“sea spider”的英英意思

单词 sea spider
释义 sea spider
1. A name for various marine spider-like creatures.
a. A spider-crab or maioid.
1666J. Davies Hist. Caribby Isles 120 The Sea-Spider is by some conceiv'd to be a kind of Crab.1694tr. Marten's Voy. Spitzbergen in Acc. Sev. Late Voy. (1694) ii. 113 The Sea Crawfish without a Tail, or Sea Spider.1752Watson in Phil. Trans. XLVII. 465 We observe a great variety in the operations of nature: the crab, the cuttle-fish, and the sea spider.1863Wood Illustr. Nat. Hist. III. 559 On account of this great length of limb and small size of body, these crabs [Leptopodia] are often called Sea Spiders.
b. A marine arthropod of the group Pycnogonida, a pycnogonid.
1855Kingsley Glaucus (1878) 80 A little black sea-spider, a Nymphon, who has this peculiarity, that possessing no body at all to speak of, he carries his needful stomach in long branches, packed inside his legs.1909Shackleton Heart of Antarctic II. 266 Here we first got the long-legged sea-spiders (Pycnogonida).
c. An octopus or other member of the family Octopodidæ.
1858Baird Cycl. Nat. Sci., Octopodidæ, Sea Spiders... The common sea spider, O[ctopus] tuberculatus.1859–62Sir J. Richardson, etc. Mus. Nat. Hist. (1868) II. 311.
2. A fish, = quaviver, sea-dragon 1. Obs.—1
1672J. Josselyn New Eng. Rarities 25 Sea Dragon or Sea Spider, Quaviver.

