“as follow”例句

单词 as follow
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔fact〕The known facts of the case are as follows.该案已知的事实如下。牛津搭配〔follow〕The winners are as follows - Woods, Smith, and Cassidy.获胜者如下:伍兹,史密斯和卡西迪。剑桥高阶〔follow〕This can be done if you proceed as follows.按照如下操作即可完成。柯林斯高阶〔ran〕His reply ran as follows.他的回信内容如下。21世纪英汉〔read〕The main body of the treaty consists of eight articles which read as follows.这项条约的正文共八条,内容如下。21世纪英汉〔read〕The paragraph reads as follows.这一节的内容如下。英汉大词典〔read〕The sentence in question reads as follows.有疑问的那句话是这样说的。外研社新世纪〔read〕The sentence reads as follows.该句文字如下。文馨英汉〔run〕Her will runs as follows.她的遗言如下。文馨英汉〔run〕His story runs as follows.他的故事请看下面的叙述。外研社新世纪〔run〕My reasoning runs thus. The report runs as follows.我的逻辑是这样的。报告如下美国传统〔run〕The definition runs as follows … 定义如下…韦氏高阶〔run〕The letter runs as follows.信的内容如下。英汉大词典〔summarize〕The results of the survey can be summarized as follows...调查结果可以总结如下:⋯牛津搭配〔tabulable〕Let me tabulate the results as follows.让我将结果列表如下。21世纪英汉Combine the ingredients as follows.将配料按下面方法和在一起。剑桥国际Our opening hours are as follows … 我们的开放时间如下…牛津商务The full text of the communique reads as follows. 公报全文如下。译典通The next procedure is as follows. 下一个步骤如下。译典通The results are as follows, ... 结果如下……译典通The winners are as follows -- Woods, Smith and Cassidy.优胜名单如下----伍兹、史密斯和卡西迪。剑桥国际

