到当务之急是削减预算赤字, 今年夏天政府只计划向国会申请1,500万美元的预算。外研社新世纪〔paramount〕There are many priorities, but reducing the budget deficit is paramount/is of paramount importance.很多事情要优先解决,但当务之急是减少预算赤字。剑桥高阶〔pare〕The luxury tax won't really do much to pare down the budget deficit.奢侈品税其实对削减预算赤字并不会有多少帮助。柯林斯高阶〔recap〕To recap briefly, an agreement negotiated to cut the budget deficit was rejected 10 days ago.简要概括起来,一项关于削减预算赤字的协议在10天前遭到了否决。柯林斯高阶〔size〕The main concern is the size of the Government's budget deficit.主要问题是巨额的政府财政赤字。外研社新世纪〔stalemate〕President Bush has ended the stalemate over moves to cut the country's budget deficit.布什总统已结束了在削减国家预算赤字的措施上形成的僵局。柯林斯高阶〔unfortunate〕He made the unfortunate mistake of promising he would quit if the budget deficit was still out of control.他犯了个愚蠢的错误,承诺说如果预算赤字还失控,他就辞职。柯林斯高阶〔unfortunate〕He made the unfortunate mistake of promising he would quit if the budget deficit was still out of control.他犯了一个令人遗憾的错误, 承诺如果预算赤字仍然失控他就辞职。外研社新世纪〔whittle away at sth〕These measures will whittle away at the budget deficit.这些方法将会逐渐减少预算赤字。剑桥高阶〔wobbly〕Both countries suffer from soaring unemployment, large budget deficits and wobbly financial sectors.两国都深受失业率飙升、预算赤字拉大以及财政岌岌可危之苦。柯林斯高阶〔wobbly〕Both countries suffer from soaring unemployment, large budget deficits and wobbly financial sectors.两国都深受失业率飙升、巨额预算赤字以及金融部门岌岌可危之苦。外研社新世纪Germany was running a budget deficit of 3.75 per cent.德国的预算赤字率为 3.75%。牛津商务The budget deficit widened to 2.6% of GDP.政府预算赤字扩大到占国内生产总值的 2.6%。牛津商务The city sold property to erase a huge budget deficit.城市出售地皮以清除巨大的预算赤字。剑桥国际The introduction of a national lottery will help shrink the budget deficit.发行国家彩票有助于减少预算赤字。剑桥国际There are many priorities, but reducing the budget deficit is paramount/is of paramount importance.很多事情要优先解决,但是降低预算赤字乃是当务之急。剑桥国际They will attempt to redress the budget deficit next year.他们明年将努力削减预算赤字。牛津商务

