“a streak”例句

单词 a streak
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cymophane〕A variety of chrysoberyl having a shimmering luster and microscopic, needlelike inclusions that reflect a streak of light.金绿宝石:含有闪烁的光泽和反射一束光的微小针状包体的金绿宝石美国传统〔like a streak of lightning〕She grabbed the money and ran out of the shop like a streak of lightning.她一把抓起钱,飞也似的跑出了商店。剑桥高阶〔sadism〕There's a streak of sadism in his nature.他本性中有几分施虐倾向。牛津高阶〔streak〕A streak of lightning forked across the sky.一道闪电划破了天空。牛津搭配〔streak〕A streak of lightning frightened the little girl out of her life.一道闪电吓得小女孩魂飞魄散。英汉大词典〔streak〕A streak of lightning lit up the sky.一道闪电照亮了天空。外研社新世纪〔streak〕Children have a streak of curiosity.孩子们常有好奇的天性。英汉大词典〔streak〕His serious nature was lightened by a streak of mischief.他严肃的个性中带着一丝顽皮。朗文当代〔streak〕Microbiology To inoculate in order to produce a streak.【微生物学】 为了产生条纹而嫁接美国传统〔streak〕The dog ran like a streak across the lawn.那条狗从草坪上飞奔而过。英汉大词典〔streak〕There is a streak of madness in us both.我们俩都有些疯。外研社新世纪〔streak〕There may be a streak of insanity in the family.这个家族可能有种疯癫的个性。麦克米伦高阶〔streak〕There was a streak of blood across her forehead.她额头上有一道血痕。外研社新世纪〔streak〕There was a streak of eccentricity in the family.这个家族的人性格有点儿古怪。牛津搭配〔streak〕We're both alike—there is a streak of madness in us both.我们俩很像——都有点疯。柯林斯高阶〔streak〕You have a streak of paint on your forehead.你的前额上有一道漆印。英汉大词典〔vitta〕Zoology A streak or band of color, as on the bill of a bird.【动物学】 色条:鸟嘴上的颜色条或带美国传统He had a streak of stubbornness. 他有一点倔强。译典通The dog ran like a streak across the law. 那条狗从草坪上飞奔而过。译典通The man has a streak of cruelty in his character. 那个汉子性情有些残酷。译典通

