“muscular contraction”例句

单词 muscular contraction
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔actomyosin〕The system of actin and myosin that, with other substances, constitutes muscle fiber and is responsible for muscular contraction.肌动球蛋白:由肌动朊与球蛋白组成的系统,并与其他物质一起再组成肌肉纤维并导致肌肉收缩美国传统〔clonus〕An abnormality in neuromuscular activity characterized by rapidly alternating muscular contraction and relaxation.抽筋痉挛,阵挛:神经肌肉活动的不正常状态,特征是快速交替的肌肉收缩和放松美国传统〔contraction〕Foods and fluids are mixed in the stomach by its muscular contractions.胃里的食物和液体通过肌肉收缩混合在一起。外研社新世纪〔contract〕Foods and fluids are mixed in the stomach by its muscular contractions.通过胃部肌肉的收缩食物和流质在胃中混合。柯林斯高阶〔convulsion〕An intense, paroxysmal, involuntary muscular contraction.抽搐:一种强烈的、阵发性的、不自觉的肌肉收缩美国传统〔cramp〕A sudden, involuntary, spasmodic muscular contraction causing severe pain, often occurring in the leg or shoulder as the result of strain or chill.痉挛:一种由于紧张或寒冷而导致的肌肉突发性、无意识的、间歇性的紧缩,能导致剧烈的疼痛,通常发生在腿部或肩部美国传统〔crispation〕A slight involuntary muscular contraction, often producing a crawling sensation of the skin.挛缩:轻度的无意识的肌肉收缩,通常使皮肤产生发毛的感觉美国传统〔isometric〕Physiology Of or involving muscular contraction against resistance in which the length of the muscle remains the same.【生理学】 等长收缩肌肉的:肌肉的长度在有阻力情况下进行收缩时保持不变的美国传统〔isotonic exercise〕Exercise in which isotonic muscular contraction is used to strengthen muscles and improve joint mobility.等张肌肉锻炼:应用同等张力下肌肉收缩的锻炼,用来加强肌肉并提高关节的灵活性美国传统〔isotonic〕Physiology Of or involving muscular contraction in which the muscle remains under relatively constant tension while its length changes.【生理学】 等张的:涉及肌肉长度在相对稳定的张力下发生变化的肌肉收缩的美国传统〔myograph〕An instrument for recording muscular contractions.肌动描记器:记录肌肉收缩的器械美国传统〔peristalsis〕The wavelike muscular contractions of the alimentary canal or other tubular structures by which contents are forced onward toward the opening.蠕动:消化道或其它管状结构肌肉的波状移动,通过这种方式使里面的东西移至出口外美国传统〔tetanus〕Physiology A state of continuous muscular contraction, especially when induced artificially by rapidly repeated stimuli.【生理学】 肌肉痉挛:一种肌肉连续收缩的状态,尤指由快速反复的人工刺激引起的美国传统

