
单词 mannerism
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HABIT〕All the kids imitated Mr Pearce's mannerisms. 所有孩子都模仿皮尔斯先生的习惯性动作。朗文写作活用〔HABIT〕Before you go to an interview, ask yourself whether you have any irritating mannerisms such as saying ‘you know’ all the time. 去面试之前,先问问自己是不是有一些恼人的习惯,比如总是说“你知道”。朗文写作活用〔Orientalism〕A quality, mannerism, or custom specific to or characteristic of the Orient.东方风格:一种代表了东方特有的或具有东方特色的风格、生活方式或风俗美国传统〔adopt〕Roz has adopted one or two funny mannerisms since she's been away.罗兹自她离开后养成了一两种可笑的怪癖。剑桥高阶〔betrayal〕His mannerisms were a betrayal of his rural upbringing.他的举止癖性显示了他是在农村长大的。英汉大词典〔caricature〕She caricatured his mannerisms.她把他的矫揉造作画成了漫画。牛津同义词〔copy〕He copied that mannerism from his brother.他从他哥哥那里学来了这个习惯。牛津搭配〔copy〕I found myself copying him and his mannerisms.我发觉自己在模仿他以及他的言谈举止。朗文当代〔genteel〕Her mannerisms were painfully genteel.她那种矫揉造作是假装斯文,看着让人难受。英汉大词典〔habit〕In accent, mannerism and habit of mind he appeared to be completely Eastern European.从口音、举止和思维习惯上看, 他完全是个东欧人。外研社新世纪〔habit〕In accent, mannerism and habit of mind he appeared to be completely Eastern European.从口音、举止和思维习惯上看,他完全是东欧人。柯林斯高阶〔impression〕A humorous imitation of the voice and mannerisms of a famous person done by an entertainer.趣味模仿:演员对名人的声音和仪态的幽默的模仿美国传统〔mannered〕Of, relating to, or exhibiting mannerisms.矫揉造作的,关于或展示矫揉造作的美国传统〔mannerism〕Mannerism is characterized by a distortion of proportions and perspective.风格主义的特点在于比例和透视的扭曲。剑桥高阶〔mannerism〕Each of us has his own mannerism in sleeping.睡觉姿势人各有异。英汉大词典〔mannerism〕English mannerisms 英国人的习性英汉大词典〔mannerism〕He drummed his thumbs on the steering wheel, an irritating mannerism of his.他用拇指不断敲击方向盘, 这是他一个让人讨厌的习惯动作。外研社新世纪〔mannerism〕He has the same mannerisms as his father.他的举手投足跟他父亲一样。朗文当代〔mannerism〕He has this irritating mannerism of constantly scratching his nose.他老是挠鼻子,这个习惯真让人不舒服。牛津搭配〔mannerism〕He's got some very strange mannerisms.他有些非常奇怪的习性。剑桥高阶〔mannerism〕His mannerisms are more those of a preoccupied math professor.他的举手投足更像是一个全神贯注的数学教授。柯林斯高阶〔mannerism〕I am familiar with his every mannerism.我对他的各种习惯了如指掌。外研社新世纪〔mannerism〕In accent and mannerism he appeared to be completely Eastern European.从口音和举止上看, 他像一个地道的东欧人。外研社新世纪〔mannerism〕In accent and mannerism he appeared to be completely Eastern European.从口音和举止来看,他像一个地道的东欧人。柯林斯高阶〔mannerism〕The actor can mimic the President's mannerisms perfectly.这个演员可以惟妙惟肖地模仿总统独特的言谈举止。韦氏高阶〔mannerism〕We've spent so much time together that we've picked up each other's mannerisms.我们相处了这么久,以致相互沾染了对方的癖性。剑桥高阶〔prayerful〕Typical or indicative of prayer, as a mannerism, gesture, or facial expression.祈祷者式的:在风格、动作或脸部表面等方面象征或表示祈祷(者)的美国传统〔repute〕Villiers is a sturdy man whose mannerism is reputed to resemble that of a cowboy.维利尔斯是个很健壮的人, 他的行为举止被认为像个牛仔。外研社新世纪〔rusticity〕A rustic trait or mannerism.农村风味美国传统〔short-circuit〕The power of his poetry was short-circuited by mannerisms.他的诗的力度由于过分讲究表现手法而大为减弱。英汉大词典〔take ... off〕John took off his boss's mannerisms.约翰模仿老板的习惯性动作。21世纪英汉Mannerism is also used to describe a style in architecture which is typified by Michaelangelo's later works.风格主义也被用来形容以米开朗琪罗晚期作品为典型的建筑风格。剑桥国际Mannerism is characterized by a distortion of proportions and perspective.风格主义以比例与透视的扭曲为特征。剑桥国际As soon as he left the room, the others started to take the mickey out of his mannerisms and way of speaking.他一离开房间,其他人就开始嘲笑他的举止和说话的腔调。剑桥国际He's got some very strange mannerisms.他有些奇怪的习惯动作。剑桥国际Roz has adopted one or two funny mannerisms since she's been away.罗兹在她离开的时候养成了一两种奇怪的癖好。剑桥国际She has this irritating mannerism of sweeping her hair back with her hand.她有个讨厌的习惯动作,喜欢用手将头发捋到后面。剑桥国际She uses her remarkable voice to create a wide range of accents, mannerisms and inflections in her one-woman show.她在自己的单人表演中用她出色的嗓音演出了多种腔调、风格和抑扬变化的语调。剑桥国际We've spent so much time together that we've picked up each other's mannerisms.我们相处的时间太长,以致养成了对方的习惯动作。剑桥国际

