“domestic pigeon”例句

单词 domestic pigeon
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔barb〕One of a breed of domestic pigeons that is similar to the carrier and has dark plumage.巴巴里家鸽:家鸽的一种,类似信鸽,有暗黑的羽毛美国传统〔carrier pigeon〕Any of various large domestic pigeons having a prominent wattle.大鸽子:一种长有突出肉垂的大型家鸽美国传统〔fantail〕Any of a breed of domestic pigeons having a rounded, fan-shaped tail.尾扇鸽:一种有阔圆尾的家养鸽美国传统〔owl〕Any of a breed of domestic pigeons resembling owls.任一种象猫头鹰一样的家鸽美国传统〔trumpeter〕A variety of domestic pigeon having a shell-shaped crest and heavily feathered feet.帚鸽:各种家鸽,有贝壳状羽冠及羽毛厚密的足美国传统〔tumbler〕One of a breed of domestic pigeons characteristically tumbling or somersaulting in flight.翻飞鸽:飞行中会摇摆或翻转的一种家鸽美国传统〔turbit〕Any of a breed of domestic pigeons having a small crested head and a ruffled breast.浮羽鸽:家鸽的一个品种,头小有冠,有皱褶的胸部美国传统

