
单词 classification
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GROUP〕There is no common European standard for the classification of hotels. 欧洲没有通用的标准给宾馆分级。朗文写作活用〔Linnaean〕Of or relating to Carolus Linnaeus or to the system of taxonomic classification and binomial nomenclature that he originated.林奈的或林氏分类法和双名法的:属于或和卡罗勒斯·林奈有关的或和他发明的分类学和双名法有关的美国传统〔animal kingdom〕A main classification of living organisms that includes all animals.动物界:包括所有动物的有生命生物的主要类别美国传统〔anomalous〕Equivocal, as in classification or nature.不明确的,模棱两可的:在类别或性质上不明确的美国传统〔anthropometry〕The study of human body measurement for use in anthropological classification and comparison.人体测量学:对人体测量的研究,用于人类学的分类和比较美国传统〔belong in〕It belongs in a different classification.它应归入另一类。21世纪英汉〔beta〕The second item in a series or system of classification.第二个,次级:在一系列类别中处于第二位的东西美国传统〔bracket〕A classification or grouping, especially within a sequence of numbers or grades, as a category of incomes sharing the same tax rate.等级,同类:类别或集团,尤指包含在一数目或级别的序列之中,作为按相同税率征税的收入类别美国传统〔card〕One bearing a person's name and other information, used for purposes of identification or classification.个人名片:印有一个人的姓名及他的其它情况的纸片,用作身份证明或分类美国传统〔cladistics〕A system of classification based on the phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary history of groups of organisms.生物分类学,进化枝学:一种分类体系,其基于种系发生的关系和有机体群体的进化历史美国传统〔classification〕Do you understand the system of classification used in ornithology? 你懂鸟类学的分类体系吗?剑桥高阶〔classification〕Hotels within this classification offer only basic facilities.这个级别的宾馆只提供最基本的设施。麦克米伦高阶〔classification〕Its tariffs cater for four basic classifications of customer.它的价目表适合4个基本类别的顾客。柯林斯高阶〔classification〕The classification was based on an assessment of the wines produced from 1994 to 1999.该分级是以对1994年至1999年间生产的葡萄酒所作的评价为依据的。外研社新世纪〔classification〕The bill allows the classification of documents only after unclassified, shareable versions of intelligence have been produced.该法案允许把文件归入保密级别, 但前提是已整理出可分享的非机密情报。外研社新世纪〔classification〕The cataloguing and classification of all the plants took many months.将所有的植物编目分类花了好多个月的时间。外研社新世纪〔classification〕The rooms are of the standard expected from a hotel in a higher classification.这些房间够得上更高档宾馆的标准。牛津搭配〔classification〕There are five job classifications.有五种工作类别。朗文当代〔classification〕Your insurance group classification changes when you buy a bigger car.如果购买的车辆车型更大, 保险类别会相应变化。外研社新世纪〔cross-fertilization〕Mutual exchange, as between dissimilar concepts, cultures, or classifications, that enhances understanding or produces something beneficial.交流:不同思想、文化或范畴之间的、能增进理解或产生有益物质的相互交换美国传统〔cytotaxonomy〕The classification of organisms based on cellular structure and function, especially on the structure and number of chromosomes.细胞分类学:在细胞结构和功能基础上的,特别是在染色体的结构和数量上的微生物的分类美国传统〔data type〕In databases or spreadsheets, a classification identifying one of various kinds of data, as a name, date, or dollar amount, found in a specific data field.数据种类:在计算机数据库或空白表格程序中,辨别在特定数据领域中,各种数据的其中之一的分类,例如名字、日期或钱量美国传统〔declassify〕To remove official security classification from (a document).撤销(文件)的官方机密等级美国传统〔diagnosis〕Biology A brief description of the distinguishing characteristics of an organism, as for taxonomic classification.【生物学】 特征简述:有机体的辨别特征的简述,如分类学上的特征简述美国传统〔dibranchiate〕A member of the order Dibranchiata, a classification formerly used for the two-gilled cephalopods, which include the octopuses, cuttlefish, and squids.二鳃目:二鳃目的一员(一种正式使用于二鳃的头足纲动物的分类),包括章鱼、乌贼和鱿鱼美国传统〔dichotomize〕To separate into two parts or classifications.划分成两部分或两个等级美国传统〔dichotomous〕Divided or dividing into two parts or classifications.两分的:被划分或划分成两部分或类群的美国传统〔distribution〕Division into categories; classification.分类;归类美国传统〔gamma〕The third item in a series or system of classification.第三个:一第列或分类系统中的第三个事物美国传统〔gender〕The classification of a word or grammatical form in such a category.有性别的字的区分:在这种类别中,一个单词或语法形式的分类美国传统〔grex〕A classification for cultivars derived from the same hybrid.簇,群:一种对从同一混合种变化而来的栽培品系的分类美国传统〔homology〕Mathematics A topologic classification of configurations into distinct types that imposes an algebraic structure or hierarchy on families of geometric figures.【数学】 透射:通过拓扑分类把图形分为不同种类,从而对几何图形的无穷集施加代数结构或层次美国传统〔identify〕Biology To determine the taxonomic classification of (an organism).【生物学】 确定(有机体的)类别等级美国传统〔information science〕The science that is concerned with the gathering, manipulation, classification, storage, and retrieval of recorded knowledge.信息科学:一门科学,它关注记录的知识的收集、控制、分类、存储和检索美国传统〔karyotype〕A photomicrograph of chromosomes arranged according to a standard classification.染色体的显微照片,根据标准的分类法排列美国传统〔lithology〕The microscopic study, description, and classification of rock.岩性学:对岩石的微观研究、描绘和分类美国传统〔marksman〕A classification in the U.S. Army and Marine Corps for the lowest of three ratings of rifle proficiency.二等射手:美国陆军和海军陆战队中地步枪射击合格标准的最低三个级别的分类美国传统〔metazoan〕A multicellular animal of the subkingdom Metazoa, a division of the animal kingdom in traditional two-kingdom classification systems.后生动物:属后生动物亚界的一种多细胞动物,此亚界是动物界传统的两界区分系统内的一个分支美国传统〔morphemics〕The study, description, and classification of morphemes.词素学:词素的研究、描述或分类美国传统〔nomenclator〕One who assigns names, as in scientific classification.命名者:命名的人。如在科学分类中美国传统〔nosology〕A classification of diseases.疾病分类美国传统〔nosology〕The branch of medicine that deals with the classification of diseases.疾病分类学:医学一支,主攻疾病分类美国传统〔permit of〕Mental illness is a very complicated subject, and psychiatry is not yet well enough developed to permit of an agreed classification.精神疾病是一个非常复杂的话题, 而精神病学的发展还没有成熟到成为公认的学科门类的地步。外研社新世纪〔petrography〕The description and classification of rocks.岩相学,岩类学:对岩石的描述和分类美国传统〔phenetics〕The phenetic system of taxonomic classification.表现型分类法:相似分类的表现型分类法体系美国传统〔phytosociology〕The branch of ecology that deals with the characteristics, classification, relationships, and distribution of plant communities.植物社会学:研究植物群落的特点、分类、关系和分布的社会生态学分支美国传统〔predicament〕Logic One of the basic states or classifications described by Aristotle into which all things can be placed; a category.【逻辑学】 范畴:亚里士多德所描绘的可以放置所有事物的基本状态或分类之一;范畴美国传统〔protoctist〕Any of the unicellular protists and their descendant multicellular organisms, considered as a separate taxonomic kingdom in most modern classification systems.原生物:任何一种单细胞原生生物和作为它们后代的多细胞有机体,在大多数现代分类系统中将它分为一个单独的界美国传统〔rating〕A classification according to specialty or proficiency, as of a member of the armed forces.品级:根据特长和熟练程度进行的分类,例如在军队中实行的品级制美国传统〔representative〕One that serves as an example or a type for others of the same classification.典型事物:作为同一类别中的其它事物的典例或典范的事物美国传统〔rezone〕To change the zoning classification of (a neighborhood or property, for example).将…重新分区:改变(例如邻里关系或财产)的分区情况美国传统〔rug-rank〕She rug-ranked her way up out of the secretarial classifications.她按地毯等级工资制步步晋升,最后不再当秘书了。英汉大词典〔saurian〕Any of various reptiles of the suborder Sauria, which includes the lizards and in former classifications also the crocodiles and dinosaurs.蜥蜴:任一种蜥蜴目爬行动物,包括蜥蜴,在以前分类中还包括鳄鱼和恐龙美国传统〔scheme〕Libraries organize books according to a subject classification scheme.图书馆按照学科分类系统整理图书。麦克米伦高阶〔sedimentology〕The science that deals with the description, classification, and origin of sedimentary rock.沉积学:研究沉积岩的记述、分类和来源的科学美国传统〔selachian〕Of or belonging to the order Selachii of elasmobranch fishes that includes the sharks and in some classifications also the rays and skates.软骨鱼的,横口鱼的,鲨类的:板鳃亚纲鲨类目的鱼类,包括鲨鱼,在某些分类中也包括鳐和灰鳐美国传统〔sex〕Either of the two divisions, designated female and male, of this classification.两性之一:这种分类中雌或雄两性中任一个美国传统〔stage〕Geology A subdivision in the classification of stratified rocks, ranking just below a series and representing rock formed during a chronological age.【地质学】 期:分层岩石的阶层,低于一连串层并且代表了古代时期形成的岩石美国传统〔synonymy〕Study and classification of synonyms.同义词研究与分类美国传统〔systematics〕A system of classification, as biosystematics.系统学:分类系统,如生物系统学美国传统〔systematics〕Biology The systematic classification of organisms and the evolutionary relationships among them; taxonomy.【生物学】 分类学:对有机体及其进化关系进行有系统的分类;分类法美国传统〔systematics〕The science of systematic classification.分类学:有系统的分类的科学美国传统〔systematic〕Of or relating to classification or taxonomy.分类的,分类学的:分类或分类学的,或与之相关的美国传统〔system〕A set of objects or phenomena grouped together for classification or analysis.系统:为分类或分析而组合在一起的一组事物或现象美国传统〔tally〕A label, ticket, or piece of metal or wood used for identification or classification, especially in gardens and greenhouses.标志牌:用来识别名称或分类的金属或木制的标签、小条或小块,尤指在花园和暖房里美国传统〔tally〕To label, as with a ticket, for identification or classification.加标签于:为识别或分类而给…加上标签(如用一张签条)美国传统〔taxonomy〕The classification of organisms in an ordered system that indicates natural relationships.分类系统:显示自然界关联的生物体系统分类法美国传统〔typology〕The study or systematic classification of types that have characteristics or traits in common.类型学:对有共同特点或特性铅字的研究或系统化分类美国传统〔upgrade〕They upgraded my job classification to level four, which means I get a pay increase.他们把我的职级晋升到四级,这意味着我会获得加薪。韦氏高阶〔zoology〕The branch of biology that deals with animals and animal life, including the study of the structure, physiology, development, and classification of animals.动物学:生物学的分支,研究动物和动物生活,包括对其结构、生理机能、发展和分类的研究美国传统Fingerprint classification is based on four groups of ridge patterns on your fingers.指纹分类法根据的是你手指上的四类褶皱形状。剑桥国际There are six classifications of hotel from simple to de luxe.有六个等级的旅馆,从简朴型到豪华型。剑桥国际

