
单词 Terek
释义 Terek|ˈtɛrɪk|
[From the name of the river Terek.]
More fully, Terek sandpiper. A species of Sandpiper, Xenus cinereus, with a slightly recurved bill, found near the Caspian Sea, esp. about the mouth of the river Terek. Also called Terek avocet, T. snipe, T. godwit.
1785Latham Gen. Syn. Birds V. 155 Terek Sn[ipe].1785Pennant Arct. Zool. II. 502 American and Terek Avoset... Terek. Scolopax cinerea.1824Stephens in Shaw Gen. Zool. XII. i. 83 Terek Godwit... This curious species is probably referable to a distinct genus, as its beak materially differs in form from that of the true Godwits.1879Ibis XXI. 152 The Terek Sandpiper arrived at our quarters [in Siberia] on the 8th of June.1915Brit. Birds IX. 69 Three Terek Sandpipers..were shot at Rye in the month of May, 1915.1956Ibis XCVIII. 161 The Terek Sandpiper thus becomes Tringa terek (Latham), the name Tringa cinerea being pre-occupied.1982Times 23 Mar. 10/5 Leicester Museum spent..{pstlg}400 on a family of [stuffed] Terek sandpipers.

