
单词 caprice
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔caprice〕A hailstorm in July is a caprice of nature.七月天的一场冰雹是大自然的反复无常的变化美国传统〔caprice〕Before the establishment of labor unions, a worker could be discharged at the caprice of any manager.在工会组织建立以前,一个工人可能因任何一个经理人员的一时兴起而被解雇。美国传统〔caprice〕Employees have complained of being at the mercy of the manager's every whim and caprice.雇员们抱怨对经理的每一次突发奇想和反复无常都感到无能为力。韦氏高阶〔caprice〕He did what he wanted according to caprice.他做事情随心所欲。外研社新世纪〔caprice〕His decision to go to Paris was pure caprice.他决定去巴黎完全是一时心血来潮。英汉大词典〔caprice〕I lived in terror of her sudden caprices and moods.她的任性妄为和喜怒无常让我整天提心吊胆。柯林斯高阶〔caprice〕I saw the same caprice in her parents.我在她父母身上看到了相同的任性倾向。外研社新世纪〔caprice〕She sang a song, merely out of caprice.她只是出于一时的高兴而唱了支歌。英汉大词典〔caprice〕The $300 million palace was built to satisfy the caprice of one man.用3亿美元建这座宫殿就是为了满足一个人的心血来潮。剑桥高阶〔lunch〕He lunched her at Le Caprice restaurant.他带她去莱凯普瑞斯餐厅吃午餐。外研社新世纪〔megrim〕Often megrims A caprice or fancy. 常作 megrims 空想,幻想美国传统〔whimsicality〕A whimsical idea or its expression; a caprice.怪念头:异想天开的念头或表述;怪念头美国传统Her decision to wear only black clothes was pure caprice. 她决定只穿黑衣服完全是忽发奇想。译典通The $300 million palace was built to satisfy the caprice of one man.用三亿美元建宫殿只是为满足一个人的心血来潮。剑桥国际The smart set is/are going to the Caprice restaurant this season.这群赶时髦的人在社交季节里要去卡普利斯餐馆。剑桥国际

