
单词 poker
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EXPRESSION ON SB'S FACE〕Albert, normally poker faced, wore a look of shock. 一向都是不动声色的艾伯特,脸上也露出了震惊的神色。朗文写作活用〔FRIEND〕It's his poker night with the boys. 今晚他要和一帮弟兄打牌。朗文写作活用〔World Series〕This tournament is the World Series of poker.这场巡回赛是扑克赛事中最重要的比赛。韦氏高阶〔ante〕Games To put (one's stake) into the pool in poker.【游戏】 下注:纸牌游戏中(把赌金)放入赌注总额美国传统〔bank〕The reserve pieces, cards, chips, or play money in some games, such as poker, from which the players may draw.发剩的牌:在某些游戏如扑克牌游戏中保留的张、卡、片或纸钱,游戏者可以从中抽牌美国传统〔blue chip〕Games A blue poker chip of high value.【游戏】 蓝色筹码:价值很高的蓝色扑克牌筹码美国传统〔boast〕Sam boasted that she could beat anyone at poker.萨姆吹嘘说打扑克牌谁都赢不了她。牛津高阶〔brag〕Games A card game similar to poker.【游戏】 类似于扑克的一种纸牌游戏美国传统〔buck〕A counter or marker formerly passed from one poker player to another to indicate an obligation, especially one's turn to deal.培克:扑克牌戏中的一种筹码,从一个玩家传到另一个玩家,表示一种责任,尤指轮到某人发牌时美国传统〔call〕To equal the bet of (the preceding bet or bettor) in a poker game.叫牌:扑克游戏中抵上(以前的注或下注者)所下的注美国传统〔challenge〕Next time Tim challenges you to a game of poker, say no.下次蒂姆提出和你比试打扑克时, 要拒绝他。外研社新世纪〔challenge〕Tina has challenged me to a game of poker 蒂娜向我挑战,要我和她玩扑克牌一决高低。剑桥高阶〔child〕He's no child at poker.他打纸牌是个老手。英汉大词典〔chip〕Games A small disk or counter used in poker and other games to represent money.【游戏】 圆形筹码:扑克和其它游戏中用来代替钱的小圆片或筹码美国传统〔chip〕Games To put up chips or money as one's bet in poker and other games.【游戏】 下赌注:在扑克和其它游戏中用筹码或钱下赌注美国传统〔clean (sth) up〕We cleaned up at the poker table last night.我们昨晚在牌桌上赢了一大把。剑桥高阶〔coal〕Nina moved the coals about with the poker.尼娜用拨火棍翻动煤块。麦克米伦高阶〔count〕Experience counts for a lot in poker.打扑克经验很重要。柯林斯高阶〔deuces wild〕A variation of certain card games, such as poker, in which each deuce may represent any card the holder chooses.纸牌戏:一种纸牌游戏的变形(例如扑克牌),在这种游戏中,王可以代替持有者选择的任何一张牌美国传统〔down〕After an hour at poker, he was down $10.打了一小时扑克他输了10美元。英汉大词典〔drop〕He dropped $50 in a poker game.他打扑克输了50美元。英汉大词典〔drop〕Phil dropped $200 playing poker yesterday.菲尔昨天打扑克输了 200 美元。朗文当代〔duck〕He ducked in time to save his head from a blow from the poker.他及时低下头,躲过了拨火棍的击打。柯林斯高阶〔fire irons〕Implements, such as tongs, a shovel, and a poker, used to tend a fireplace.火炉用具:火钳、火铲和火钩等用于照管火炉的工具美国传统〔flush〕A hand in which all the cards are of the same suit but not in numerical sequence, ranked above a straight and below a full house in poker.同花:属于同一花色但不按数字顺序排列的一把牌,在扑克牌中高于五张顺牌且低于满堂牌美国传统〔four flush〕A five-card poker hand containing four cards in the same suit.四张同花色和一张不同花色的一手牌:扑克牌游戏五张牌中只有四张同花的一手牌美国传统〔four-flush〕Games To bluff in poker with a four flush.【游戏】 以四张同花牌唬人美国传统〔full house〕A poker hand containing three of a kind and a pair, ranked above a flush and below four of a kind.满堂红:手中一组三张同点和一组两张同点的三张牌,比同花牌大而小于一组四张同点的牌美国传统〔full house〕Steve won the poker game with a full house.史蒂夫以一手满堂红赢了这把牌。剑桥高阶〔gamble〕He would often gamble hundreds of dollars on a hand of poker.他经常会对一手牌下注数百美元。韦氏高阶〔game〕Poker is a game of chance.扑克牌是一种碰运气的游戏。朗文当代〔game〕He won the money in a poker game.在扑克牌游戏中他赢得了那笔钱。麦克米伦高阶〔high-low〕A poker game in which both high and low hands are eligible to win.搏头尾:持最大牌者和最小牌者都算赢的一种牌戏美国传统〔hole card〕Games A card in stud poker that is dealt facedown in the first round of a deal and that the holder is not obliged to reveal before the showdown.【游戏】 扣底牌:一种牌戏中,第一轮的一张扣底牌,在摊牌之前不需要翻这张牌美国传统〔hook〕She hooked open the furnace door with a poker.她用拨火棒钩开炉门。英汉大词典〔jackpot〕The accumulated stakes in a kind of poker that requires one to hold a pair of jacks or better in order to open the betting.赌注:扑克牌戏中的累积赌注,为争取第一个下注而必须持有一对J牌以上的好牌美国传统〔kibitz〕He likes to kibitz our poker games.我们打扑克时,他喜欢指手画脚。韦氏高阶〔kibitz〕I paused to kibitz a poker game.我停下来去指点别人玩纸牌。牛津高阶〔kibitz〕My uncle likes to kibitz when I play poker with my cousins.我和表兄弟玩扑克的时候,我舅舅喜欢在一旁指手画脚。韦氏高阶〔kitty〕Games A fund made up of a portion of each pot in a poker game.【游戏】 抽头:扑克牌戏中每一次赌注的一部分凑集成的钱美国传统〔level〕Our mission is to take poker to another level.我们的任务是研究出纸牌的新玩法。外研社新世纪〔limit〕They played poker with a limit.他们玩赌注有限额的扑克。英汉大词典〔mean〕He plays a mean game of poker.他打扑克很行。朗文当代〔most〕He plays poker most every evening.他几乎天天晚上打扑克牌。朗文当代〔nerve〕You need nerves of steel to be a good poker player.要想成为优秀的纸牌选手,你就得沉着应战。牛津搭配〔no great shakes〕He's no great shakes as a poker player. = He's no great shakes at playing poker.他不太擅长打扑克。韦氏高阶〔pat〕Games Being a poker hand that is strong enough to make drawing cards unlikely to improve it.【游戏】 不要牌的:十分强的扑克手的,以致所抽牌不易再好了美国传统〔play〕He was invited for a game of poker, but he refused to play.他被邀去玩扑克牌, 但是他拒绝去打牌。21世纪英汉〔pokable〕Father poked the fire with a poker.爸爸用通条把火捅得更旺。21世纪英汉〔poker face〕A face lacking any interpretable expression, as that of an expert poker player.面无表情的脸,不动声色的脸:一张缺乏任何可作出解释表情的脸,就象一个精于玩扑克牌的老手的脸美国传统〔poker face〕In business a poker face can be very useful.生意场上, 不动声色会事半功倍。外研社新世纪〔poker face〕In business a poker face can be very useful.生意场上,不动声色会非常有用。柯林斯高阶〔poker face〕She maintained her poker face even after she heard the bad news.即便听到了坏消息,她仍然不露声色。韦氏高阶〔poker face〕She managed to keep a poker face.她一直努力板着脸。外研社新世纪〔poker face〕She managed to keep a poker face.她一直努力板着脸。柯林斯高阶〔poker-faced〕He maintained a poker face.他一直面无表情。牛津高阶〔poker〕Can you play poker ? 你会玩扑克吗?朗文当代〔poker〕He was playing poker with two friends.他当时正在和两个朋友打扑克。英汉大词典〔poker〕I never saw anything to beat that — by the holy poker, I never did.我从来没见过有什么东西能比得过那个,的的确确,我从来没见过。英汉大词典〔poker〕Lon and I play in the same weekly poker game.我和朗每周和同一帮人聚在一起打扑克。外研社新世纪〔poker〕Lon and I play in the same weekly poker game.我和朗每周和同一帮人聚在一起打扑克。柯林斯高阶〔poker〕Mrs Malone took up the poker and stirred at the little fire burning beside her.马隆夫人拿起拨火棒, 拨弄了一下身旁燃烧着的小火。外研社新世纪〔poker〕Mrs Malone took up the poker and stirred at the little fire burning beside her.马隆夫人拿起拨火棒,拨弄了一下身旁燃烧着的小火。柯林斯高阶〔poke〕To make thrusts or jabs, as with a stick or poker.刺或戳,如用棍子或拨火棒美国传统〔poke〕To stir (a fire) by prodding the wood or coal with a poker or stick.拔火:用拨火棒或棍子捅木头或煤块以使(火)烧得更旺美国传统〔raise〕To increase (a poker bet).加注:增加(扑克赌注)美国传统〔raise〕To increase a poker bet or a bridge bid.加大赌注:增加扑克赌注或桥牌叫牌美国传统〔red-hot〕The poker glowed red-hot in the fire.拨火棍在火里闪着赤热的光。朗文当代〔royal flush〕A straight flush consisting of the five highest cards of one suit, ranked as the highest hand in certain games of poker.同花大顺:由一个花色的五个最高牌组成的同花顺子,在某些扑克游戏中最好的一手牌美国传统〔salamander〕An object, such as a poker, used in fire or capable of withstanding heat.在火中使用或能抵抗热的器具,如火钳美国传统〔show off〕He had been showing off for her at the poker table.牌桌上他一直在她面前表现自己。柯林斯高阶〔showdown〕Games The laying down of the players' cards face up to determine the winner of the pot in poker.【游戏】 摊牌:在扑克牌戏中牌手的牌面向上放下以决定一局牌的胜者美国传统〔shy〕Not having paid an amount due, as one's ante in poker.钱付得不够的:未付应付的钱的,如扑克牌戏中的赌注美国传统〔skill〕Poker is a game of luck and skill.扑克牌戏是一种靠运气加技巧的游戏。韦氏高阶〔stand〕Games To play one's poker hand without drawing.【游戏】 只用手中的牌玩而不再抓牌美国传统〔stay〕Games To meet a bet in poker without raising it.【游戏】 不提高赌注:在扑克牌游戏中下注但不加注美国传统〔straight flush〕A hand in which all five cards are of the same suit and in numerical sequence, ranked above four of a kind in poker.同花顺:玩牌中五张牌为同花色且点数相连的一把牌,比一手点数同但花色异的四张牌要大美国传统〔straight poker〕Poker in which each player is dealt five cards face down, bets are made, and the showdown takes place without any new cards being drawn.一次发给五张牌的扑克游戏:每个玩牌者面对五张面向下的牌,押上赌注,然后在不加任何新牌的情况下最后摊牌美国传统〔straight〕Games A poker hand containing five cards of various suits in numerical sequence, ranked above three of a kind and below a flush.【游戏】 同花顺:玩牌时五张点数一样的牌,比三张一样的牌大,比同花要小美国传统〔straight〕Games Made up of five cards constituting a sequence in poker.【游戏】 同花顺的:玩牌中由五张点数连续的牌组成的美国传统〔strip poker〕Poker in which the losing players in each hand must remove an article of clothing.“剥猪猡”扑克牌戏:一种扑克游戏,每局的输者必须脱去一件衣服美国传统〔stud poker〕Poker in which the first round of cards, and often the last, is dealt face down and the others face up.四明一暗扑克:一种将第一圈牌,也经常将最后一圈牌面朝下放置,向将其余牌面向上放置的纸牌戏美国传统〔stud〕Games Stud poker.【游戏】 沙蟹美国传统〔sweeten〕Games To increase the value of (an unwon poker pot) by adding stakes before reopening.【游戏】 增加赌注:开局前追加赌注以提高(赌注总额)的价值美国传统〔swipe〕He swiped me across the shoulder with the poker.他挥起拨火棍打我的肩膀。外研社新世纪〔swipe〕He swiped me across the shoulder with the poker.他用拨火棍打我的肩膀。柯林斯高阶〔take〕I took him for 10 pounds at the poker game.打扑克时我赢了他10英镑。21世纪英汉〔talk〕We're not talking a murder here; we're talking poker machines or gambling — things that are misdemeanors in most states.我们现在讨论的不是谋杀,而是扑克机或赌博——这些在多数州只能算轻罪了。柯林斯高阶〔white chip〕Games A white disk used in poker as a betting token of minimal value.【游戏】 白色筹码:扑克牌中的一根白色签码,代表价值最小的赌注美国传统〔whizz〕He's a whizz at poker.他是个扑克牌高手。剑桥高阶He enjoys playing high-stakes poker.他喜欢玩高赌注的扑克游戏。剑桥国际He is playing poker with his friends. 他在与朋友打扑克。译典通He was queer for poker. 他对打扑克著了迷。译典通He was sitting upright, stiff as a poker. 他正襟危坐,纹丝不动。译典通Steve is a whizz at poker.史蒂夫是个扑克牌奇才。剑桥国际Steve won the poker game with a full house (=of his five cards, three were of the same type and two were of a different type but the same as each other).史蒂夫以一手满堂红赢了这副牌。(扑克牌中,全手五张牌中一组三张同点,一组两张同点)剑桥国际The poker must not have been used, for it looked brand new. 这根拨火棒一定没人用过,因为它看上去像新的一样。译典通Tina has challenged me to a game of poker.蒂娜向我挑战,邀我玩一局扑克牌。剑桥国际Tina has challenged me to beat her at poker.蒂娜向我挑战,要我玩扑克赢她。剑桥国际We all burst out laughing, but Simon's poker face did not show any sign of emotion.我们都笑起来,但西蒙那张一本正经的脸毫无表情。剑桥国际We rounded up some friends to play poker and drink beer. 我们聚集了一些朋友来喝啤酒、打扑克牌。译典通We spent all night playing a game of poker.我们一晚上都在玩扑克牌。剑桥国际When he gambled he always won, whether he was playing roulette, poker or just the fruit machines in Las Vegas.不管他在拉斯维加斯是玩轮盘赌还是扑克牌甚至是吃角子老虎机,他赌钱总是赢。剑桥国际

