
单词 nodules
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bacteroid〕Any of various structurally modified bacteria, such as those occurring on the root nodules of leguminous plants.类杆细菌:一种在结构上已经改变了的细菌,如存在于豆科植物根部的根瘤菌美国传统〔lupus vulgaris〕A cutaneous form of tuberculosis characterized by reddish-brown ulcerating nodules, usually appearing on the face, that heal slowly and produce deep scars.寻常狼疮:肺结核引起的皮肤呈现的一种症状,通常在脸上出现红褐色的溃烂小斑块,治愈很慢并会留下深疤美国传统〔mycetoma〕A chronic, slowly progressing bacterial or fungal infection usually of the foot or leg, characterized by nodules that discharge an oily pus.马肚拉足肿:通常发生在脚或腿上的一种长期的慢性细菌或真菌感染,症状为患部有脓肿美国传统〔regenerate〕Small nodules form as the liver cells regenerate.肝细胞再生时会形成一些突起的小瘤。朗文当代〔sycosis〕A chronic inflammation of the hair follicles, especially of the beard, characterized by eruption of pimples and nodules.疮:毛发囊的慢性炎症,尤指胡须处的,症状为发丘疹与长小瘤美国传统〔thyroid nodule〕Thyroid nodules are very common in children and young adults.甲状腺结节在青少年中很常见。剑桥高阶Mining companies have been studying manganese nodules on the floor of the deep oceans.矿业公司正在研究深海底上的锰结核。剑桥国际Repeated rubbing sometimes causes fibrous tissue which can build up into nodules.反复揉搓有时会使纤维组织发展为小结节。剑桥国际

