
单词 self-improvement
释义 self-imˈprovement
[self- 1 a.]
Improvement of oneself, one's character, etc., by one's own efforts.
1745J. Mason Self-Knowl. i. ix. (1853) 66 Had I such a temper by Nature, I should perhaps, with all my Self-Improvement find it a difficult Thing to manage.1841Helps Ess., Self-discipline (1842) 21 The whole energies of the man devoted to self-improvement.1879R. K. Douglas Confucianism iv. 94 Self-improvement and the knowledge of one's own faults.
So self-imˈprover, self-imˈproving ppl. a.
1853T. T. Lynch Self-Improvement 1 The *self-improver is both a labourer and a field of labour; a labourer in his own field.
1709Shaftesbury Charac., Moralists iii. §2 Neither is this Knowledg [of ourselves] acquir'd by..the View of Pageantrys, the Study of Estates and Honours: nor is He to be esteem'd that *self-improving Artist, who makes a Fortune out of these.1869W. P. Mackay Grace & Truth (1874) 41 A long series of self-improving processes.

